Google Image Search - Show Image Dimensions

Displays image dimensions (eg. "1920 × 1080") for each thumbnail on the Google Image Search results page.

< Feedback op Google Image Search - Show Image Dimensions

Recensie: Slecht - het script werkt niet

Geplaatst: 03-02-2024

Since February 3, 2024, the image dimensions are no longer displayed in any browser in the Google image search.Please fix the script.

Geplaatst: 03-02-2024

Hey @Fabian Wenzel,

I just tested the script with both Violentmonkey (v2.18.0) and Tampermonkey (v5.0.1) in the most recent versions of Brave, Firefox and Chrome on MacOS, and it works as expected for me.

Could you share some more details about your setup? Which userscript manager are you using? Did your Google UI change in any other ways (maybe it's a new A/B test by Google).

Do you see any error messages regarding the script in the browser console? If so, would you share what they say?


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