Discussies » Scriptaanvragen

Looking for script get result "google captcha" from

Geplaatst: 07-02-2017
Bijgewerkt: 07-02-2017

Looking for script get result "google captcha" from

I need any script automatic click on "I'm not a robot" then click on "Get an audio challenger" button , then get url for "audio.mp3" and send url to "[current web name google,yahoo,imgur]&url=[audio.mp3 : google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo]" get result and put in red dailog

I want this script work on every web page have captcha "I'm not a robot"

Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvbS6ey6bHM

Thanks Best regard

Geplaatst: 08-02-2017

This does exactly what you're looking for: https://github.com/Tackyou/RecaptchaSolver

Geplaatst: 09-02-2017

Thanks alot, I edited some function for run in my project

(function() { 'use strict';

var dlLink = null;
var lohost = null;
var curweb = null;
var urlloc = null;
var result = null;

    console.log('[RC] FRAME');
    var audio = setInterval(function(){
        if(document.querySelector('.rc-audiochallenge-download-link') !== null){
            console.log('[RC] AUDIO FOUND');
                var newLink = document.querySelector('.rc-audiochallenge-download-link').href;
                if(newLink.length>0 && newLink != dlLink){
                    dlLink = newLink;
                    lohost = window.location.host.replace("http://www.","").replace("www.","");
                    lohost = lohost.substr(0, lohost.lastIndexOf(".")); 
                    curweb = lohost;
                    urlloc = ('' + 'web=' + (curweb) + '&' + 'url=' + (dlLink));
                    console.log('[RC] SENDING AUDIO');
                    console.log('[RC] LINK : ' + (urlloc));
                    var source = GM_xmlhttpRequest({
                        method: "GET",
                        url: urlloc,
                        onload: function(voices) {
                        result = voices.responseText;
                            if(result != null){
                                var json = null;
                                try {
                                    json = result;
                                } catch (e) {
                                if(json.indexOf('sorry') <= 0){
                                //  if(json !== null){
                                    document.getElementById('audio-response').value = json;
                                    console.log('[RC] JSON : ' + (json));
                                    document.getElementById('audio-response').value = '???';
                                    console.log('[RC] JSON : ' + (json));
                        //  sentback(result);
                    //  function sentback(x){
                    //      alert(x);
                    //  }                       
                    //  var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    //  request.open('POST', urlloc, true);
                    //  request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
                    //  request.onreadystatechange = function() {
                    //      if(request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) {
                    //          console.log('[RC] audio result received');
                    //          var result = request.responseText;
                    //          if(result.length>0){
                    //              var json = null;
                    //              try {
                    //                  json = JSON.parse(result);
                    //              } catch (e) {
                    //              }
                    //              if(json !== null && json.confidence > 0.7){
                    //                  document.getElementById('audio-response').value = json.result;
                    //                  //document.getElementById('recaptcha-verify-button').click();
                    //              }else{
                    //                  document.getElementById('audio-response').value = '???';
                    //              }
                    //          }
                    //      }
                    //  };
                    //  request.send('audiocaptcha='+encodeURIComponent(dlLink).replace(/!/g, '%21').replace(/'/g, '%27').replace(/\(/g, '%28').replace(/\)/g, '%29').replace(/\*/g, '%2A').replace(/%20/g, '+'));
            }, 6000);
    }, 1000);
function click(x, y)
    var myLayer = document.createElement('div');
    myLayer.style.position = 'absolute';
    myLayer.style.left = x+'px';
    myLayer.style.top = y+'px';
    myLayer.style.width = '2px';
    myLayer.style.height = '2px';
    myLayer.style.background = 'red';
    myLayer.style.zIndex = '9999999';
    myLayer.style.border = '3px double #FFF';
    myLayer.style.borderRadius = '10px';
    myLayer.style.pointerEvents = 'none';

    var ev = new MouseEvent('click', {
        'view': window,
        'bubbles': true,
        'cancelable': true,
        'screenX': x,
        'screenY': y
    var el = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);



    console.log('click x:'+x+' y:'+y);


Geplaatst: 10-02-2017

How far are you able to automatically solves captchas?

Geplaatst: 11-02-2017

yes it working fine

Geplaatst: 11-02-2017

Could you share your PHP file?

Geplaatst: 13-02-2017

it not working on php , I will share . Can you contact me via email or anyway private ?

Message : https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/messages/add/DarKWinGTM

Geplaatst: 13-02-2017
it not working on php , I will share . Can you contact me via email or anyway private ?

Message : https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/messages/add/DarKWinGTM

Sent you a PM

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