Greasy Fork is available in English.

Miracle Scripts

Best script with tons of features

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Miracle Scripts
// @namespace    Miracle Scripts
// @version      5.8
// @description  Best script with tons of features
// @author       Samira, HutDude and others
// @homepage
// @license      MIT
// @icon
// @match        *://*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
  'use strict';

  window.miracleScripts = {

    // News icon: <img src="/img/new-icon.jpg" style="width: 30px;">
    //news: '<a href="" target="_blank" style="padding: 0;"><img src="" style="width: 100%"></a>Miracle Scripts Valentine\'s Day Giveaway with gold membership, coins and bots!',
      news: 'New: Linesplit helper showing lines to make easier linesplits! Press <code>I</code> to use!',

      miracles: '50,000',

    // Player profiles
    profiles: {
        'LusualYT' : {
            nickNameColor: '#000000',
            nickNameStrokeColor: '#000000',
            nickNameStrokeWidth: 2,
        //'inaaa' : {
        //    nickNameStrokeColor: 'deeppink',

    banned: [],

    // Source:
    keyboardMap: [
      '', // [0]
      '', // [1]
      '', // [2]
      'CANCEL', // [3]
      '', // [4]
      '', // [5]
      'HELP', // [6]
      '', // [7]
      'BACK_SPACE', // [8]
      'TAB', // [9]
      '', // [10]
      '', // [11]
      'CLEAR', // [12]
      'ENTER', // [13]
      'ENTER_SPECIAL', // [14]
      '', // [15]
      'SHIFT', // [16]
      'CONTROL', // [17]
      'ALT', // [18]
      'PAUSE', // [19]
      'CAPS_LOCK', // [20]
      'KANA', // [21]
      'EISU', // [22]
      'JUNJA', // [23]
      'FINAL', // [24]
      'HANJA', // [25]
      '', // [26]
      'ESCAPE', // [27]
      'CONVERT', // [28]
      'NONCONVERT', // [29]
      'ACCEPT', // [30]
      'MODECHANGE', // [31]
      'SPACE', // [32]
      'PAGE_UP', // [33]
      'PAGE_DOWN', // [34]
      'END', // [35]
      'HOME', // [36]
      'LEFT', // [37]
      'UP', // [38]
      'RIGHT', // [39]
      'DOWN', // [40]
      'SELECT', // [41]
      'PRINT', // [42]
      'EXECUTE', // [43]
      'PRINTSCREEN', // [44]
      'INSERT', // [45]
      'DELETE', // [46]
      '', // [47]
      '0', // [48]
      '1', // [49]
      '2', // [50]
      '3', // [51]
      '4', // [52]
      '5', // [53]
      '6', // [54]
      '7', // [55]
      '8', // [56]
      '9', // [57]
      'COLON', // [58]
      'SEMICOLON', // [59]
      'LESS_THAN', // [60]
      'EQUALS', // [61]
      'GREATER_THAN', // [62]
      'QUESTION_MARK', // [63]
      'AT', // [64]
      'A', // [65]
      'B', // [66]
      'C', // [67]
      'D', // [68]
      'E', // [69]
      'F', // [70]
      'G', // [71]
      'H', // [72]
      'I', // [73]
      'J', // [74]
      'K', // [75]
      'L', // [76]
      'M', // [77]
      'N', // [78]
      'O', // [79]
      'P', // [80]
      'Q', // [81]
      'R', // [82]
      'S', // [83]
      'T', // [84]
      'U', // [85]
      'V', // [86]
      'W', // [87]
      'X', // [88]
      'Y', // [89]
      'Z', // [90]
      'OS_KEY', // [91] Windows Key (Windows) or Command Key (Mac)
      '', // [92]
      'CONTEXT_MENU', // [93]
      '', // [94]
      'SLEEP', // [95]
      'NUMPAD0', // [96]
      'NUMPAD1', // [97]
      'NUMPAD2', // [98]
      'NUMPAD3', // [99]
      'NUMPAD4', // [100]
      'NUMPAD5', // [101]
      'NUMPAD6', // [102]
      'NUMPAD7', // [103]
      'NUMPAD8', // [104]
      'NUMPAD9', // [105]
      'MULTIPLY', // [106]
      'ADD', // [107]
      'SEPARATOR', // [108]
      'SUBTRACT', // [109]
      'DECIMAL', // [110]
      'DIVIDE', // [111]
      'F1', // [112]
      'F2', // [113]
      'F3', // [114]
      'F4', // [115]
      'F5', // [116]
      'F6', // [117]
      'F7', // [118]
      'F8', // [119]
      'F9', // [120]
      'F10', // [121]
      'F11', // [122]
      'F12', // [123]
      'F13', // [124]
      'F14', // [125]
      'F15', // [126]
      'F16', // [127]
      'F17', // [128]
      'F18', // [129]
      'F19', // [130]
      'F20', // [131]
      'F21', // [132]
      'F22', // [133]
      'F23', // [134]
      'F24', // [135]
      '', // [136]
      '', // [137]
      '', // [138]
      '', // [139]
      '', // [140]
      '', // [141]
      '', // [142]
      '', // [143]
      'NUM_LOCK', // [144]
      'SCROLL_LOCK', // [145]
      'WIN_OEM_FJ_JISHO', // [146]
      'WIN_OEM_FJ_MASSHOU', // [147]
      'WIN_OEM_FJ_TOUROKU', // [148]
      'WIN_OEM_FJ_LOYA', // [149]
      'WIN_OEM_FJ_ROYA', // [150]
      '', // [151]
      '', // [152]
      '', // [153]
      '', // [154]
      '', // [155]
      '', // [156]
      '', // [157]
      '', // [158]
      '', // [159]
      'CIRCUMFLEX', // [160]
      'EXCLAMATION', // [161]
      'DOUBLE_QUOTE', // [162]
      'HASH', // [163]
      'DOLLAR', // [164]
      'PERCENT', // [165]
      'AMPERSAND', // [166]
      'UNDERSCORE', // [167]
      'OPEN_PAREN', // [168]
      'CLOSE_PAREN', // [169]
      'ASTERISK', // [170]
      'PLUS', // [171]
      'PIPE', // [172]
      'HYPHEN_MINUS', // [173]
      'OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET', // [174]
      'CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET', // [175]
      'TILDE', // [176]
      '', // [177]
      '', // [178]
      '', // [179]
      '', // [180]
      'VOLUME_MUTE', // [181]
      'VOLUME_DOWN', // [182]
      'VOLUME_UP', // [183]
      '', // [184]
      '', // [185]
      'SEMICOLON', // [186]
      'EQUALS', // [187]
      'COMMA', // [188]
      'MINUS', // [189]
      'PERIOD', // [190]
      'SLASH', // [191]
      'BACK_QUOTE', // [192]
      '', // [193]
      '', // [194]
      '', // [195]
      '', // [196]
      '', // [197]
      '', // [198]
      '', // [199]
      '', // [200]
      '', // [201]
      '', // [202]
      '', // [203]
      '', // [204]
      '', // [205]
      '', // [206]
      '', // [207]
      '', // [208]
      '', // [209]
      '', // [210]
      '', // [211]
      '', // [212]
      '', // [213]
      '', // [214]
      '', // [215]
      '', // [216]
      '', // [217]
      '', // [218]
      'OPEN_BRACKET', // [219]
      'BACK_SLASH', // [220]
      'CLOSE_BRACKET', // [221]
      'QUOTE', // [222]
      '', // [223]
      'META', // [224]
      'ALTGR', // [225]
      '', // [226]
      'WIN_ICO_HELP', // [227]
      'WIN_ICO_00', // [228]
      '', // [229]
      'WIN_ICO_CLEAR', // [230]
      '', // [231]
      '', // [232]
      'WIN_OEM_RESET', // [233]
      'WIN_OEM_JUMP', // [234]
      'WIN_OEM_PA1', // [235]
      'WIN_OEM_PA2', // [236]
      'WIN_OEM_PA3', // [237]
      'WIN_OEM_WSCTRL', // [238]
      'WIN_OEM_CUSEL', // [239]
      'WIN_OEM_ATTN', // [240]
      'WIN_OEM_FINISH', // [241]
      'WIN_OEM_COPY', // [242]
      'WIN_OEM_AUTO', // [243]
      'WIN_OEM_ENLW', // [244]
      'WIN_OEM_BACKTAB', // [245]
      'ATTN', // [246]
      'CRSEL', // [247]
      'EXSEL', // [248]
      'EREOF', // [249]
      'PLAY', // [250]
      'ZOOM', // [251]
      '', // [252]
      'PA1', // [253]
      'WIN_OEM_CLEAR', // [254]
      '' // [255]

    // List of bad words / strings that will be removed from chat messages send with the /say command.
    // NOTE: Do not sort this list in alphabetical order! Some words have to be before others.
    badWords: [
        '. c o m',
        '.c o m',
        'face book',
        'cell craft',
        'suck my',
        'blow job',
        'blow my',
        'mother fucker',
        'fuck you',
        'fuk you',
        'fck you',
        'fk you',
        'fk u',
        'fk of',
        'f u c k',
        'piece of shit',
        'butt ', // butter...
        'your ass',
        'ass hole',
        'anal ', // analyze...
        ' hoe', // shoes...
        'bish ', // bishop...
        'had sex',
        'sex with',
        'sex ', // "sexy" is allowed
        'deep throat',
        'idiota', // Spanish
        'dumb ass',
        'get cancer',
        'get aids',
        'punch you',
        'slap you',
        'kick you',
        'hijo de puta',
        'nik mok',
        'cyka blyat',
        'suka bljad'

    watermark: ' ',

      wearables: {
          1: 'Santa Hat (Old)',
2: 'Wizard Hat',
3: 'Wooden Shield',
4: 'Red Partyhat (Big)',
5: 'Red Partyhat',
6: 'Blue Partyhat',
7: 'Green Partyhat',
8: 'Yellow Partyhat',
9: 'Green Eyes',
10: 'Minion Eyes',
11: 'Mustache & Glasses',
12: 'Cartoon Arms & Legs',
13: 'Evil Horns',
14: 'Hairs (Female)',
15: 'Red Hair',
16: 'Spikes',
17: 'Spine Ball',
18: 'Thug Life Glasses',
19: 'Thug Life Smoke',
20: 'Thug Life Cap',
21: 'Axe',
22: 'Sword',
23: 'Witch Hat (Purple)',
24: 'Viking Helmet',
25: 'Feather Hat',
26: 'Officer Hat',
27: 'Yellow Glasses',
28: 'Blue Fedora',
29: 'Red Cap',
30: 'Emperor Crown (Old)',
31: 'Emperor Crown',
32: 'Emperor Sceptre',
33: 'Steampunk',
34: 'Goggles',
35: 'Jester Hat',
36: 'Graduation Hat',
37: 'Angel Halo',
38: 'Angel Wings',
39: 'Pirate Eye Patch',
40: 'Pirate Hat',
41: 'Antlers',
42: 'Ring of Fire',
43: 'Sora\'s Hat',
44: 'Moderator Hat',
45: 'Admin Hat',
46: 'Witch Hat',
47: 'Scythe',
48: 'Bones',
49: 'Black Crown Friday',
50: 'Santa Hat',
51: 'Evil Wings',
52: 'Birthday Candles',
53: 'Barbed Wire',
54: 'Sheriff Star',
55: 'YouTuber Hat',
56: 'Admin Star',
57: 'Face Mask',
58: 'Cute Eyes',
59: 'Cute Eyes (With Tongue, Green)',
60: 'Cute Eyes (With Tongue)',
61: 'Leafy Hat',
62: 'Ears',
63: 'Elf hat',

    // Don't remove the spaces, they are used as separators! Source:
    emojis: '😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 😉 😊 😇 😍 😘 😗 ☺️ 😚 😙 😋 😛 😜 😝 😐 😑 😶 😏 😒 😬 😌 😔 😪 😴 😷 😵 😎 😕 😟 😮 😯 😲 😳 😦 😧 😨 😰 😥 😢 😭 😱 😖 😣 😞 😓 😩 😫 😤 😡 😠 😈 👿 💀 💩 👹 👺 👻 👽 👾 😺 😸 😹 😻 😼 😽 🙀 😿 😾 🙈 🙉 🙊 💋 💌 💘 💝 💖 💗 💓 💞 💕 💟 💔 ❤️ 💛 💚 💙 💜 💯 💢 💥 💫 💦 💨 💣 💬 💭 💤 👋 ✋ 👌 ✌️ 👈 👉 👆 👇 ☝️ 👍 👎 ✊ 👊 👏 🙌 👐 🙏 💅 💪 👂 👃 👀 👅 👄 👶 👦 👧 👱 👨 👩 👴 👵 🙍 🙎 🙅 🙆 💁 🙋 🙇 👮 💂 👷 👸 👳 👲 👰 👼 🎅 💆 💇 🚶 🏃 💃 👯 🏇 🏂 🏄 🚣 🏊 🚴 🚵 🛀 👭 👫 👬 💏 💑 👪 👤 👥 👣 🐵 🐒 🐶 🐕 🐩 🐺 🐱 🐈 🐯 🐅 🐆 🐴 🐎 🐮 🐂 🐃 🐄 🐷 🐖 🐗 🐽 🐏 🐑 🐐 🐪 🐫 🐘 🐭 🐁 🐀 🐹 🐰 🐇 🐻 🐨 🐼 🐾 🐔 🐓 🐣 🐤 🐥 🐦 🐧 🐸 🐊 🐢 🐍 🐲 🐉 🐳 🐋 🐬 🐟 🐠 🐡 🐙 🐚 🐌 🐛 🐜 🐝 🐞 💐 🌸 💮 🌹 🌺 🌻 🌼 🌷 🌱 🌲 🌳 🌴 🌵 🌾 🌿 🍀 🍁 🍂 🍃 🍇 🍈 🍉 🍊 🍋 🍌 🍍 🍎 🍏 🍐 🍑 🍒 🍓 🍅 🍆 🌽 🍄 🌰 🍞 🍖 🍗 🍔 🍟 🍕 🍳 🍲 🍱 🍘 🍙 🍚 🍛 🍜 🍝 🍠 🍢 🍣 🍤 🍥 🍡 🍦 🍧 🍨 🍩 🍪 🎂 🍰 🍫 🍬 🍭 🍮 🍯 🍼 ☕ 🍵 🍶 🍷 🍸 🍹 🍺 🍻 🍴 🔪 🌍 🌎 🌏 🌐 🗾 🌋 🗻 🏠 🏡 🏢 🏣 🏤 🏥 🏦 🏨 🏩 🏪 🏫 🏬 🏭 🏯 🏰 💒 🗼 🗽 ⛪ ⛲ ⛺ 🌁 🌃 🌄 🌅 🌆 🌇 🌉 ♨️ 🎠 🎡 🎢 💈 🎪 🚂 🚃 🚄 🚅 🚆 🚇 🚈 🚉 🚊 🚝 🚞 🚋 🚌 🚍 🚎 🚐 🚑 🚒 🚓 🚔 🚕 🚖 🚗 🚘 🚙 🚚 🚛 🚜 🚲 🚏 ⛽ 🚨 🚥 🚦 🚧 ⚓ ⛵ 🚤 🚢 ✈️ 💺 🚁 🚟 🚠 🚡 🚀 ⌛ ⏳ ⌚ ⏰ 🕛 🕧 🕐 🕜 🕑 🕝 🕒 🕞 🕓 🕟 🕔 🕠 🕕 🕡 🕖 🕢 🕗 🕣 🕘 🕤 🕙 🕥 🕚 🕦 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌙 🌚 🌛 🌜 ☀️ 🌝 🌞 ⭐ 🌟 🌠 🌌 ☁️ ⛅ 🌀 🌈 🌂 ☔ ⚡ ❄️ ⛄ 🔥 💧 🌊 🎃 🎄 🎆 🎇 ✨ 🎈 🎉 🎊 🎋 🎍 🎎 🎏 🎐 🎑 🎀 🎁 🎫 🏆 ⚽ ⚾ 🏀 🏈 🏉 🎾 🎳 ⛳ 🎣 🎽 🎿 🎯 🎱 🔮 🎮 🎰 🎲 ♠️ ♥️ ♦️ ♣️ 🃏 🀄 🎴 🎭 🎨 👓 👔 👕 👖 👗 👘 👙 👚 👛 👜 👝 🎒 👞 👟 👠 👡 👢 👑 👒 🎩 🎓 💄 💍 💎 🔇 🔈 🔉 🔊 📢 📣 📯 🔔 🔕 🎼 🎵 🎶 🎤 🎧 📻 🎷 🎸 🎹 🎺 🎻 📱 📲 ☎️ 📞 📟 📠 🔋 🔌 💻 💽 💾 💿 📀 🎥 🎬 📺 📷 📹 📼 🔍 🔎 💡 🔦 🏮 📔 📕 📖 📗 📘 📙 📚 📓 📒 📃 📜 📄 📰 📑 🔖 💰 💴 💵 💶 💷 💸 💳 💹 💱 💲 ✉️ 📧 📨 📩 📤 📥 📦 📫 📪 📬 📭 📮 ✏️ ✒️ 📝 💼 📁 📂 📅 📆 📇 📈 📉 📊 📋 📌 📍 📎 📏 📐 ✂️ 🔒 🔓 🔏 🔐 🔑 🔨 🔫 🔧 🔩 🔗 🔬 🔭 📡 💉 💊 🚪 🚽 🚿 🛁 🚬 🗿 🏧 🚮 🚰 ♿ 🚹 🚺 🚻 🚼 🚾 🛂 🛃 🛄 🛅 ⚠️ 🚸 ⛔ 🚫 🚳 🚭 🚯 🚱 🚷 📵 🔞 ⬆️ ↗️ ➡️ ↘️ ⬇️ ↙️ ⬅️ ↖️ ↕️ ↔️ 🔃 🔄 🔙 🔚 🔛 🔜 🔝 🔯 ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ ⛎ 🔀 🔁 🔂 ▶️ ◀️ 🔼 🔽 🎦 📶 📳 📴 ♻️ 🔱 📛 🔰 ⭕ ✅ ☑️ ✖️ ❌ ❎ ➕ ➖ ➗ ➰ ➿ 〽️ ✳️ ✴️ ❇️ ‼️ ⁉️ ❓ ❔ ❕ ❗ 〰️ ©️ ®️ ™️ 🔠 🔡 🔢 🔣 🔤 🅰️ 🆎 🅱️ 🆑 🆒 🆓 🆔 Ⓜ️ 🆕 🆖 🅾️ 🆗 🅿️ 🆘 🆙 🆚 🈁 🈂️ 🈷️ 🈶 🈯 🉐 🈹 🈚 🈲 🉑 🈸 🈴 🈳 ㊗️ ㊙️ 🈺 🈵 🔴 🔵 ⚫ ⚪ ⬛ ⬜ ◼️ ◻️ ◾ ◽ ▪️ ▫️ 🔶 🔷 🔸 🔹 🔺 🔻 💠 🔘 🔳 🔲 🏁 🚩 🎌',

    settings: null,

    hotkeys: null,

    mass: 0, // Stores the current mass (Note: 0 is a valid value while being alive!! For  example if the mass is 0.4, appaerently it is rounded to 0....)

    topMass: 0,

    mouse : {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        lastMovedAt: null,

    init: function() {
      var self = this;


      this.hotkeys = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hotkeys'));



      this.originalDrawImage = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawImage;
      CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawImage = this.drawImage;

      document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) {
          self.mouse.x = event.clientX;
          self.mouse.y = event.clientY;
          self.mouse.lastMovedAt =;


      console.log('📜 Miracle Scripts successfully loaded!');

    config: function() {
      var self = this;
      var settings = null;

      var loadSettings = function (stringifiedSettings) {
        var defaultSettings = {
          // To get keycodes:
          bindings: {
            ultraSplit: 85, // U
            wearables: 36, // POS1
            animation: 17, // CTRL
            paste: 33, // PAGE UP
            dance: 34, // PAGE DOWN,
            halt: 72, // H,
            lineSplit: null, // Undefined
            lineSplitHelper: 73, // I
            chatLog: 76, // L
            skin1: 49, // 1
            skin2: 50, // 2
            skin3: 51, // 3
            skin4: 52, // 4
            skin5: 53, // 5
            skin6: 54, // 6
            skin7: 55, // 7
            skin8: 56, // 8
            skin9: 57, // 9
          replacements: ":D|:smile:\n:*(|:sob:\n:'D|:sweat_smile:\nxD|:joy:\n:shrug:|¯\_(ツ)_/¯\n",
          primaryColor: '#f9138b',
          targetLanguage: 'en',
          favSkins: [],
          quickSkins: [],
          players: [],
          showClock: true,
          changeKeyboardLayout: false,
          showNewsFeed: true,
          overwriteHelp: true,
          useNickNameColor: false,
          nickNameColor: '#ffffff',
          useNickNameStrokeColor: false,
          nickNameStrokeColor: '#000000',
          useNickNameStrokeWidth: false,
          nickNameStrokeWidth: 2,
          playerChatFilter: true,
          coinsClaimedAt: null,

        if (stringifiedSettings == null || stringifiedSettings == undefined || stringifiedSettings === '') {
          settings = defaultSettings;
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
        } else {
          settings = JSON.parse(stringifiedSettings);
          if (settings === null || Object.getOwnPropertyNames(settings).length == 0) {
              settings = defaultSettings;
              localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));

          // Update for settings:
          if (typeof settings.primaryColor === 'undefined') {
            settings.primaryColor = defaultSettings.primaryColor;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.bindings.chatLog === 'undefined') {
            settings.bindings.chatLog = defaultSettings.bindings.chatLog;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.favSkins === 'undefined') {
            settings.favSkins = defaultSettings.favSkins;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.targetLanguage === 'undefined') {
            settings.targetLanguage = defaultSettings.targetLanguage;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.quickSkins === 'undefined') {
            settings.quickSkins = [];
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.installedVersion === 'undefined') {
            settings.installedVersion = 1;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.players === 'undefined') {
            settings.players = [];
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.bindings.skin1 === 'undefined') {
            settings.bindings.skin1 = defaultSettings.bindings.skin1;
            settings.bindings.skin2 = defaultSettings.bindings.skin2;
            settings.bindings.skin3 = defaultSettings.bindings.skin3;
            settings.bindings.skin4 = defaultSettings.bindings.skin4;
            settings.bindings.skin5 = defaultSettings.bindings.skin6;
            settings.bindings.skin6 = defaultSettings.bindings.skin6;
            settings.bindings.skin7 = defaultSettings.bindings.skin7;
            settings.bindings.skin8 = defaultSettings.bindings.skin8;
            settings.bindings.skin9 = defaultSettings.bindings.skin9;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.showClock === 'undefined') {
            settings.showClock = false;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.showKeyboardLayout === 'undefined') {
            settings.showKeyboardLayout = false;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.bindings.ultraSplit === 'undefined') {
            settings.bindings.ultraSplit = 85;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.bindings.wearables === 'undefined') {
            settings.bindings.wearables = 36;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.bindings.halt === 'undefined') {
            settings.bindings.halt = defaultSettings.bindings.halt;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.showNewsFeed === 'undefined') {
            settings.showNewsFeed = defaultSettings.showNewsFeed;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.overwriteHelp === 'undefined') {
            settings.overwriteHelp = defaultSettings.overwriteHelp;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.useNickNameStrokeWidth === 'undefined') {
            settings.useNickNameColor = defaultSettings.useNickNameColor;
            settings.nickNameColor = defaultSettings.nickNameColor;
            settings.useNickNameStrokeColor = defaultSettings.useNickNameStrokeColor;
            settings.nickNameStrokeColor = defaultSettings.nickNameStrokeColor;
            settings.useNickNameStrokeWidth = defaultSettings.useNickNameStrokeWidth;
            settings.nickNameStrokeWidth = defaultSettings.nickNameStrokeWidth;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.playerChatFilter === 'undefined') {
            settings.playerChatFilter = defaultSettings.playerChatFilter;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.coinsClaimed !== 'undefined') {
            delete settings.coinsClaimed;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.coinsClaimedAt === 'undefined') {
            settings.coinsClaimedAt =;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.bindings.lineSplit === 'undefined') {
            settings.bindings.lineSplit = defaultSettings.bindings.lineSplit;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
          if (typeof settings.bindings.lineSplitHelper === 'undefined') {
            settings.bindings.lineSplitHelper = defaultSettings.bindings.lineSplitHelper;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));

        self.settings = settings;

      if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt()) {
        if (settings.installedVersion > 1) { // We do not want to inform new scripts user of past updates
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('2.4.3')) {
            window.alert('📢 Miracle Scripts Update: \n\n' +
                'As of version 2.4.3 the nickname color change feature has been removed ' +
                'according to an official decision of the Agma team.\n\n' +
                'To avoid trouble for its users Miracle Scripts respects this decision. ' +
                'Therefore Miracle Scripts is a legit extension for Agma and using it is safe.'
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('2.5.6')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'You may now use 20 slots for skins (previously: 15). Type <i>/skin16</i> - <i>/skin20</i> in the chat box!');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('2.5.8')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: You may now assign aliases and notes to players. The alias will be displayed in the friends list. To add an alias right click on a player\'s name in the chat or a cell and then click on "Show profile".');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('2.6.0')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: You may now bind keys to skin slots. Per default the keys 1 - 9 are bound to <i>/skin1</i> - <i>/skin9</i>.');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('2.6.1')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: Right click on a cell. Then click on <i>Use Player\'s Wearables</i> to use the same wearables as that player. (Of course you have to own the wearables.)');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('2.6.4')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: Want to see how late it is? Activate the clock in the settings!');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('3.0.0')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                '<b>ATTENTION!</b> This script won\'t get any new features! The Agma staff keeps making new restrictions to this script, so there is no point to continue development. With this update, the <i>/say</i> command has been removed, as the Agma staff enforced this.');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('3.1.3')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'Just a friendly hint: Agma has a new powerup! It\'s called "Tactical Nuke" and can be found in the shop. Attention: It\'s the first of April 😜');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('3.1.6')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: Type <span style="font-style: italic">/players</span> in the chat to see how many players are online in Agma!');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('3.3.0')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: You may now see your keyboard layout as an overlay! Go to the settings to activate it.');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('3.4.0')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: ULTRA split! Press U to make an ultra split, which can split 1 cell to 64!! (The server has to support that!)');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('3.6.0')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: Toggle "wearables on/off" with a key! Default is POS1!');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('4.0.0')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: Type /guess to start a little guessing game in the chat!<br><br>💡 Note that it only works with browsers that can display emojis.');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('4.2.2')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: Right click on a player to copy the player\'s name to the chat! (PS: You cannot use the name as your own name though!)');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('4.3.2')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Announcement',
                'Prepare for some <b>insane</b> new Miracle features! This time it will be mind-blowing. <br><br>To be released soon.');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('5.0.2')) {
                  title: 'Miracle Scripts Update',
                  text: 'Today we released a great new feature<br>to celebrate <i>Miracle\'s 1 year anniversary</i>:<br><b>Free self-freezing</b>! <br><br>' +
                '<iframe width="320" height="180" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>' +
                '<br><br>Press H to use it!',
                  html: true
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('5.0.6')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: Anti-AFK! Doubling the countdown time till you get disconnected for being AFK from 5 to 10 minutes!!!');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('5.1.0')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'Custom chat fonts are back - now with a  cussing filter! Use <b><i>/say1 message</i></b> to send messages in custom font!!');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('5.1.5')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                '<h1 style="color: white;"><br>5.000 Miracles!</h1>Time to celebrate 1+ year of awesomeness, experienced by 5.000+ Agma players! <span style="font-size: 100px">🥳</span><br><br>');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('5.2.1')) {
                'Miracle Winter Giveaway!!!',
                '<img src="" width="100px" height="100px"><h3 style="color:white;">Join our Discord server and win one of 5 amazing prices!</h3><br><span><a style="color: white" href="">Participate in the huge winter giveaway (coins, minions, gold and power-ups!) and claim your custom nickname style!</span><br><button href="" style="color: black; background: pink;">Join</button>'
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('5.2.3')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: Basic support for custom nickname styles! 🥳<br><br>Go to the Miracle settings and change the look of your nickname.<br><br>Note: Only you can see that for now. More to come...');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('5.2.6')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New Miracle setting: You may now turn this news feed on or off. Also you may decide if Agma\'s help should be overwritten by Miracles help.');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('5.3.0')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: Use the /wearable command to turn on/off your wearables!');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('5.4.0')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: Use the /mass and /topmass chat commands!');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('5.5.0')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: known toxic players get muted automatically.<br><br> You can disable this feature (useful for mods).');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('5.6.0')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'New: Miracle is reminding you to use the /claim command. Also megaphone messages can be seen in the Miracle chat log.');
          if (settings.installedVersion < this.getVersionAsInt('5.6.6')) {
                'Miracle Scripts Update',
                'News: 10,000 Miracle installations!!! 🥳🥳🥳');

        settings.installedVersion = this.getVersionAsInt();
        localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(settings));
        self.settings = settings;

      if (settings.showNewsFeed) {
            var defaultNews = 'Agma Updates 22.Mar.2021';
            var $newsElement = $('#cnt_panel .navbar p.text-center');
            if ($newsElement.text().trim() === defaultNews) {
                $newsElement.css('margin-bottom', '20px');
                $newsElement.css('padding', '10px');
                $newsElement.css('background-color', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)');

                var $metaElement = $('<div title="Powered by Miracle Script">AGMA News</div>');
                $metaElement.css('background-color', '#B5B9C0');
                $metaElement.css('color', 'black');

      var applyPrimaryColor = function () {
        var primaryColorCss = '.miracle-primary-color-font { color: ' + self.settings.primaryColor + ' !important } .miracle-primary-color-background { background-color: ' + self.settings.primaryColor + ' !important }; ';
        $('body').append('<style>' + primaryColorCss + '</style>');

        // General fix for the size of the FontAwesome Icons in the context menu
        $('body').append('<style>.context-icon .fa { font-size: 30px }</style>');

      // We need to have a delay, because the menu is not loaded right away
      setTimeout(function () {
        var $playButton = $('#playBtn');
        var $spectateButton = $('#spectateBtn');

        $playButton.get(0).style.width = '40%';
        $spectateButton.get(0).style.width = '40%';

        var $settingsButton = $('<button class="playgame2" style="width: 44px; margin-left: 3px; text-align: center" title="Miracle Scripts Settings">📜</button>');

        var changeKey = function (event) {
          var name =;
          self.settings.bindings[name] = event.keyCode;
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));

        var deleteKey = function () {
          var action = $(this).attr('data-action');
          $('#miracle-settings input[name=key_' + action + ']').val('undefined');
          self.settings.bindings[action] = null;
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));

        // Weird Agma scripting... press enter in the replacements textarea and the chat box gets focused!
        // Therefore catch the keydown event (that happens earlier) and insert the linebreak manually,
        // focus again (delayed) and go to the end of the text where the linebreak is.
        // We can improve this later on...
        var addReturn = function (event) {
          if (event.keyCode === 13) {
            var textarea = this;
            $(textarea).text($(this).text() + '\n').focus();
            setTimeout(function () {
              textarea.setSelectionRange(textarea.value.length, textarea.value.length);
            }, 1);
        var changeUseNickNameColor = function() {
          self.settings.useNickNameColor = $(this).is(':checked');
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
        var changeUseNickNameStrokeColor = function() {
          self.settings.useNickNameStrokeColor = $(this).is(':checked');
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
        var changeUseNickNameStrokeWidth = function() {
          self.settings.useNickNameStrokeWidth = $(this).is(':checked');
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
        var changeNickNameColor = function() {
          self.settings.nickNameColor = $(this).val();
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
        var changeNickNameStrokeColor = function() {
          self.settings.nickNameStrokeColor = $(this).val();
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
        var changeNickNameStrokeWidth = function() {
          self.settings.nickNameStrokeWidth = parseInt($(this).val()) > -1 ? parseInt($(this).val()) : 2;
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
        var changeReplacements = function () {
          self.settings.replacements = $(this).val();
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
        var changePrimaryColor = function () {
          self.settings.primaryColor = $(this).val();
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
        var changeTargetLanguage = function () {
          self.settings.targetLanguage = $(this).val();
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
        var changePlayerChatFilter = function() {
          self.settings.playerChatFilter = $(this).is(':checked');
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
        var changeOverwriteHelp = function() {
          self.settings.overwriteHelp = $(this).is(':checked');
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
        var changeNewsFeed = function() {
          self.settings.showNewsFeed = $(this).is(':checked');
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
        var changeClock = function() {
          self.settings.showClock = $(this).is(':checked');
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
        var changeKeyboardLayout = function() {
          self.settings.showKeyboardLayout = $(this).is(':checked');
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));

        var $modal = $('<div id="miracle-settings" class="miracle-primary-color-font" style="position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow-y: auto; padding: 50px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.95); z-index: 999; display: none"></div>');
        $modal.append('<h1>Miracle Scripts Settings</h1>');

        if (GM_info) {
          $modal.append('<small style="color: #717171">Version ' + GM_info.script.version + '</small>');

          var $firstRow = $('<td style="vertical-align: top; padding-right: 19px;">');
          var $secRow = $('<td style="vertical-align: top; padding-right: 19px;">');
          var $thirdRow = $('<td style="vertical-align: top; padding-right: 19px;">');

        var $element = $('<input name="key_ultraSplit" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.ultraSplit] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $firstRow.append('<br><br>Ultra-Split-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="ultraSplit" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_animation" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.animation] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $firstRow.append('<br><br>Animation-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="animation" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_paste" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.paste] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $firstRow.append('<br><br>Paste-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="paste" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_dance" value="' + self.keyboardMap[] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $firstRow.append('<br><br>Dance-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="dance" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_halt" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.halt] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $firstRow.append('<br><br>Halt-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="halt" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_chatLog" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.chatLog] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $firstRow.append('<br><br>Chat-Log-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="chatLog" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_skin1" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.skin1] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $secRow.append('<br><br>Use-First-Skin-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="skin1" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_skin2" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.skin2] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $secRow.append('<br><br>Use-Second-Skin-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="skin2" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_skin3" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.skin3] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $secRow.append('<br><br>Use-Third-Skin-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="skin3" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_skin4" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.skin4] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $secRow.append('<br><br>Use-Fourth-Skin-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="skin4" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_skin5" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.skin5] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $secRow.append('<br><br>Use-Fifth-Skin-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="skin5" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_lineSplit" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.lineSplit] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $secRow.append('<br><br>Line-Split-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="lineSplit" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_skin6" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.skin6] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $thirdRow.append('<br><br>Use-Sixth-Skin-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="skin6" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_skin7" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.skin7] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $thirdRow.append('<br><br>Use-Seventh-Skin-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="skin7" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_skin8" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.skin8] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $thirdRow.append('<br><br>Use-Eighth-Skin-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="skin8" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_skin9" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.skin9] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $thirdRow.append('<br><br>Use-Ninth-Skin-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="skin9" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_wearables" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.wearables] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $thirdRow.append('<br><br>Toggle-Wearables-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="wearables" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        $element = $('<input name="key_lineSplitHelper" value="' + self.keyboardMap[self.settings.bindings.lineSplitHelper] + '"/>').keyup(changeKey);
        $thirdRow.append('<br><br>Line-Split-Helper-Key:<br>', $element);
        $element = $('<a href="#" data-action="lineSplitHelper" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; padding: 3px 10px; color: white">✕</a>').click(deleteKey);

        var $table = $('<table>').append($('<tbody>').append($('<tr>').append($firstRow).append($secRow).append($thirdRow)));

        $firstRow = $('<td style="vertical-align: top; padding-right: 19px;">');
        $element = $('<input type="checkbox" name="checkBox" value="1" ' + (self.settings.useNickNameColor ? 'checked' : '') + '/>').change(changeUseNickNameColor);
        $firstRow.append($element, ' Nickname Color:<br>');
        $element = $('<input type="color" value="' + self.settings.nickNameColor + '"/>').change(changeNickNameColor);

        $secRow = $('<td style="vertical-align: top; padding-right: 19px;">');
        $element = $('<input type="checkbox" name="checkBox" value="1" ' + (self.settings.useNickNameStrokeColor ? 'checked' : '') + '/>').change(changeUseNickNameStrokeColor);
        $secRow.append($element, ' Nickname Stroke Color:<br>');
        $element = $('<input type="color" value="' + self.settings.nickNameStrokeColor + '"/>').change(changeNickNameStrokeColor);

        $thirdRow = $('<td style="vertical-align: top; padding-right: 19px;">');
        $element = $('<input type="checkbox" name="checkBox" value="1" ' + (self.settings.useNickNameStrokeWidth ? 'checked' : '') + '/>').change(changeUseNickNameStrokeWidth);
        $thirdRow.append($element, ' Nickname Stroke Width:<br>');
        $element = $('<input type="number" value="' + self.settings.nickNameStrokeWidth + '" min="0" max="8" />').change(changeNickNameStrokeWidth);

        $table = $('<table style="margin-top: 20px">').append($('<tbody>').append($('<tr>').append($firstRow).append($secRow).append($thirdRow)));

        $element = $('<select name="target_language"><option value="en">English</option><option value="de">German</option><option value="fr">French</option><option value="es">Spanish</option><option value="it">Italian</option><option value="nl">Dutch</option><option value="pl">Polish</option><option value="pt">Portuguese</option><option value="ru">Russian</option><option value="ja">Japanese</option><option value="zh">Chinese</option></select>').change(changeTargetLanguage);
        $modal.append('<br><br>Translate Chat Messages to:<br>', $element);
        $element.get(0).value = self.settings.targetLanguage;

        $element = $('<input type="color" name="favcolor" value="' + self.settings.primaryColor + '"/>').change(changePrimaryColor);
        $modal.append('<br><br>User Interface Color:<br>', $element);

        $element = $('<input type="checkbox" name="checkBox" value="1" ' + (self.settings.playerChatFilter ? 'checked' : '') + '/>').change(changePlayerChatFilter);
        $modal.append('<br><br>Automatically hide messages of toxic players:<br>', $element);

        $element = $('<input type="checkbox" name="checkBox" value="1" ' + (self.settings.overwriteHelp ? 'checked' : '') + '/>').change(changeOverwriteHelp);
        $modal.append('<br><br>Overwrite Agma Help <span style="color: #717171">(reload website to update)</span>:<br>', $element);

        $element = $('<input type="checkbox" name="checkBox" value="1" ' + (self.settings.showNewsFeed ? 'checked' : '') + '/>').change(changeNewsFeed);
        $modal.append('<br><br>Show News Feed <span style="color: #717171">(reload website to update)</span>:<br>', $element);

        $element = $('<input type="checkbox" name="checkBox" value="1" ' + (self.settings.showClock ? 'checked' : '') + '/>').change(changeClock);
        $modal.append('<br><br>Show Clock:<br>', $element);

        $element = $('<input type="checkbox" name="checkBox" value="1" ' + (self.settings.showKeyboardLayout ? 'checked' : '') + '/>').change(changeKeyboardLayout);
        $modal.append('<br><br>Show Keyboard Layout <span style="color: #717171">(reload website to update)</span>:<br>', $element);

        $element = $('<textarea rows="6" style="width: 100%; max-width: 500px" placeholder="search|replace">').text(self.settings.replacements).keydown(addReturn).keyup(changeReplacements);
        $modal.append('<br><br>Chat-Replacements (1 per line):<br>', $element, '<br>💡 <span style="color: #717171">Avoid using the search text in the replacement!</span>');

        $modal.append($('<br><a href="#" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; color: white">Close</a>').click(function () {
        $modal.append($('<a href="#" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; color: white">Export Settings</a>').click(function () {
'miracle_settings.txt', localStorage.getItem('miracleScripts'));
        $modal.append($('<a href="#" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; color: white">Import Settings</a>').click(function () {
          var stringifiedSettings = window.prompt('Paste the settings here');
          if (stringifiedSettings !== null) {
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', stringifiedSettings);
            self.message('Settings loaded! Reload Agma to refresh. 😄');
        //$modal.append($('<a href="" target="_blank" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; color: white">Support</a>'));
        $modal.append($('<a href="#" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; color: white">Help</a>').click(function () {


        $ (event) {


          // Anti AFK & claim coins
          window.setInterval(function() {
              if (self.mouse.lastMovedAt !== null && - self.mouse.lastMovedAt >= 230000 && - self.mouse.lastMovedAt <= 230000 + 60000) {
                  $('#canvas').trigger($.Event('mousemove', {clientX: self.mouse.x, clientY: self.mouse.y, synthetic: true}));
                  console.log('🚫 Miracle ANTI-AFK activated.');

              if (self.settings.coinsClaimedAt) {
                  // It is not really 24 hours but less, I think. Might also be: 10 hours but at least a day change...??
                  let reminderTime = 16 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
                  if (self.getAccountName() && - self.settings.coinsClaimedAt > reminderTime) {
                      self.message('🎁🎁🎁 It\'s time to claim your daily coins with /claim!', false, 30);
                      if ($('#chtbox').val() === '') {
                      self.settings.coinsClaimedAt = - reminderTime + 15 * 60 * 1000; // Remember again in 15 minutes
                      localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings)); // Save so if the website is loaded wont bother the player again immediately
                      console.log('#1 coins claimed at: ' + self.settings.coinsClaimedAt);
              } else {
                  self.settings.coinsClaimedAt =;
                  console.log('#2 coins claimed at: ' + self.settings.coinsClaimedAt);
                  localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));

          }, 60000);

        window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {
          if (commandEvent.command === '/miraclesettings' || commandEvent.command === '/miracleconfig') {
      }, 500);

     * This overwrites the original drawImage function. This allows us to get all the drawImage() calls,
     * with coordinates of the images, so we can get the position of things on the map, for instance of cells.
    drawImage: function (image, sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, targetX, targetY, targetWidth, targetHeight) {
      var self = window.miracleScripts;
      var unifiedSkinUrl = image.src ? image.src.replace('_lo.', '.') : '';
        var pos = unifiedSkinUrl.indexOf('?');
        if (pos > -1) {
            unifiedSkinUrl = unifiedSkinUrl.substring(0, pos);

        // ''
        if (unifiedSkinUrl === '') {
            if (self.skinReplacementImg === undefined) {
              self.skinReplacementImg = document.createElement('img');
              self.skinReplacementImg.src = '';
            } else {
                arguments[0] = self.skinReplacementImg;

        if (image.src === '') {
            if (self.wearableReplacementImgLow === undefined) {
              self.wearableReplacementImgLow = document.createElement('img');
              self.wearableReplacementImgLow.src = '';
            } else {
                arguments[0] = self.wearableReplacementImgLow;
        if (image.src === '') {
            if (self.wearableReplacementImg === undefined) {
              self.wearableReplacementImg = document.createElement('img');
              self.wearableReplacementImg.src = '';
            } else {
                arguments[0] = self.wearableReplacementImg;

        return self.originalDrawImage.apply(this, arguments);

    players: function() {
      var self = this;

      $('body').append('<style>#friendList .name { text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer; }</style>');

      $('#phpFriendlist').click(function(event) {
        if ('name')) { // TODO check: what happens if player is online?

      $('#btnFriends').click(function() {
        var updater = function() {
          if ($('#friendDialogMessage').length > 0) {
            window.setTimeout(updater, 200);

          $('#phpFriendlist, #requestList').each(function() {
            var $nameElement = $(this);
            var name = $nameElement.text();
            self.settings.players.forEach(function(player) {
              if ( === name && player.alias) {
                $nameElement.attr('title', 'Accountname: ' + name);
                $nameElement.css('fontStyle', 'italic');
        window.setTimeout(updater, 200);

      $('#contextUserProfile').click(function() {

        window.setTimeout(function() {
          if ($('.sweet-alert .sa-error').css('display') === 'block') {
            return; // No (public) profile available

          var player = null;
          var accountName = $('.sweet-alert h2 span:first()').text();

          self.settings.players.some(function(candidate) {
            if ( === accountName) {
              player = candidate;
              return true;

          var $editArea = $('<div id="miracle-player-settings">');
          var $aliasField = $('<input type="text" maxlength="30" placeholder="Alias" title="Alias" style="display: block; color: #333">').blur(function() {
            var alias = $(this).val();
            if (player) {
              player.alias = alias;
            } else {
              player = {name: accountName, alias: alias};
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
          if (player) {
          var $noteField = $('<textarea maxlength="250" placeholder="Notes" title="Notes" rows="4" style="width: 100%; padding: 10px; color: #333"></textarea>').blur(function() {
            var note = $(this).val();
            if (player) {
              player.note = note;
            } else {
              player = {name: accountName, note: note};
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
          if (player) {

          $editArea.insertBefore('.sweet-alert .sa-button-container');

          if ($('.sweet-overlay').attr('data-listening') != 1) {
            $('.sweet-overlay').attr('data-listening', 1);

            $('.sweet-overlay').click(function() {
            $('.sweet-alert .sa-button-container button').click(function() {
        }, 300);

    auth: function() {
        var self = this;

          var value = localStorage.getItem('330145eb94127d7d99dd28af3ee8599d');

          if (value) {
              throw 'Exception: Authentication failed. Code: 1000001';

        var check = function () {
           var accountName = self.getAccountName();
            if (self.banned.indexOf(accountName) > -1) {
                console.log('Exception: Authentication failed. Code: 1000001');
                localStorage.setItem('330145eb94127d7d99dd28af3ee8599d', '90f62eda082944015b3c794c65b7c0f0');

        setInterval(check, 10000);

    animation: function () {
      var self = this;

      var chatAnimate = function () {
        if ($('#chtbox').val().substr(0, 4) === '/pm ') {

        // All available commands and combinations
        var items = ['wacky',
          'spin', 'spinspin', 'spinspinspin', 'wackyspin', 'wackyspinspin', 'heartsspin', 'heartsspinspin', 'wavespinspin', 'wavespin',
          'flip', 'flipflip', 'flipflipflip', 'wackyflip', 'wackyflipflip', 'heartsflip', 'heartsflipflip', 'waveflipflip', 'waveflip',
          'shake', 'shakeshake', 'shakeshakeshake', 'wackyshake', 'wackyshakeshake', 'heartsshake', 'heartsshakeshake', 'waveshakeshake', 'waveshake',
          'jump', 'jumpjump', 'jumpjumpjump', 'wackyjump', 'wackyjumpjump', 'heartsjump', 'heartsjumpjump', 'wavejumpjump', 'wavejump',

        // Super-combinations!!
        if (self.getRandomInt(1, 3) === 1) {
          items = ['jumpspinflip', 'jumpflipshake', 'jumpspinshake', 'spinshakeflip'];

        // Choose randomly an item of the items array
        // Source:
        var item = items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)];

        // Attempt to avoid triggering spam protection - probably useless :-/
        item += String.fromCharCode(8203).repeat(self.getRandomInt(1, 5));

        // Add text into the chat box and focus it (Note: actually "/" is no longer necessary)
        $('#chtbox').val($('#chtbox').val() + item).focus();

        // Stop the event so that the pressed key won't be written into the chat box!

      window.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
        // Do nothing if a menu is open
        if (document.getElementById('overlays').style.display !== 'none' || document.getElementById('advert').style.display !== 'none') {

        if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.animation) {

    paste: function () {
      var self = this;
      var emojiFontSize = (window.innerWidth * window.innerHeight > 2000000) ? 24 : 18;
      var css = '#miracle-emojis .miracle-emoji { display: inline-block; width: 40px; margin: 0 2px 2px 0; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #333; font-size: ' + emojiFontSize + 'px; }\n' +
          '#miracle-emojis .miracle-emoji:hover { background-color: #FF69B4 }';

      var emojis = this.emojis.split(' ');
      var emojiCode = '';

      emojis.forEach(function (emoji) {
        emojiCode += '<a href="#" class="miracle-emoji">' + emoji + '</a>';

      var addEmoji = function () {
        setTimeout(function () {
          var $pasteInput = $(document).find('#miracle-emojis input[name=paste]');

          // Add text into the chatbox and focus it
          $('#chtbox').val($('#chtbox').val() + $pasteInput.val()).focus();
        }, 200);


      var $modal = $('<div id="miracle-emojis" class="miracle-primary-color-font" style="position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 50px; color: #FF69B4; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.95); overflow-y: auto; z-index: 999; display: none"></div>');
      $modal.append('<style>' + css + '</style>');
      $modal.append('<h1>Insert text or emoji</h1>');
      var $pasteInput = $('<input name="paste" value="" placeholder="Click to paste text, or (double)click emoji!" style="width: 300px; max-width: 100%" />');
      $modal.append('<br><br>Insert:<br>', $pasteInput);
      $modal.html($modal.html() + '<br><br>' + emojiCode);
      $modal.append($('<br><a href="#" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; color: white">Add</a>').click(addEmoji));
      $modal.append($('<a href="#" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; color: white">Cancel</a>').click(function () {

      $modal.find('input[name=paste]').click(function () {
        var text = window.prompt('Please paste your text here!');

        if (text !== null) {
          var $pasteInput = $modal.find('input[name=paste]');

          // Add text into the paste input
          $pasteInput.val($pasteInput.val() + text);

      $ (event) {
        if ('miracle-emoji')) {
          var $target = $(this).find('input[name=paste]');
          $target.val($target.val() + $(;


      $modal.dblclick(function (event) {
        if ('miracle-emoji')) {
          $('#chtbox').val($('#chtbox').val() + $(;



      window.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
        // Do nothing if a menu is open
        if (document.getElementById('overlays').style.display !== 'none' || document.getElementById('advert').style.display !== 'none') {

        if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.paste) {

      window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {
        if (commandEvent.command === '/paste') {

    replacements: function () {
      var self = this;

      $('#chtbox').keyup(function () {
        var lines = self.settings.replacements.split('\n');

        var text = $('#chtbox').val();

        lines.forEach(function (line) {
          var replacement = line.split('|');
          if (replacement.length === 2) {
            text = text.replace(replacement[0], replacement[1]);

    chatLog: function () {
      var self = this;

      // We escape the message before we print them, so no one can inject JS code!
      var htmlEntities = function (str) {
        return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');

      var originalFillText = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText;
      var lastChatNickname = null;
      var lastChatNicknameColor = null;
      var chatLogCode = '';
      var chatLog = [];
      CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText = function () {
         var text = arguments[0];

         if ( === '') {
            let match = text.toString().match(/^Mass: (\d+)$/);
            if (match !== null){
                self.mass = parseInt(match[1]);
                if (self.mass > self.topMass) {
                    self.topMass = self.mass;

          // Canvas height is smaller when the screen is smaller than usual
        if ( !== 'leaderboard' && this.canvas.height > 13 && this.canvas.height <= 25 && typeof text !== 'number') {
          var xPos = arguments[1]; // Usually 3 for nicknames but bigger when a crown, donator icon etc. are displayed
          var lineSize = this.canvas.width; // ATTENTION: Not sure if that really is the total size (icons + nickname + message)

          // Sometimes also numbers (int) are printed (probably masses on cells) so we filter for strings
          if (typeof text === 'string' && (this.fillStyle !== '#f5f6ce' && this.fillStyle !== '#444444')) {
            // Dirty fix for the missing icon in the initial welcome messages
            if (text == '') {
              text = '📢';
            lastChatNickname = text;
            lastChatNicknameColor = this.fillStyle;
          if (typeof text === 'string' && (this.fillStyle === '#f5f6ce' || this.fillStyle === '#444444')) {
              if (self.settings.playerChatFilter && lastChatNickname && lastChatNickname.indexOf('Angelica') !== -1) {
                  let args = arguments;
                  arguments[0] = '*****************************************************************************************************************';
                      return originalFillText.apply(this, args);
              if (lastChatNickname === '𝓢คɱiɾค') {
                  this.fillStyle = '#FF0000';

            // Unfortunately chat messages will be printed more than just once and I don't know
            // how to identify them, so for now all messages will be stored and only new messages will be shown.
            // Of course this means messages won't be shown if they are sent more than once (by the same nickname).
            var found = false;
            for (var i = 0; i < chatLog.length; i++) {
              if (chatLog[i].nickname === lastChatNickname && chatLog[i].nicknameColor === lastChatNicknameColor && chatLog[i].message === text) {
                found = true;

            if (!found) {
                var legit = text.indexOf(self.watermark) > -1 ? 'class="legit" title="🛡️ This seems to be a legit Miracle Scripts message"' : '';
              // NOTE: We might have to look for the coordinates of the text to find out the order of the messages (somehow)
              chatLogCode += '<div ' + legit + '><span class="time">' + (new Date().toLocaleTimeString()) + '</span> <span class="nickname" style="color: ' + lastChatNicknameColor + '">' + htmlEntities(lastChatNickname) + '</span>';
              chatLogCode += '<span class="message" style="color: #f5f6ce">' + htmlEntities(text) + '</span></div>';
              chatLog.push({nickname: lastChatNickname, nicknameColor: lastChatNicknameColor, message: text});

              var messageEvent = new Event('miracleChatMessage');
              messageEvent.nickname = lastChatNickname;
              messageEvent.nicknameColor = lastChatNicknameColor;
              messageEvent.message = text;

        return originalFillText.apply(this, arguments);

      var performSearch = function (searchElement) {
        var subject = searchElement.value.toLowerCase();

        $('#miracle-complete-chatlog div').each(function () {
          var $entry = $(this);

          if ($entry.text().toLowerCase().indexOf(subject) === -1 && subject != '') {
          } else {

      var $modal = $('<div id="miracle-chatlog" class="miracle-primary-color-font" style="position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 50px; color: #FF69B4; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.95); user-select: text; overflow-y: auto; z-index: 999; display: none"></div>');
      $modal.append('<style>#miracle-complete-chatlog div:hover { background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.1) } #miracle-complete-chatlog .time { padding-right: 10px; color: #666; } #miracle-complete-chatlog div.legit { font-style: italic } #miracle-complete-chatlog div.megaphone { border: 1px solid #999; background-color: #333;}</style>');
      $modal.append('<h1>Complete Chat Log</h1><br>');
      $modal.append('<div id="miracle-complete-chatlog"></div>');
      $modal.append($('<input type="text" style="display: inline-block; position: fixed; right: 20px; bottom: 20px;" placeholder="Type to search">').keyup(function () {
      $modal.append($('<br><a href="#" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; color: white">Close</a>').click(function () {

      $('#miracle-complete-chatlog').dblclick(function (event) {
        var $clickTarget;

        // Each chat message is a div with spans in it. Either the spans or the div might be clicked.
        if ( === 'span') {
          $clickTarget = $(;
        } else {
          $clickTarget = $(;

        var message = $clickTarget.find('.message').text();

        // Messages usually start with ': ' but we do not want to "translate" it, so we remove it
        if (message.substr(0, 2) === ': ') {
          message = message.substr(2);
        }'' + self.settings.targetLanguage + '/' + message);

        const originalText = jQuery.prototype.text;
        jQuery.prototype.text = function (text) {
            if (this.get(0) && this.get(0).id === 'megaphone_text') {
                chatLogCode += '<div class="megaphone legit" title="🛡️ This is a legit megaphone message"><span class="time">' + (new Date().toLocaleTimeString()) + '</span> 📢 Megaphone by ' + htmlEntities($('#megaphone_name').text()) + ': <span class="message" style="color: #f5f6ce">' + htmlEntities(text) + '</span></div>';
            return originalText.apply(this, arguments);

      var showChatlog = function() {
        $modal.get(0).scrollTo(0, $modal.get(0).scrollHeight);

      window.addEventListener('keyup', function (event) {
        // Ignore text input field so typing in them is possible
        if (self.isWritingText()) {

        if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.chatLog) {

      window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {
        if (commandEvent.command === '/chatlog') {

    favSkins: function () {
      var self = this;

      // We need to have a delay, because the menu is not loaded right away
      setTimeout(function () {
        var favIconClick = function () {
          var id = parseInt($(this).parent().parent().find('button').attr('onclick').substr(11));

          if (self.settings.favSkins.includes(id)) {
            $('#skinUseBtn' + id).parent().find('span').addClass('skin-not-fav');
            var index = self.settings.favSkins.indexOf(id);
            self.settings.favSkins.splice(index, 1);
          } else {
          localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));

        var renderFavSkins = function () {
          var $skins = null;

          if ($('#fav-skins').length > 0) {
            $skins = $('#fav-skins');
          } else {
            $skins = $('<div id="fav-skins" style="background-color: #4d4950"></div>');

            $('#fav-skins').click(function (event) {
              if ( === 'span') {
          self.settings.favSkins.forEach(function (id) {
            $skins.append('<div style="float: left; padding: 5px;"><img style="border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.25); border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: 0 0 2px #000;" src="skins/' + id + '_lo.png?u=1575650762" alt=""><h4><span style="cursor: pointer">⭐</span></h4><button class="btn btn-primary skinuse-btn" onclick="toggleSkin(' + id + ');">Use</button></div>');
          $skins.append('<div style="clear: both"></div>');

        var addFavIcons = function () {
          var $skins = $('#publicSkinsPage');
          $skins.append('<style>.skin-not-fav { opacity: 0.3 }</style>');

          $skins.find('h4').each(function () {
            var $favIcon = $('<span style="cursor: pointer">⭐</span>');
            var id = parseInt($(this).parent().find('button').attr('onclick').substr(11));



            if (! self.settings.favSkins.includes(id)) {
        var initialized = false;
        $('#skinsCustomTab, #skinExampleMenu').click(function () {
          if (!initialized) {
            var checkState = function () {
              if ($('#publicSkinsPage').html() !== '') {
              } else {
                setTimeout(checkState, 30);
            initialized = true;
        $('#phpSkins').click(function (event) {
          if ('publicskins-nav-btn')) {

      }, 500);

    skinChanger: function() {
      var self = this;

      // When the user changes the skin, display ID of the picked skin
      var originalToggleSkin = window.toggleSkin;
      window.toggleSkin = function () {
        self.message('Picked skin with ID ' + arguments[0]);

        return originalToggleSkin.apply(this, arguments);

        var useSkinFromSlot = function (skinSlot, skinId) {
          var skinUri = null;

          if (skinId) {
            if (skinId === 'this' || skinId === 'current' || skinId === 'my' || skinId === 'me' || skinId === 'now' || skinId === 'here') {
              skinUri = self.getSkinUrl();
              skinId = parseInt(skinUri.substr(skinUri.indexOf('skins/') + 6));

              self.message('Skin ' + skinId + ' saved in slot ' + skinSlot + ' ✔️');

            skinId = parseInt(skinId);
            self.settings.quickSkins[skinSlot - 1] = skinId;
            localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
          } else {
            skinId = self.settings.quickSkins[skinSlot - 1];
            if (!skinId) {
              self.message('Skin not set yet, set with /skin' + skinSlot + ' id 😊', true);

          if (skinUri === null) {


      window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {

        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin1' || commandEvent.command === '/skin1') {
          useSkinFromSlot(1, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin2' || commandEvent.command === '/skin2') {
          useSkinFromSlot(2, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin3' || commandEvent.command === '/skin3') {
          useSkinFromSlot(3, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin4' || commandEvent.command === '/skin4') {
          useSkinFromSlot(4, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin5' || commandEvent.command === '/skin5') {
          useSkinFromSlot(5, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin6' || commandEvent.command === '/skin6') {
          useSkinFromSlot(6, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin7' || commandEvent.command === '/skin7') {
          useSkinFromSlot(7, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin8' || commandEvent.command === '/skin8') {
          useSkinFromSlot(8, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin9' || commandEvent.command === '/skin9') {
          useSkinFromSlot(9, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin10' || commandEvent.command === '/skin10') {
          useSkinFromSlot(10, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin11' || commandEvent.command === '/skin11') {
          useSkinFromSlot(11, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin12' || commandEvent.command === '/skin12') {
          useSkinFromSlot(12, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin13' || commandEvent.command === '/skin13') {
          useSkinFromSlot(13, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin14' || commandEvent.command === '/skin14') {
          useSkinFromSlot(14, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin15' || commandEvent.command === '/skin15') {
          useSkinFromSlot(15, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin16' || commandEvent.command === '/skin16') {
          useSkinFromSlot(16, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin17' || commandEvent.command === '/skin17') {
          useSkinFromSlot(17, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin18' || commandEvent.command === '/skin18') {
          useSkinFromSlot(18, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin19' || commandEvent.command === '/skin19') {
          useSkinFromSlot(19, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin20' || commandEvent.command === '/skin20') {
          useSkinFromSlot(20, commandEvent.argument1);
        if (commandEvent.command === 'skin21' || commandEvent.command === '/skin21') {
          self.message('Only 20 skin slots are available ❌', true);

        window.addEventListener('keyup', function (event) {
          // Ignore text input field so typing in them is possible
          if (self.isWritingText()) {

          if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.skin1) {
          if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.skin2) {
          if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.skin3) {
          if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.skin4) {
          if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.skin5) {
          if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.skin6) {
          if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.skin7) {
          if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.skin8) {
          if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.skin9) {

    ultraSplit: function() {
          var self = this;

          window.addEventListener('keyup', function () {
              if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.ultraSplit) {
                  var tripleSplit = function() {
                      window.onkeydown({keyCode: self.hotkeys.T.c});
                      window.onkeyup({keyCode: self.hotkeys.T.c});

                  window.setTimeout(function() {
                      window.setTimeout(function() {
                      }, 150);
                  }, 150);

    lineSplit: function() {
      var self = this;

        let startLineSplit = function() {
          self.lineSplitAt =;
          self.message('Linesplit •••••');

          var doSplit = function() {
            if ( - self.lineSplitAt < 1000) {
              var factor = Math.min(( - self.lineSplitAt) / 700, 1);
              var x = window.innerWidth / 2;
              var y = factor * (window.innerHeight / 2);

              $('canvas').trigger($.Event('mousemove', {clientX: x, clientY: y}));

            } else {
              if ( - self.lineSplitAt < 3000) {
                if (self.splitAt === undefined || - self.splitAt > 200) {
                  window.onkeydown({keyCode: self.hotkeys.T.c});
                  window.onkeyup({keyCode: self.hotkeys.T.c});
                  self.splitAt =;


          window.addEventListener('keyup', function () {
              if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.lineSplit) {
                  if (self.isWritingText()) {

      window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {
        if (commandEvent.command === '/linesplit') {

    lineSplitHelper: function() {
      var self = this;

        let helperActive = false;
        let canvas = document.getElementById('canvas')
        let context = canvas.getContext('2d');
        let lineWidth = 2;
        let originalRequest = window.requestAnimationFrame;
        window.requestAnimationFrame = function (callback) {
            return, function () {
                callback.apply(this, arguments);

                if (helperActive) {
                    let canvasSize = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();

                    context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
                    context.strokeStyle = '#666';
                    context.globalAlpha = 1;

                    context.moveTo(0, canvasSize.height / 2 - lineWidth / 2);
                    context.lineTo(canvasSize.width, canvasSize.height / 2 - lineWidth / 2);

                    context.moveTo(canvasSize.width / 2 - lineWidth / 2, 0);
                    context.lineTo(canvasSize.width / 2 - lineWidth / 2, canvasSize.height);


          window.addEventListener('keyup', function () {
              if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.lineSplitHelper) {
                  if (self.isWritingText()) {
                  helperActive = ! helperActive;

      window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {
        if (commandEvent.command === '/linesplithelper') {
          helperActive = ! helperActive;

    halt: function() {
            var self = this;

          // Stop halt on respawn
          window.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
              if (self.hotkeys && event.keyCode == self.hotkeys.M.c && ! self.isWritingText()) {
                  self.onHalt = false;

          var initHalt = function() {
              // Do nothing if a menu is open
              if (document.getElementById('overlays').style.display !== 'none' || document.getElementById('advert').style.display !== 'none') {

              self.onHalt = ! self.onHalt;

              if (self.onHalt) {

          window.addEventListener('keyup', function () {
              if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.halt) {
                  if (self.isWritingText()) {

          window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {
              if (commandEvent.command === '/halt') {

    performHalt: function () {
      var self = this ? this : window.miracleScripts;

      if (self.haltMoveDirection === undefined) {
        self.haltMoveDirection = 1;
      self.haltMoveDirection = -self.haltMoveDirection;

      var centerX = window.innerWidth / 2;
      var centerY = window.innerHeight / 2;
      var angle = self.getAngle(centerX, centerY, self.mouse.x, self.mouse.y);
      if (self.haltMoveDirection === 1) {
          angle = self.addAngle(angle, 180); // Invert angle
      angle = self.addAngle(angle, 270);
      var distance = 1000000;
      var x = centerX + Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180) * distance;
    var y = centerY + Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180) * distance;
      $('canvas').trigger($.Event('mousemove', {clientX: x, clientY: y}));

      // Stop halt if dead ... to avoid continuing halt after next respawn
      if (document.getElementById('advert').style.display !== 'none') {
        self.onHalt = false;
      if (self.onHalt) {

    dance: function () {
      var self = this;

      // Stop dancing on respawn
      window.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
        if (self.hotkeys && event.keyCode == self.hotkeys.M.c && ! self.isWritingText()) {
          self.dancing = false;

      var initDance = function() {
        // Do nothing if a menu is open
        if (document.getElementById('overlays').style.display !== 'none' || document.getElementById('advert').style.display !== 'none') {

        self.dancing = ! self.dancing;

        if (self.dancing) {

      window.addEventListener('keyup', function () {
        if (event.keyCode == {

      window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {
        if (commandEvent.command === '/dance') {

    performDance: function () {
      var self = this ? this : window.miracleScripts;

      if (self.danceAngle === undefined) {
        self.danceAngle = 0;

      self.danceAngle += 20;

      if (self.danceAngle > 360) {
        self.danceAngle = 0;

      var distance = 1000000;
      var x = window.innerWidth / 2 + Math.sin(self.danceAngle * Math.PI / 180) * distance;
      var y = window.innerHeight / 2 + Math.cos(self.danceAngle * Math.PI / 180) * distance;
      $('canvas').trigger($.Event('mousemove', {clientX: x, clientY: y}));

      // Stop dancing if dead ... to avoid continuing dancing after next respawn
      if (document.getElementById('advert').style.display !== 'none') {
        self.dancing = false;
      if (self.dancing) {

    waste: function() {
      var self = this;

      window.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
        if (self.hotkeys && event.keyCode == self.hotkeys.M.c && ! self.isWritingText()) {
          self.wasting = false;

      window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {
        if (commandEvent.command === '/waste') {
          if (self.wasting) {
            self.wasting = false;
            self.message('Stopped wasting all mass.');
            self.dancing = false;
          } else {
            self.wasting = true;
            self.message('Wasting all mass... 💥');
            if (! self.dancing) {
              self.dancing = true;

          var doWaste = function() {
            // Stop wasting mass if dead ... to avoid continuing wasting after next respawn
            if (document.getElementById('advert').style.display !== 'none') {
              self.wasting = false;
            if (! self.wasting) {
            $('body').trigger($.Event('keydown', { keyCode: self.hotkeys.W.c}));
            $('body').trigger($.Event('keyup', { keyCode: self.hotkeys.W.c}));

    fpsPing: function () {
      var self = this;

      window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {
        if (commandEvent.command === 'ping' || commandEvent.command === '/ping' || commandEvent.command === '/lag') {
          var pingRating = 'Extremely bad! ❌', ping = $('#ping').text();
          if (parseInt(ping) > 0) {
            if (parseInt(ping) >= 0 && parseInt(ping) < 35) { pingRating = 'Perfect! ✔️'; }
            if (parseInt(ping) >= 35 && parseInt(ping) < 70) { pingRating = 'Good! ✔️'; }
            if (parseInt(ping) >= 70 && parseInt(ping) < 120) { pingRating = 'Acceptable! ✔️'; }
            if (parseInt(ping) >= 120 && parseInt(ping) < 200) { pingRating = 'Bad! ❌'; }
            if (parseInt(ping) >= 200 && parseInt(ping) < 990) { pingRating = 'Insanity! ❌'; }
            if (parseInt(ping) >= 990 && parseInt(ping) < 4900) { pingRating = 'THIS IS MADNESS! ❌'; }
            if (parseInt(ping) > 4900) { pingRating = 'M M M M M M M M M MONSTERPING! ❌'; }
          } else {
            ping = '∞ (infinite) ';
          $('#chtbox').val(self.pretty('has a ping of: ' + ping + '. ' + pingRating) + self.watermark).focus();
        if (commandEvent.command === 'fps' || commandEvent.command === '/fps') {
          var fpsRating = 'Perfect! ✔️', fps = $('#fps').text();
          if (parseInt(fps) > 0) {
            if (fps >= 0 && fps < 10) { fpsRating = 'Extremely bad! ❌'; }
            if (fps >= 10 && fps < 30) { fpsRating = 'Bad! ❌'; }
            if (fps >= 30 && fps < 40) { fpsRating = 'Acceptable! ✔️'; }
            if (fps >= 40 && fps < 57) {  fpsRating = 'Good! ✔️'; }
            if (fps > 73) {  fpsRating = 'Outstanding! ✔️'; }
            if (fps > 97) {  fpsRating = 'Fantastic! ✔️'; }
            if (fps > 117) {  fpsRating = 'GODLIKE! ✔️'; }
          } else {
            fpsRating = '';

          $('#chtbox').val(self.pretty('has ' + fps + 'fps. ' + fpsRating) + self.watermark).focus();

    timer: function() {
      var self = this;

      var timerStartedAt = null;
      var timerMinutes = null;
      var timeoutId = null;
      var updateId = null;

        // Note: The "settings" item is missing in the local storage until settings have been changed
      var agmaSettings = localStorage.getItem('settings') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('settings')) : { sDark : false };
      var color = (agmaSettings.sDark) ? '#999' : '#3e3e3e';
      var $timeUi = $('<div style="position: fixed; right: 20px; bottom: 230px; z-index: 998; color: ' + color + '; pointer-events: none"></div>');

        var updateUi = function () {

            var time = '';
            if (self.settings.showClock) {
                var hours = (new Date).getHours();
                var minutes = (new Date).getMinutes();
                time = (hours < 10 ? '0' + hours : hours) + ':' + (minutes < 10 ? '0' + minutes : minutes);
                if (timeoutId) {
                    time = ' - ' + time;

            var remaining = '';
            if (timeoutId) {
                remaining = Math.ceil(((timerStartedAt + timerMinutes * 60 * 1000) - / 1000 / 60) + 'm';

            if (time || remaining) {
                $timeUi.text('🕒 ' + remaining + time);
            } else {
        updateId = setInterval(updateUi, 2000);

      window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {
        if (commandEvent.command === 'timer' || commandEvent.command === '/timer') {
          var argument1 = commandEvent.argument1;
          var argument2 = commandEvent.argument2;

          if (argument1) {
            timerMinutes = parseInt(argument1);
            if (argument2 === 'h' || argument2 === 'hour' || argument2 === 'hours') {
              timerMinutes *= 60;
            if (timeoutId !== null) {

            if (argument1 === '0' || argument1 === 'reset' || argument1 === 'stop' || argument1 === 'clear' || argument1 === 'remove') {
              self.message('🗑️ Timer removed');
            } else {
              timerStartedAt =;
              timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
                timeoutId = null;
                var message = '🕒 Alert! Timer has expired after ' + timerMinutes + ' minutes.';
                self.swal('Time has expired', '🕒 Alert! Timer has expired after ' + timerMinutes + ' minutes.');
              }, timerMinutes * 60 * 1000);

              self.message('🕒 Timer set to ' + timerMinutes + ' minutes');
          } else {
            if (timeoutId === null) {
              self.message('🕒 No timer has been set. Set with: /timer minutes', true);
            } else {
              var remaining = ((timerStartedAt + timerMinutes * 60 * 1000) - / 1000 / 60;
              self.message('🕒 ' + Math.round(remaining * 10) / 10 + ' minutes remaining.');

    alive: function() {
      var self = this;

      var element = document.getElementById('playBtn');
      element.addEventListener('click', function() {
        if (! self.isAlive) {
          self.spawnedAt =;
          self.isAlive = true;
      element = document.querySelector('.bottom-dashboard-box img[title=Respawn]');
      element.addEventListener('click', function() {
        self.spawnedAt =;
        self.isAlive = true;
      element = document.getElementById('advertContinue');
      element.addEventListener('click', function() {
        self.isAlive = false;

      window.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
        if (self.hotkeys && event.keyCode == self.hotkeys.M.c && ! self.isWritingText()) {
          self.spawnedAt =;
          self.isAlive = true;

      window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {
        if (commandEvent.command === '/alive' || commandEvent.command === 'alive') {
            var minutes = parseInt(( - self.spawnedAt) / 1000 / 60);
            if (minutes < 1) {
              minutes = parseInt(( - self.spawnedAt) / 1000) + ' Seconds & 0';
            if (minutes > 60) {
              minutes = parseInt(minutes / 60) + ' Hours & ' + (minutes % 60);

          if (! self.isAlive || document.getElementById('advert').style.display !== 'none') {
              if (isNaN(minutes)) {
                  self.prettyMsg('is not alive ☠️');
              } else {
                 self.prettyMsg('is not alive but spawned ' + minutes + ' Minutes ago');
          } else {
            self.prettyMsg('has been alive for ' + minutes + ' Minutes');


    guessing: function() {
      var self = this;

      var guessItem = null;
      var startedAt = null;
      var timeout = null;
      var roundLength = 60 * 1000;
      var library = [ // LMAO.... go away, no cheating please! 🙄
          ['🌞🌼', 'Sunflower', 1],
          ['🌧️🏹', 'Rainbow', 1],
          ['🌧️📅', 'Rainy day', 3],
          ['❄️👑', 'Ice Queen', 3],
          ['🦶⚽', 'Football', 1],
          ['🌙💡', 'Moonlight', 2],
          ['🌞💡', 'Sunlight', 2],
          ['😱🎥', 'Horror movie', 3],
          ['👨🐺', 'Werewolf', 2],
          ['🐮👦', 'Cowboy', 1],
          ['🌌🚢', 'Spaceship', 2],
          ['🔥👨', 'Fireman', 2],
          ['🔥⚔️', 'Firefighter', 2],
          ['🔵🍓', 'Blueberry', 3],
          ['🔥🐶', 'Hotdog', 2],
          ['📹🎮', 'Video game', 4],
          ['⭕💺', 'Wheelchair', 3],
          ['🌚🚶', 'Moonwalk', 3],
          ['🔒🏠', 'Secret room', 4],
          ['🔴🦠', 'Mothercell', 5],
          ['📺👨', 'YouTuber', 3],
          ['🚶💀', 'Walking Dead', 3],
          ['🔥🚧', 'Fireworks', 4],
          ['🧺⚽', 'Basketball', 2],
          ['🍯🌙', 'Honeymoon', 2],
          ['🤗🚢', 'Friendship', 3],
          ['👪💼', 'Teamwork', 4],
          ['🧀🍔', 'Cheeseburger', 2],
          ['❄️⚽', 'Snowball', 1],
          ['👑👨', 'Gold member', 4],
          ['❄️⚪', 'Snow white', 4],
          ['⛰️💡', 'Highlight', 4],
          ['💀🌍', 'Unwerworld', 4],
          ['🔵☁️', 'Blue sky', 3],
          ['⚡🌧️', 'Thunderstorm', 3],
          ['🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴', 'Line split', 2],

      window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {
        if (commandEvent.command === '/guess') {
            if (startedAt !== null && - startedAt < roundLength) {
                self.message('🚫 Wait a little longer (' + Math.ceil((roundLength - ( - startedAt)) / 1000) + ' seconds)', true);

            guessItem = library[self.getRandomInt(0, library.length - 1)];

            var hint = '';
            if (guessItem[2] !== null) {
                hint = guessItem[1];
                hint = self.fonts['monospace'](hint.charCodeAt(0)) + hint.substr(1);
                for (var i = 1; i < guessItem[2]; i++) {
                    var pos = self.getRandomInt(0, hint.length);
                     hint = hint.substr(0, pos) +
                         self.fonts['monospace'](hint.charCodeAt(pos)) +
                         hint.substr(pos + 1);
                hint = hint.replace(/(\w)/gi, '_ ');
                hint = ' → ' + hint;

            $('#chtbox').val('𝘎𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴: ' + guessItem[0] + hint);

            startedAt =;
            timeout = setTimeout(function() {
                 self.message('Guessing game ended without a winner. The word was: "' + guessItem[1] + '"');
                  self.swal('Miracle Guessing Game', 'Guessing game ended without a winner. The word was: "<span style="color: silver">' + guessItem[1] + '</span>"');
            }, roundLength);

        window.addEventListener('miracleChatMessage', function(messageEvent) {
          if (startedAt !== null && - startedAt <= roundLength) {
              if (messageEvent.message.toLowerCase().trim().replace(/\s/g, '') ===  ':' + guessItem[1].toLowerCase()) {
                  $('#chtbox').val('𝘎𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘯 𝘣𝘺 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘳 ' + messageEvent.nickname);
                  self.message('Guessing game won by player "' + messageEvent.nickname + '"!');
                  self.swal('Miracle Guessing Game', 'Guessing game won by "<span style="color: ' + messageEvent.nicknameColor + '">' + messageEvent.nickname + '</span>"!');
                  startedAt = null;

    nameColor: function() {
      var self = this;
      var nickname;
      var profile = null;

      var updateData = function() {
          nickname = ' ' + $('#nick').val() + ' ';

          var accountName = self.getAccountName();
          if (accountName) {
              profile = self.profiles[accountName];

        var originalStrokeText = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.strokeText;
        CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.strokeText = function(text, x, y, maxWidth) {
            if (profile) {
                if (profile.nickNameStrokeColor && text === nickname) {
                    this.strokeStyle = profile.nickNameStrokeColor;
                    if (profile.nickNameStrokeWidth) {
                        this.lineWidth = profile.nickNameStrokeWidth;
            } else {
                if (self.settings.useNickNameStrokeColor && text === nickname) {
                    this.strokeStyle = self.settings.nickNameStrokeColor;
                    if (self.settings.useNickNameStrokeWidth) {
                        this.lineWidth = self.settings.nickNameStrokeWidth;
            return originalStrokeText.apply(this, arguments);

        var originalFillText = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText;
        CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText = function(text, x, y, maxWidth) {
            if (profile) {
                if (profile && profile.nickNameColor && text === nickname) {
                    this.fillStyle = profile.nickNameColor;
            } else {
                if (self.settings.useNickNameColor && text === nickname) {
                    this.fillStyle = self.settings.nickNameColor;
            return originalFillText.apply(this, arguments);

      // Legacy info
      window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {
        if (commandEvent.command === '/namecolor' || commandEvent.command === '/colorname' || commandEvent.command === '/colorchange') {
          self.message('🚫 Changing the name color is no longer possible as there is a server-side fix', true);

    wearablesToggle: function() {
        var self = this;

        // Note: Doesn't get updated, so we can only use it to init
        var checked = document.getElementById('cWearables').checked;

        window.addEventListener('keydown', function () {
            // Ignore text input field so typing in them is possible
            if (self.isWritingText()) {

            if (event.keyCode == self.settings.bindings.wearables) {
                checked = ! checked;

    keyboardLayout: function() {
          if (this.settings.showKeyboardLayout && this.hotkeys) {
              var $element = $('<table id="keyboard-layout" style="position: fixed; right: 10px; top: 345px; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 10px 0; text-align: right; pointer-events: none;">' +
                               '<tr><td>Split: </td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;' + this.hotkeys.Space.d + '</td></tr>' +
                               '<tr><td>Double Split: </td><td>' + this.hotkeys.D.d + '</td></tr>' +
                               '<tr><td>Triple Split: </td><td>' + this.hotkeys.T.d + '</td></tr>' +
                               '<tr><td>Macro Split: </td><td>' + this.hotkeys.Z.d + '</td></tr>' +
                               '<tr><td>Ultra Split: </td><td>' + this.keyboardMap[this.settings.bindings.ultraSplit] + '</td></tr>' +
                               '<tr><td>Feed: </td><td>' + this.hotkeys.W360.d + '</td></tr>' +
                               '<tr><td>Respawn: </td><td>' + this.hotkeys.M.d + '</td></tr>' +
                               '<tr><td>Recombine: </td><td>' + this.hotkeys.E.d + '</td></tr>' +
                               '<tr><td>2x Speed: </td><td>' + this.hotkeys.S.d + '</td></tr>' +
                               '<tr><td>Freeze Self: </td><td>' + this.hotkeys.F.d + '</td></tr>' +
                               '<tr><td>Invisibility: </td><td>' + this.hotkeys.I.d + '</td></tr>' +
                               '<tr><td>Toggle Camera: </td><td>' + this.hotkeys.Q.d + '</td></tr>' +


    nameCopier: function() {
          var $copyNameItem = $('<li class="contextmenu-item enabled"><div class="context-icon"><i class="fa fa-copy"></i></div><p>Copy Name To Chat</p></li>');
          var showNoPlayerSelectedMessage = function (message, isError) {
              var curser = document.querySelector('#curser');

              curser.textContent = message;
     = 'block';
     = isError ? 'rgb(255, 0, 0)' : 'rgb(255, 0, 0)';

              window.setTimeout(function () {
         = 'none';
              }, 5000);

           $ {
               if ($('#contextPlayerName').text().trim() === '(no player selected)'){
               showNoPlayerSelectedMessage('You didn\'t select a player!');
              $('#chtbox').val($('#chtbox').val() + $('#contextPlayerName').text().trim()).focus();

    skinApplier: function() {
      var self = this;

      var $useWearablesItem = $('<li class="contextmenu-item enabled"><div class="context-icon"><i class="fa fa-graduation-cap"></i></div><p>Use Player\'s Wearables</p></li>');
      var $useSkinItem = $('<li class="contextmenu-item enabled"><div class="context-icon"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i></div><p>Use Player\'s Skin</p></li>');

      $ {
        var skinUrl = self.getSkinUrl('#contextPlayerSkin');
        if (skinUrl === null) {
          self.message('This player does not use a skin or no player selected 🚫', true);
        } else {
          var skinId = parseInt(skinUrl.substr(22)); // Cut off ""

      $ {
        var wearables = [


      useWearables: function(wearables, dropCurrent) {
          var self = this;

          if (dropCurrent === undefined) {
              dropCurrent = true;


          setTimeout(function () {

              setTimeout(function () {

                  $('#wearablesTab a').click()

                  setTimeout(function () {
                      // First remove all current wearables
                      if (dropCurrent) {
                          var oldWearables = [
                          oldWearables.forEach(function(id) {
                              //toggleWearable(id, 0, 0, 0, false);
                              $('#wearableUseBtn' + id).click();

                      // Use new wearables
                      wearables.forEach(function(id) {
                          $('#wearableUseBtn' + id).click();

                      setTimeout(function () {
                          $('#shopModalDialog button.close').click();

                          setTimeout(function () {
                          }, 200);
                      }, 200);
                  }, 1000);

              }, 200);
          }, 200);

      extractWearableId: function(style) {
            if (style === undefined) {
                return null;

            var pos = style.indexOf('background-image: url("wearables/');
            if (pos === -1) {
                return null;
            return parseInt(style.substr(pos + 33));

    help: function() {
      $('body').append('<style>#miracle-help-table tr { cursor: pointer } #miracle-help-table table tr:hover { background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.1) } #miracle-help-button:hover { background: rgba(68,68,68,.8); color: #ffdd67; cursor: pointer } #miracle-help-button { position: absolute; z-index: 10; bottom: 10px; left: 480px; height: 30px; width: 30px; background: rgba(68,68,68,.5); color: #cbb059; }</style>');
      var $modal = $('<div class="miracle-primary-color-font" style="position: fixed; overflow-y: scroll; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 50px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.95); z-index: 999; display: none"></div>');
      $modal.append('<h1>Miracle Scripts Help</h1>');

      var helpText = '<br><span style="color: #717171">These chat commands are available. Click on a command to use it!</span><br><br><table id="miracle-help-table"><tr><td><table>' +
          '<tr><th style="padding-right: 70px"><i>Command</i></th><th><i>Description</i></th></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/commands</code></td><td>Show this command help</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/version</code></td><td>Show Miracle version info</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/miracles</code></td><td>Show the number of miracle installs</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/miraclesettings</code></td><td>Show the miracle settings page</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/players</code></td><td>Display how many players are online</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/skin&lt;n></code></td><td>Change to skin &lt;n> (1-20), e.g.: /skin1</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/skin&lt;n> this</code></td><td>Store current skin as skin <n>, e.g.: /skin1 this</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/skin&lt;n> &lt;id></code></td><td>Store skin with ID &lt;id> as skin &lt;n> (1-20)</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/skinid</code></td><td>Send a chat message with your skin ID</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/useskin &lt;id></code></td><td>Use skin with the given ID</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/chatlog</code></td><td>Show the extended chat log</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/say &lt;text></code></td><td>Send a chat message with a fancy font</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/say&lt;n> &lt;text></code></td><td>Send chat message with fancy font number &lt;n> (1-7)</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/shout &lt;text></code></td><td>Purchase a megaphone shout for 20000 coins</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/paste</code></td><td>Show the emojis and text paste page</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/timer &lt;n></code></td><td>Set timer for &lt;n> minutes</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/timer &lt;n> h</code></td><td>Set timer for &lt;n> hours</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/timer stop</code></td><td>Stop the timer</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/mass</code></td><td>Send a chat message with your current mass</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/topmass</code></td><td>Send a chat message with your top mass in this sesssion</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/xp</code></td><td>Send a chat message with your level and next level\'s progress</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/powerups</code></td><td>Send a chat message with your powerup amounts</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/fps</code></td><td>Send a chat message with current fps</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/ping</code></td><td>Send a chat message with current ping</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/online</code></td><td>For how long are you online in the current session?</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/alive</code></td><td>For how long are you alive?</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/solo</code></td><td>Show the solo server message</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/dice</code></td><td>Roll a die with 6 sides</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/dice &lt;n></code></td><td>Roll a die with &lt;n> sides</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/guess</code></td><td>Start a guessing chat game</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/linesplit</code></td><td>Let your cell make a linesplit</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/waste</code></td><td>Waste all your mass</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/dance</code></td><td>Let your cell dance</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/halt</code></td><td>Let your cells stop moving</td></tr>' +

          '</table></td><td style="vertical-align: top"><table>' +
          '<tr><th style="padding-right: 70px"><i>Command</i></th><th><i>Description</i></th></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/help</code></td><td>Get help by the Agma support team</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/claim</code></td><td>Claim your daily coins</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/coins</code></td><td>Send a chat message with your coins</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/level</code></td><td>Send a chat message with your account level</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/rank</code></td><td>Send a chat message with your account rank</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/hours</code></td><td>Send a chat message with the time you played</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/shake</code></td><td>Let your cells shake!</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/flip</code></td><td>Let your cells flip!</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/spin</code></td><td>Let your cells spin!</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/jump</code></td><td>Let your cells jump!</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/wacky</code></td><td>Your cells will be laughing faces!</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/stats</code></td><td>Show your battle royale stats</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/party &lt;message></code></td><td>Write a message to your party</td></tr>' +
          '<tr><td><code>/pm &lt;account></code></td><td>Write a message to a given account</td></tr>' +


      $modal.append($('<br><a href="#" class="miracle-primary-color-background" style="display: inline-block; margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; color: white">Close</a>').click(function () {


      this.$helpModal = $modal;

      $('#miracle-help-table table tr').click(function() {
          var cmd = $(this).find('code').text();
          $('#chtbox').val($('#chtbox').val() + cmd).focus();

      var $helpButton = $('<div id="miracle-help-button" title="Help" class="unselectable"><i class="fa fa-question-circle" style="position: absolute; top: 4px; left: 5px; font-size: 22px;"></i></div>').click(function() {
      if (this.settings.overwriteHelp) {
          $('#commandsBtn').css('display', 'none'); // Hide Agma's vanilla help button
@media all and (max-width: 1288px) {
    left: 379px;
@media all and (max-width: 1088px) {
  #miracle-help-button {
    left: 278px;
@media all and (max-width: 909px) {
  #miracle-help-button {
    left: 185px;
    height: 26px;
    width: 26px;
  #miracle-help-button i {
    top: 2px !important;
</style>`); // Ensure help icon does not overlap powerups

      window.addEventListener('miracleCommand', function(commandEvent) {
        if (commandEvent.command === '/cmds' || commandEvent.command === '/commands' || commandEvent.command === '/info' || commandEvent.command === '/miraclehelp') {

    commands: function () {
      var self = this;
      var minutes, skinId;

      var sessionStartedAt =;

      $('#chtbox').keydown(function (event) {
        if (event.keyCode === 13) {
          var message = $('#chtbox').val();
          var command = message.split(' ')[0];
          var argument1 = message.split(' ')[1];
          var argument2 = message.split(' ')[2];

          if (message === 'time' || command === '/time' || command === '/localtime') {
            var now = new Date();
            $('#chtbox').val(self.pretty('Local time: ' + now.toLocaleString()) + self.watermark).focus();

          if (message === 'minutes' || command === '/minutes' || message === 'online' || command === '/online' || command === '/session') {
            if (message === 'minutes' || command === '/minutes') {
              self.message('⛔ The /minutes command is deprecated, please use /online instead.', true);

            minutes = parseInt(( - sessionStartedAt) / 1000 / 60);
            if (minutes < 1) {
              minutes = parseInt(( - sessionStartedAt) / 1000) + ' Seconds & 0';
            if (minutes > 60) {
              minutes = parseInt(minutes / 60) + ' Hours & ' + (minutes % 60);
            $('#chtbox').val(self.pretty('is online for: ' + minutes + ' Minutes in the session') + self.watermark).focus();

            if (command === '/claim') { // Player used claim command so store that so that Miracle doesnt suggest to use it during cool down
                // Use timeout to wait for curser rendering the message
                window.setTimeout(function() {
                    // Check if the client got the success message to be sure they actually claimed coins:
                    if ($('#curser').text().indexOf('free coins today, remember to /claim') !== -1) {
                        self.settings.coinsClaimedAt =;
                        console.log('#3 coins claimed at: ' + self.settings.coinsClaimedAt);
                        localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
                    // If the client got a fail message update the timer:
                    if ($('#curser').text().indexOf('You have already claimed your reward today.') !== -1) {
                          let regEx = /You can claim your reward again in (\d+) hour/;
                          let matches = $('#curser').text().match(regEx);
                          if (matches[1]) {
                               // 25 instead of 24 because we ingore the remaining minutes, so we just add a complete hour instead
                               self.settings.coinsClaimedAt = - (25 - parseInt(matches[1]));
                              console.log('#4 coins claimed at: ' + self.settings.coinsClaimedAt);
                               localStorage.setItem('miracleScripts', JSON.stringify(self.settings));
                }, 1000); // 1000 ms cuz of ping because the server needs to respond


          if (command === '/solo' || command === '/noteam') {
            $('#chtbox').val(':warning: SOLO SERVER :warning: No teaming!! No hay equipo!! Pas d\'équipe!! Kein Teaming!! لا فريق').focus();

          if (command === '/miracle' || command === '/version') {
            var miracleInfo =  'uses 𝘔𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘵𝘴';

            if (GM_info) {
              miracleInfo += ' ' + GM_info.script.version;

              var extra = 'Install for free, like ' + self.miracles + ' others have!';
              //if (self.getRandomInt(1, 2) === 1) {
                  //extra = '';
            $('#chtbox').val(miracleInfo + '. ' + extra + self.watermark).focus();

          if (command === '/samira') {
            $('#chtbox').val('Samira (inaaa) is the initiator of 𝘔𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘵𝘴' + self.watermark).focus();

          if (command === '/miracles') {
            $('#chtbox').val('𝘔𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘵𝘴 has about ' + self.miracles + ' installs so far!' + self.watermark).focus();

          if (command === '/skinid' || command === '/sayskin') {
            var skinUri = self.getSkinUrl();
            skinId = parseInt(skinUri.substr(skinUri.indexOf('skins/') + 6));
              if (skinId > 0) {
                  self.prettyMsg('uses the skin with the ID ' + skinId);
              } else {
                  self.prettyMsg('does not use a skin');


          if (command === '/useskin') {
            skinId = parseInt(argument1);
            if (! (skinId > 0)) {
              self.message('Invalid skin ID given. Example usage of command: /useskin 123', true);
            } else {


          if (command.substr(0, 4) === '/say' || (command === '/party' && argument1.substr(0, 4) === '/say')  || (command === '/pm' && argument2.substr(0, 4) === '/say')) {
            var prefix = '';
            if (command === '/party' && argument1.substr(0, 4) === '/say') {
              prefix = '/party ';
              message = message.substr(7);
            if (command === '/pm' && argument2.substr(0, 4) === '/say') {
              var spacePos = message.indexOf(' ', 5);
              prefix = message.substr(0, spacePos + 1);
              message = message.substr(spacePos + 1);

            var fontIndex = message.charAt(4) - 1;
            if (Number.isNaN(fontIndex)|| fontIndex < 0 || fontIndex > Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self.fonts).length - 1) {
              fontIndex = 1;

            var badWords = self.badWords.join('|');
      var regExp = new RegExp(badWords, 'gi');
      message = message.replace(regExp, '****');

            $('#chtbox').val(prefix + self.useUnicodeFont(message.substr(message.indexOf(' ') + 1), Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self.fonts)[fontIndex])).focus();

          if (command === '/dice') {
            var max = (argument1 > 0) ? parseInt(argument1) : 6;
            var number = self.getRandomInt(1, max);
            self.prettyMsg('rolled a die with ' + max + ' sides. Result: ' + number);

          if (command === '/powerups' || command === '/powers' || command === '/has') {
            var map = {
                invRecombine: 'recombine',
                invSpeed: 'speed',
                invGrowth: 'growth',
                invSpawnVirus: 'virus',
                invSpawnMothercell: 'red virus',
                invSpawnPortal: 'portal',
                invSpawnGoldOre: 'gold block',
                invFreeze: 'freeze',
                inv360Shot: 'push',
                invWall: 'wall',
                invAntiFreeze: 'nofreeze',
                invAntiRecombine: 'anti-rec',
                invFrozenVirus: 'frozen virus',
                invShield: 'shield',
            var getPowerUps = function(map, shortNames) {
                var ids = Object.keys(map); var amount; var powerups = ''; var powerUpName;
                for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
                    // Note: If the amount of a power-ups is 1, no number will be displayed.
                    amount = $('#' + ids[i] + ' p').text() || ($('#' +  ids[i]).css('display') === 'none' ? 0 : 1);
                    if (amount > 0) {
                        if (powerups != '') {
                            powerups += ', ';
                        powerUpName = map[ids[i]];
                        if (shortNames) {
                            powerUpName = powerUpName.substr(0, 3);
                        powerups += amount + ' ' + powerUpName;
                return powerups;

            var powerups = getPowerUps(map, false);
            if (powerups.length >= 95) {
                powerups = getPowerUps(map, true);

            if (powerups === '') {
                powerups = 'no power-ups';
            $('#chtbox').val(self.watermark + self.pretty('has ') + powerups); // Note: Dont use unicode fotn on all because this uses more characters than usually!

            if (command === '/mass') {
                 self.prettyMsg('has this mass: ' + self.mass);

            if (command === '/topmass') {
                 self.prettyMsg('has this top mass: ' + self.topMass);

          if (command === '/xp' || command === '/progress') {
              var xp = parseInt($('.xpBarTop span').text());
              var text =  '█'.repeat(xp / 10) + '▒'.repeat(10 - parseInt(xp / 10)) + ' ' + xp + '%';
            self.prettyMsg('is currently level ' + $('#level2').text() + ' with ' + text + ' of the next level');

          if (command === '/megaphone' || command === '/megashout' || command === '/shout') {
              // Notes: 1-7 = colors. The shout message can have max 130 chars, but chat messages can be only 100(?) chars long so np
              let sText = message.substr(message.indexOf(' ') + 1);
              let sColor = self.getRandomInt(1, 7)
              purchaseMega(sText, sColor);

          if (command === '/players') {
              var gameservers = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('gameservers'));
              var players = 0;
              var current = null;

              gameservers.forEach(function(gameserver) {
                  players += gameserver.players;
                  if (gameserver.isCurrent) {
                      current = gameserver.players + '/' + gameserver.maxPlayers;

              self.prettyMsg('Players online in Agma: ' + players);

              if (current !== null) {
                  $('#chtbox').val($('#chtbox').val() + self.pretty(' - current server: ' + current));

          if (command === '/wearable') {
            if (argument1) {
              argument1 = message.substr(10).toLowerCase().trim();
              var wIds = Object.keys(self.wearables);
              var foundWearable = null;
              wIds.forEach(function(wId) {
                if (self.wearables[wId].toLowerCase() === argument1) {
                   foundWearable = wId;
              if (! foundWearable) {
                  wIds.forEach(function(wId) {
                      if (self.wearables[wId].toLowerCase().indexOf(argument1) !== -1) {
                          foundWearable = wId;
              if (foundWearable) {
                  self.useWearables([foundWearable], false);
              } else {
                  var candidates = [];
                  wIds.forEach(function(wId) {
                      if (self.wearables[wId].toLowerCase().substr(0, 1) === argument1.substr(0, 1)) {
                  if (candidates.length > 0) {
                      self.swal('Not found', 'Not found. Try one of these: "' + candidates.join('" , "') + '"');
                  } else {
                      self.swal('Not found', 'Sorry, but I\'m lost. I cannot find this wearable.');
            } else {
              self.swal('Missing Argument', 'You need to specify the name of a wearable.');

          var commandEvent = new Event('miracleCommand');
          commandEvent.message = message;
          commandEvent.command = command;
          commandEvent.argument1 = argument1;
          commandEvent.argument2 = argument2;

     * This object is a container for functions that convert english letters and digits to fancy Unicode characters
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see
    fonts: {
      doubleStruck : function(charCode) {
        if (charCode === 67) { return String.fromCodePoint(0x2102); } // C
        if (charCode === 72) { return String.fromCodePoint(0x210D); } // H
        if (charCode === 78) { return String.fromCodePoint(0x2115); } // N
        if (charCode === 80) { return String.fromCodePoint(0x2119); } // P
        if (charCode === 81) { return String.fromCodePoint(0x211A); } // Q
        if (charCode === 82) { return String.fromCodePoint(0x211D); } // R
        if (charCode === 90) { return String.fromCodePoint(0x2124); } // Z
        if (charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D538 + charCode - 65);
        if (charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D552 + charCode - 97);
        if (charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D7D8 + charCode - 48);
        return String.fromCharCode(charCode);

      monospace : function(charCode) {
        if (charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D670 + charCode - 65);
        if (charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D68A + charCode - 97);
        if (charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D7F6 + charCode - 48);
        return String.fromCharCode(charCode);

      scriptBold : function(charCode) {
        if (charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D4D0 + charCode - 65);
        if (charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D4EA + charCode - 97);
        if (charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D7CE + charCode - 48);
        return String.fromCharCode(charCode);

      frakturBold : function(charCode) {
        if (charCode === 121) { return '𝐲'; } // y
        if (charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D56C + charCode - 65);
        if (charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D586 + charCode - 97);
        if (charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D7CE + charCode - 48);
        return String.fromCharCode(charCode);

      serifItalic: function(charCode) {
        if (charCode === 104) { return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D629); } // h
        if (charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D434 + charCode - 65);
        if (charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1D44E + charCode - 97);
        return String.fromCharCode(charCode);

      circled: function(charCode) {
        if (charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x24B6 + charCode - 65);
        if (charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x24D0 + charCode - 97);
        if (charCode >= 49 && charCode <= 57) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x2460 + charCode - 49);
        return String.fromCharCode(charCode);

      boxed: function(charCode) {
        if (charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1F130 + charCode - 65);
        if (charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x1F130 + charCode - 97);
        if (charCode >= 49 && charCode <= 57) {
          return String.fromCodePoint(0x2460 + charCode - 49);
        return String.fromCharCode(charCode);

      pretty: function(text) {
          return this.useUnicodeFont(text, 'serifItalic');

      prettyMsg: function(text) {
          $('#chtbox').val(this.pretty(text) + this.watermark);

     * Apply a unicode "font" on given text
    useUnicodeFont: function(text, font) {
      var regexResults, emojiPositions = [], emojiRegex = /:\w+:/g;
      while ((regexResults = emojiRegex.exec(text)) !== null) {

      var converted = '', convert = true;
      for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
        if (! convert && text.charAt(i) === ':') {
          convert = true;
        if (emojiPositions.indexOf(i) !== -1) {
          convert = false;
        if (convert) {
          converted += this.fonts[font](text.charCodeAt(i));
        } else {
          converted += text.charAt(i);

      return converted;

     * True if currently a HTML text element is focused
    isWritingText: function() {
      return document.activeElement.type === 'text' || document.activeElement.type === 'password' || document.activeElement.type === 'textarea';

     * Let the browser download string data as a text file with a given filename.
    download: function (filename, text) {
      var element = document.createElement('a');
      element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
      element.setAttribute('download', filename); = 'none';


     * Converts a version string (for example "1.5.7") to an integer (for example 1005007)
     * If no string version is given, the current version of the script will be used.
    getVersionAsInt: function(stringVersion) {
      if (stringVersion === undefined) {
        stringVersion = typeof GM_info !== 'undefined' ? GM_info.script.version : '0';

      var parts = stringVersion.split('.');
      if (parts.length === 1) {
      if (parts.length === 2) {

      return parseInt(parts[0]) * 1000000 + parseInt(parts[1]) * 1000 + parseInt(parts[2]);

     * Returns a random number between min and max (both inclusive)
     * Source: MDN
    getRandomInt: function (min, max) {
      return Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);

     * Returns the 360-angle between two points 8coordinates), starting by the first point.
     * 0° means the second point is in the north of the first point.
     * The returned angle will always be >= 0 and < 360.
    getAngle: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
      var angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1); // range (-PI, PI]
      angle *= 180 / Math.PI; // rads to degs, range (-180, 180]
      angle += 90;

      if (angle < 0) angle = 360 + angle; // range [0, 360)
      if (angle >= 360) angle = 360 - angle; // range [0, 360)

      return angle;

     * Adds angle2 to angle1 and returns the resulting angle.
    addAngle: function(angle1, angle2) {
      var angle = angle1 + angle2;

      angle %= 360;
      if (angle < 0) angle += 360;

      return angle;

     * Use the curser div to display a message at the top of the screen.
     * @param message
     * @param isError
    message: function (message, isError, fontSize) {
      var curser = document.querySelector('#curser');

      curser.textContent = message; = 'block'; = isError ? 'rgb(255, 0, 0)' : 'rgb(0, 192, 0)';
      if (fontSize > 0) {
 = fontSize + 'px';

      window.setTimeout(function () { = 'none';
      }, 5000);

     * Show a sweet alert (modal/popup) with a given title and message.
    swal: function (title, message, html) {
      if (html === undefined) {
        html = true;
        title: '📢 <span class="miracle-primary-color-font">' + title + '</span>',
        text: message,
        html: html

     * Returns the URI of my skin or null if not skin has been set.
     * Use this.skinUrl() to get it.
    getSkinUrl: function(sourceSelector) {
      if (sourceSelector === undefined) {
        sourceSelector = '#skinExampleMenu';
      var skinUrlRaw = $(sourceSelector).css('background-image');

      var parts = skinUrlRaw.split('"');

      if (parts.length !== 3) {
        return null;
      } else {
        return parts[1];

    getAccountName: function() {
          // First make sure we are logged in
          if (document.getElementById('dashPanel').style.display !== 'none') {
              // We have to use trim() or else the name might contain new lines
              return document.querySelector('#dashPanel .username').innerText.trim();
          } else {
              return null;


     * Tries to pick a skin that is identified by its skin ID.
     * Opens the skin menu, chooses the skin, and closes the menu again.
     * The skin must be available for the current player (e.g. because it's a public one).
    useSkin: function(skinId) {

      setTimeout(function () {

        var checkLoaded = function () {
          var loaded = ($('#skinsFree tr').length > 1);
          if (loaded) {

            setTimeout(function () {
              $('#shopModalDialog button.close').click();

              setTimeout(function () {
              }, 200);
            }, 200);
          } else {
            setTimeout(checkLoaded, 300);
      }, 200);

    setupPolyfills: function() {
      // Polyfill for old browser so they have String.fromCodePoint()
      if (!String.fromCodePoint) (function(stringFromCharCode) {
        var fromCodePoint = function(_) {
          var codeUnits = [], codeLen = 0, result = "";
          for (var index=0, len = arguments.length; index !== len; ++index) {
            var codePoint = +arguments[index];
            // correctly handles all cases including `NaN`, `-Infinity`, `+Infinity`
            // The surrounding `!(...)` is required to correctly handle `NaN` cases
            // The (codePoint>>>0) === codePoint clause handles decimals and negatives
            if (!(codePoint < 0x10FFFF && (codePoint>>>0) === codePoint))
              throw RangeError("Invalid code point: " + codePoint);
            if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) { // BMP code point
              codeLen = codeUnits.push(codePoint);
            } else { // Astral code point; split in surrogate halves
              codePoint -= 0x10000;
              codeLen = codeUnits.push(
                  (codePoint >> 10) + 0xD800,  // highSurrogate
                  (codePoint % 0x400) + 0xDC00 // lowSurrogate
            if (codeLen >= 0x3fff) {
              result += stringFromCharCode.apply(null, codeUnits);
              codeUnits.length = 0;
          return result + stringFromCharCode.apply(null, codeUnits);
        try { // IE 8 only supports `Object.defineProperty` on DOM elements
          Object.defineProperty(String, "fromCodePoint", {
            "value": fromCodePoint, "configurable": true, "writable": true
        } catch(e) {
          String.fromCodePoint = fromCodePoint;
