The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART

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< Feedback op The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART

Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

Geplaatst: 21-11-2016

Thank You !

Thank you so much for creating this. I used ARAT daily and,since its demise, have been so frustrated scrolling through pages and pages to find changes. I first installed this on Chrome but no matter how many restarts could not get the tabulate button to appear. I also tried Edge without success. I thought there might be some setting in my pc that would not let it run but could find nothing.

Finally, yesterday, I decided to install Firefox and Greasemonkey. I have no idea if it is the difference between Tampermonkey and Greasemonkey on my pc but TART worked immediately on Firefox and I so appreciate having the ability to quickly see changes.

Geplaatst: 21-11-2016
Bijgewerkt: 21-11-2016

Hey, Susan, thanks for the note. I _think_ there had been a minor problem with the URL match I was using... that is, I think Amazon has maybe 1 server that some people in some particular region get, which uses a slightly different address. I discovered that about 3 days ago, and handled it. If you wouldn't mind, how about trying the current version of the script again, in Chrome and Edge? If they work, then I will be pleased to think that what I think I know... is correct.

And, if TART works in Chrome and Edge -- and TART is otherwise working as expected -- maybe you would edit this thread, to change its yellow dot, to green -- for positive feedback. Thanks

Geplaatst: 21-11-2016

I'm sorry I did not mean to check the yellow dot in the first place since I am so delighted by how well it is working in Firefox. I just updated the script in Chrome and Edge but the tabulate button still does not appear on my pc.

Geplaatst: 21-11-2016
Bijgewerkt: 21-11-2016

Thanks, Susan. I sure wish I could figure out what's going on. I do have a notion, if you wouldn't mind one more exercise. 1) In Chrome, go to your Public Reviews Written by You page, where TART has not worked. Verify that it still does not work. Select and Copy the URL, and paste it into a notebook type editor. 2) Click the link to Page 2 of your reviews, and see if Tabulate appears. If it does, then Copy the URL into the editor. 3) You can replace your Amazon user ID in the URLs with ***s, probably 14 characters, but, don't mess up anything else, like slash or question mark, etc. Mark each URL for what page, and whether it worked. 4) Copy those URLs, and paste them here... even if neither works. Seeing stuff from someone else's situation could be very helpful.

Geplaatst: 22-11-2016

I really think it is a problem with Tampermonkey since in both Chrome and Edge, it says that no scripts are running on that page. I do have the latest updates on the script turned on and the Tampermonkey extension is enabled.

Geplaatst: 22-11-2016
Bijgewerkt: 22-11-2016

URL non-matching is the only thing that makes sense. I'd like to see if your URLs match what I've been expecting (have already seen a case where they did not), and try to figure why Tampermonkey is NOT regarding your URL as a proper match, to make things work. What I'm getting at, is that these URLs may help me fix a problem that _other_ people may be having.

Geplaatst: 22-11-2016
Bijgewerkt: 22-11-2016

Thank you. So, TART still would not work, when on the 2nd page? WAIT, I see the problem: it's that "smile" at the beginning. Your URL when using FireFox must not have it. Is Smile some special Amazon program?

This WILL make a difference for some other users, and for me, who have not been able to grasp what I had thought were just a few isolated problems. I'm going to put up a revision, soon, and, you should then be able to use whatever browser you want!

Geplaatst: 22-11-2016

Yes, it's their program where they contribute to a charity of your choice for each purchase that you make. If I am shopping through a link and don't land on the Smile page, Amazon reminds me to switch to smile in order to get the contribution made.

Geplaatst: 22-11-2016

Yes, I just ran it , eliminating Smile and it worked perfectly. Thanks :)

Geplaatst: 22-11-2016*Version*=1&*entries*=0

Smile is really a great program and those little contributions do add up.

Geplaatst: 22-11-2016

Good show! Thank you for the help.

Geplaatst: 15-12-2017

AnotherFloyd, it appears that Amazon has closed down the pages that enable Tart to run and reviewers to actually see what reviews get responses. This script was excellent and I ran it every day.

Even though I have been in the top 50 for most of the last couple of years, I will be dropping quickly now because, without feedback, I don't have much incentive to review.

I thank you again for all your efforts and for sharing this script with fellow reviewers. It seems Amazon no longer cares about top reviewers.

Geplaatst: 15-12-2017

Thanks, Susan J. You may want to follow at this other feedback link... more people discussing, and I dangle the possibility of some sort of TART revision:

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