[IMDb] Quick Search

It adds quick seach buttons for other sites on IMDb.

< Feedback op [IMDb] Quick Search


Geplaatst: 04-02-2023

Great script... Also, are you able to make one for PSArips that adds a link to subscene on every show and movie page?

Geplaatst: 06-02-2023

Here: https://greasyfork.org/tr/scripts/459522-psa-quick-search
I also add IMDb. Other than Subscene, you go like [PSA] -> [IMDb] -> [Target]

Geplaatst: 06-02-2023

Here: https://greasyfork.org/tr/scripts/459522-psa-quick-search
I also add IMDb. Other than Subscene, you go like [PSA] -> [IMDb] -> [Target]

That's really awesome, thank you.

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