
Exports a simple function that can be passed a template literal. It strips code indentation from it while preserving intended indentation, by stripping out the smallest indent every line has in common.

Dette scriptet burde ikke installeres direkte. Det er et bibliotek for andre script å inkludere med det nye metadirektivet // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name        DeindentTemplateLiteralString
// @license     Unlicense
// @namespace   1N07
// @match       *://*/*
// @version     1.2
// @author      1N07
// @description Exports a simple function that can be passed a template literal. It strips code indentation from it while preserving intended indentation, by stripping out the smallest indent every line has in common.
// ==/UserScript==

 * Takes a string (usually evaluated from a template literal) and strips code indentation from it,
 * while preserving intended intendation, by slicing out the smallest indentation each line has in common.
 * @param {String} str
 * @returns str with code indentation removed
function DeindentTemplateLiteralString(str) {
	const smallestIndent = Math.min(
			.filter((line) => line.trim())
			.map((line) => line.match(/^\s+/)?.[0]?.length),
	return str
		.map((line) => line.slice(smallestIndent))

const Deindent = DeindentTemplateLiteralString;