// ==UserScript==
// @name KrunkerAimbot justin james carmichael
// @version 1.09
// @description Free krunker.io aimbot
// @author Nathan Flurry
// @match http://krunker.io/*
// @match https://krunker.io/*
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect krunker.io
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/196575
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
document.innerHTML = "";
function gameHooks () {
window.hooks = {
context: null,
canvas: null,
manager: null,
config: null,
espname: true,
ongameloop: () => {}
window.aimbot = {
spinAngle: 0,
getMyself: () => {
for (const player of window.hooks.manager.list) {
if (player.isYou) {
return player
getDistance3D: (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) => {
var dx = x1 - x2
var dy = y1 - y2
var dz = z1 - z2
return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz)
getTarget: () => {
let target = null
let bestDist = 9999
let myself = window.aimbot.getMyself()
for (const player of window.hooks.manager.list) {
if (player.isVisible && player.active && myself !== player) {
if (myself.team && myself.team == player.team) { continue }
let dist = window.aimbot.getDistance3D(myself.x, myself.y, myself.z, player.x, player.y, player.z)
if (dist < bestDist) {
bestDist = dist
target = player
return target
updateView: (x, y, z, target) => {
var PI_2 = Math.PI / 2
y = target.y + target.height
window.hooks.context.camLookAt(x, y, z)
var ue = ~~(Math.random() * 0.00001)
var be = ~~(Math.random() * 0.00001)
var ye = window.hooks.config.mouseSens * window.hooks.context.sensMlt * (window.hooks.context.target ? window.hooks.config.camChaseSen : 1)
window.hooks.context.object.rotation.y -= ue * ye
window.hooks.context.pitchObject.rotation.x -= be * ye * (window.hooks.context.invertY ? -1 : 1)
window.hooks.context.pitchObject.rotation.x = Math.max(-PI_2, Math.min(PI_2, window.hooks.context.pitchObject.rotation.x))
window.hooks.context.yDir = (window.hooks.context.pitchObject.rotation.x % Math.PI2).round(3)
window.hooks.context.xDir = (window.hooks.context.object.rotation.y % Math.PI2).round(3)
aimbotloop: () => {
const myself = window.aimbot.getMyself()
const target = window.aimbot.getTarget()
window.hooks.context.target = null
if (target) {
window.aimbot.updateView(target.x, target.y, target.z, target)
window.hooks.context.xDir += (window.hooks.context.xDir + window.aimbot.spinAngle % Math.PI2).round(3)
window.hooks.context.mouseDownR = 1
if (myself.aimVal === 0) {
window.aimbot.updateView(target.x, target.y, target.z, target)
if (window.hooks.context.mouseDownL === 0) {
window.aimbot.updateView(target.x, target.y, target.z, target)
window.hooks.context.mouseDownL = 1 // quickscope
} else {
window.hooks.context.mouseDownR = 0
window.hooks.context.mouseDownL = 0
} else {
window.hooks.context.mouseDownR = 0
window.hooks.context.mouseDownL = 0
behoploop: () => {
if (window.hooks.context.keys) window.hooks.context.keys[window.hooks.context.jumpKey] = !window.hooks.context.keys[window.hooks.context.jumpKey]
window.onload = () => {
var hasLoaded = false
window.hooks.config.camChaseTrn = 0.05
window.hooks.config.camChaseSpd = 15000000
window.hooks.config.camChaseSen = 15000000
window.hooks.config.camChaseDst = 0
window.hooks.ongameloop = () => {
if (window.hooks.context === null) return
if (window.hooks.canvas === null) return
if (window.hooks.manager === null) return
if (window.hooks.config === null) return
if (!hasLoaded) {
hasLoaded = true
alert("Krunker.io hack loaded :)")
function getGameHooks(e){var o=/;(.)\.addEventListener\("mousemove"/,n=o.exec(e)[1],a=`;window.hooks.canvas = ${n};${n}.addEventListener("mousemove"`;e=e.replace(o,a);var s=/"mousemove",function\((.)\){if\((.)\.enabled\)/,i=s.exec(e)[1],t=s.exec(e)[2],c=`"mousemove",function(${i}){window.hooks.context = ${t};if(${t}.enabled)`;e=(e=e.replace(s,c)).replace("this.list=[];","window.hooks.manager = this;this.list=[];");var r=/(.)\.exports\.ambientVal/.exec(e)[1];return e=(e=(e=e.replace(/.\.exports\.ambientVal/,e=>`window.hooks.config = ${r}.exports;`+e)).replace(/(.)\.isVisible&&(.)\.objInstances\.visible/,"window.hooks.espname")).replace(/=Math\.min\(.,.\.maxDelta\),/,e=>e+"window.hooks.ongameloop(),")}
function patch (game) {return gameHooks.toString() + '\ngameHooks()\n' + getGameHooks(game).replace('//# sourceMappingURL=game.js.map', '')}
method: 'GET',
url: "http://krunker.io/js/game.js",
onload: function(responseDetails) {
var patchedScript = patch(responseDetails.responseText);
method: 'GET',
url: "http://krunker.io/",
onload: function(responseDetails) {
var patchedHtml = responseDetails.responseText.replace(' src="js/game.js">', '>' + patchedScript);