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Has Google ever incorporated any of this site's code examples into its own products?

Geplaatst: 09-09-2015

Has Google ever incorporated any of this site's code examples into its own products?


Geplaatst: 09-09-2015

Only Google Knows.

Geplaatst: 09-09-2015

That's a fair answer. Based on my morning's nightmare, I should like to think it was Google, and not something even worse.

Geplaatst: 09-09-2015
Bijgewerkt: 09-09-2015

Google has tons of excellent programmers and they don't have any need to use userscripts which are small code snippets for some limited purpose like extending/modifying small aspect of an already existing site. There's absolutely nothing useful/needful for Google in userscripts listed on any site.

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