Endless Google Search Enhancer

Shows up to 100 search results at once on all pages! *Optional= Open (or not) search results on a new tab.

< Feedback op Endless Google Search Enhancer

Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

Geplaatst: 02-09-2021

Is a value greater than 100 possible? How does it display more than 100 at a time?

Geplaatst: 02-09-2021
Bijgewerkt: 02-09-2021

Yes it is.

You can write any number of you choice, like 999999999, but from what I've seen google only shows 200 results, so there's no real point in writing a number bigger than 200, plus the fact that 200 is already a very high number, and because it's a high number google may ask you to complete their recaptcha thinking you're a bot if you do a lot of searches simultaneously. I personally use the number 200, and I just have to complete google's recaptcha once a day or less depending on how much (and in what the time span) I use google during the day...

Google displays 200 results the same way 100 results are shown, there's no real difference in how the result page looks like.

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