Discussies » Greasy Fork-feedback
feedback: please make it simple to share a script
You shouldn't copy & paste code in the first place. and you should care about copyright/stealing other people's scripts.
Scripts must be properly described, cannot be obfuscated or minified, must respect copyright, and are limited in the external code used. Read the full rules.
Also, all these things:
Additional info - Locale must exist
Additional info - Locale can't be blank
Locale must exist
Description is required - specify one with @description
@description can't be blank
Name - Locale must exist
Name - Locale can't be blank
You didn't specify @version. A @version meta key allows for update checking of your script in user script managers.
Generate @version automatically?
You didn't specify @namespace. A @namespace meta keys allows users to re-install your script to update it.
Generate a @namespace automatically?
Are very important as you need them to post a userscript to TamperMonkey.
Thanks to you the script can be updated (I'm not sure though if it appears on your database) : https://gist.github.com/WiliTest/b78ad2c234565ba8ce40df15440540d9.js
feedback: please make it simple to share a script
You need to be quite motivated, to share a script.
1/ the "share your script" is hidden below the list. It should be visible on the top of everything (if your goal is to get more scripts from users).
2/ I did not manage to share a script, I did copy past my script (which works), I don't care about copyright and stuff, but no, it did not work, that was just too easy. It told me:
here is the script you could post yourself (if you know how to do it):