GOTA Extender

Game of Thrones Ascent Extender

< Feedback op GOTA Extender

Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

Geplaatst: 24-12-2016

Hide golden sworn swords.

Hi, could you hide sworn sword garbage that one buys with gold? Everybody just buys silver ones and renames them for 2 gold instead of paying 20 gold. It is bit tedious to scroll though these to check if there is uncommon silver one available.

Geplaatst: 25-12-2016

I unlock a seal slot for 3 golds to make them permanent, I think it's worth to spend 1 more gold to make them a little stronger. Anyways an option (that can be enabled and disabled) to hide gold SS in the recruit page wouldn't be too bad :)

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