Instagram widescreen

Makes Instagram use its space better by filling the screen on home and profile pages using a grid layout.

< Feedback op Instagram widescreen

Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

Geplaatst: 09-07-2022

umm, can you change the background of (header, body, footer) to this color

background: linear-gradient(to right, #c6ffdd11, #fbd78655, #f7797d33);

Video, how it look:

Don't mind what happens in there, it's just a bug I'll fix later

Geplaatst: 09-07-2022

oh wait and the newfeed:

Geplaatst: 09-07-2022

if you could actually make a fix for the glitchy tiles on profile pages that would be great
the home page needs the fix too, in an older version i had a 2 or 3 column home page but the tile glitching got so bad it had to be removed
what instagram does is unload sets of tiles when you move too far away from them, the solution is to make it unload 6 tiles at once or just prevent it from unloading anything in the first place, but this would require an actual userscript to fix

Geplaatst: 09-07-2022

no it's not your css fault, it's another userscript called Instagram full-size media scroll wall, I already talk to the author about that

and, I modified your CSS to suit my preferences.


Geplaatst: 09-07-2022

you need to fix the More post width too

Geplaatst: 09-07-2022

okay the glitching is the css problem lmao, my bad, I'll try to fix it

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