Hermes HIT exporter

Adds an Export button to MTurk HIT capsules to share HITs on forums, reddit, etc.

Mobius Evalon
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Notice: Mount Olympus is a required parallel install. Visit the linked page for more information.

A super-spiffy HIT exporter.

It's mostly the same thing you're used to, except for a couple of key usability improvements.

Firstly, you can swap and edit templates in place. What this means is that there is one Export button on the HIT capsule and you select your desired format (vBulletin, Markdown, et al.) after the fact. Hermes is designed to swap out these templates with no extra overhead, so the changes are immediate and cause no extra page scrapes or web requests.

There is also a completion time box for every export. This can be a decimal or mm:ss format, e.g. 1.25 and 1:15 mean the same thing. Using your provided completion time, Hermes will insert it and the pay per hour based on that information into the template for you. Just like editing and changing templates above, you can change the time projection as many times as you want/need without extra overhead.

It also does other smart things, like not querying Turkopticon if you don't include TO tokens in your templates.

A list of available tokens follows.

HIT information:

  • {hit_name}
  • {hit_id}
  • {hit_desc}
  • {hit_time} - the time allowed by the requester to complete the HIT
  • {my_time} - if provided by you in the export window, your completion time
  • {hits_available}
  • {hit_reward}
  • {hourly_rate} - if you provided a completion time, an automatically computed pay per hour value
  • {quals} - a list of all the qualifications required for this HIT, separated by semicolons

Requester information:

  • {requester_name}
  • {requester_id}

Turkopticon data:

  • {to_pay} - this requester's TO pay rating
  • {to_fair} - this requester's TO fairness rating
  • {to_fast} - this requester's TO promptness rating
  • {to_comm} - this requester's TO communication rating
  • {to_pay_symbols} - the TO pay rating represented as a string of symbols. The rating is rounded to the nearest integer to determine how many filled circles there are
  • {to_fair_symbols} - the TO fairness rating represented as a string of symbols
  • {to_fast_symbols} - the TO promptness rating represented as a string of symbols
  • {to_comm_symbols} - the TO communicativity rating represented as a string of symbols
  • {to_pay_color} - a color representing this requester's TO pay rating that you can use in combination with {to_pay} or {to_pay_symbols}, as is pretty common with other HIT exporters. The rating is rounded to the nearest integer, then a 1 or 2 is red, 3 is orange, and 4 or 5 is green
  • {to_fair_color} - a color representing this requester's TO fairness rating
  • {to_fast_color} - a color representing this requester's TO promptness rating
  • {to_comm_color} - a color representing this requester's TO communication rating
  • {to_graphic} - fancy graphical bars for TO stats (such as this one)

Convenience links (i.e. generated for you):

  • {preview_link} - automatically generated link to preview the HIT
  • {panda_link} - automatically generated link to panda the HIT
  • {requester_hits} - automatically generated link to search Turk for all HITs by this requester
  • {to_reviews} - automatically generated link to this requester's reviews on Turkopticon
  • {contact_requester} - link to the MTurk contact form for the HIT's requester
    You can also prepend "shortened_" to any of these to get a 21-character short URL, great for things like IRC.

Script information:

  • {author_url} - link to my GreasyFork profile page
  • {shortened_author_url} - short link to my GreasyFork page
  • {hermes_version} - the version of the Hermes script generating the export
  • {hermes_url} - link to this page
  • {shortened_hermes_url} - short link to this page

Hermes also has what I call group wrappers, denoted with HTML angle braces and delimited by their content with a colon. These can be repeated as many times as necessary (such as putting the to_wrapper around several different Turkopticon elements) and will override the contents when some error condition occurs, as explained in the following individual token entries.

  • <to_wrapper:> - overrides the contents when Turkopticon has no rating for this requester or the script was unable to query a TO mirror for information. For instance, <to_wrapper:Pay: {to_pay}> will normally display something like Pay: 4.45. If we assume that an error occurs, such as having no TO rating, this content is instead replaced with [None].
  • <pph_wrapper:> - overrides the contents when you have not provided a time estimate (or erased it/entered a time of less than or equal to zero.) If we use a template such as Hit reward: {hit_reward}<pph_wrapper:/{my_time} ({hourly_rate} per hour)> for example, you would get a result of simply Hit reward: $0.50 if you have entered nothing in the time estimate box on the export window. If you provided a valid time, this block would instead display something like Hit reward: $0.50/1:30 ($20.00 per hour).