C&C Tiberium Alliances Zoom (SKY)

On the region map it allows you to zoom out further

// ==UserScript==
// @name           C&C Tiberium Alliances Zoom (SKY)
// @description    On the region map it allows you to zoom out further
// @namespace      https://prodgame*.alliances.commandandconquer.com/*/index.aspx* 
// @include        https://prodgame*.alliances.commandandconquer.com/*/index.aspx*
// @version        Mar 11 2013
// @author         Panavia, fix  SKY
// ==/UserScript==

(function (){
  var tazoom_main = function() {
    function initialize() {
      console.log("Zoom Loaded");
      var zoomMin = 2.0;	// Larger number means able to zoom in closer.
      var zoomMax = 0.1;	// Smaller number means able to zoom out further.
      var zoomInc = 0.08;	// Larger number for faster zooming, Smaller number for slower zooming.
      webfrontend.gui.BackgroundArea.prototype.onHotKeyPress = function(be) {
        if(!this.active || be.getTarget() != this.mapContainer)
        var bh = be.getKeyIdentifier();
        var bf = ClientLib.Vis.VisMain.GetInstance();
        switch(bh) {
          case "+":
            var bg = bf.get_Region().get_ZoomFactor() + zoomInc;
            bf.get_Region().set_ZoomFactor(Math.min(zoomMin, Math.max(zoomMax, bg)));
          case "-":
            var bg = bf.get_Region().get_ZoomFactor() - zoomInc;
            bf.get_Region().set_ZoomFactor(Math.min(zoomMin, Math.max(zoomMax, bg)));

      var backgroundArea = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getBackgroundArea();
      qx.bom.Element.removeListener(backgroundArea.mapContainer, "mousewheel", backgroundArea._onMouseWheel, backgroundArea);
      qx.bom.Element.removeListener(backgroundArea.mapBlocker, "mousewheel", backgroundArea._onMouseWheel, backgroundArea);
      webfrontend.gui.BackgroundArea.prototype._onMouseWheel = function(e) {
        if(this.activeSceneView == null)
        var bz = e.getWheelDelta();
        var by = this.activeSceneView.get_ZoomFactor();
        by += bz > 0 ? -zoomInc : zoomInc;
        by = Math.min(zoomMin, Math.max(zoomMax, by));
      qx.bom.Element.addListener(backgroundArea.mapContainer, "mousewheel", backgroundArea._onMouseWheel, backgroundArea);
      qx.bom.Element.addListener(backgroundArea.mapBlocker, "mousewheel", backgroundArea._onMouseWheel, backgroundArea); 
    function tazoom_checkIfLoaded() {
      try {
        if (typeof qx != 'undefined') {
          a = qx.core.Init.getApplication(); // application
          mb = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getMenuBar();
          if (a && mb) {
          } else
            window.setTimeout(tazoom_checkIfLoaded, 1000);
        } else {
          window.setTimeout(tazoom_checkIfLoaded, 1000);
      } catch (e) {
        if (typeof console != 'undefined') console.log(e);
        else if (window.opera) opera.postError(e);
        else GM_log(e);
    if (/commandandconquer\.com/i.test(document.domain)) {
      window.setTimeout(tazoom_checkIfLoaded, 1000);

  // injecting, because there seem to be problems when creating game interface with unsafeWindow
  var tazoomScript = document.createElement("script");
  tazoomScript.innerHTML = "(" + tazoom_main.toString() + ")();";
  tazoomScript.type = "text/javascript";
  if (/commandandconquer\.com/i.test(document.domain)) {