GitHub Files Filter

A userscript that adds filters that toggle the view of repo files by extension

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A userscript that adds filters that toggle the view of repo files by extension

  • A group of buttons are added above the repository files, each one is set to filter a file name extension.
  • In v1.1.0, extension subcategories are now separate, e.g. "user.js" and "js" target different files.
  • The filters are only visible when there is more than one type of file extension present in the folder.
  • Files with no extension will be labeled as "«no-ext»".
  • Click on one or more filters to toggle the view of the files.
  • Hovering over the filter will show the number of files found for that extension.
  • Filter selections will be saved between sessions.
  • Special Filters:
    • The "«all»" filter button toggles the view of all files.
    • The "«no-ext»" filter button toggles all files that do not have an extension. It is only added if such files exist.
    • The "«dot-files»" filter button toggles all dot-files (e.g. .gitignore, .gitattributes, etc). It is only added if such files exist.
    • The "«min»" filter button toggles all files with a .min. in the name. It is only added if such files exist.
  • Made to work along with the GitHub image preview userscript; requires image-preview version 1.1.10+ for the best experience.
  • Inspired by hide-files-on-github extension & a bunch of code copied from the github-diff-files-filter userscript.
  • To do:
    • Add toggle for submodule and dot-folders.



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