Control Panel for Twitter

Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements

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  • v106 01.05.2023
    • Fixed Hide Views hiding the separator between username and time in focused quote tweets
    • Fixed affiliates of verified organizations getting Blue checks
    • Fixed adding "Turn on/off Retweets" to the menu on Lists
    • Fixed "Hide Verified tab" hiding the Twitter Circle "Recommended" tab when viewed on Notifications
    • Fixed profile page detection for people with an @ in their display name
    • Fixed replacing Blue checks in the Verified account popup in user profiles after a Twitter markup change
    • Fixed reply detection after a Twitter markup change
    • Fixed an error if a timeline item is completely empty
    • Removed the Verified accounts experiment which only applied to "legacy" Verified users
  • v105 22.04.2023

    Added hiding of the new Verified Organizations nav item (hidden by default)

  • v104 21.04.2023

    Don't give accounts the Blue badge if they're verified as an affiliate of an organization

  • v103 08.04.2023

    Fixed organization accounts which subscribe to Blue being given a golden Blue logo

  • v102 06.04.2023
    • Added an option to hide the Bookmark button under a focused tweet
    • Added an option to hide Bookmark metrics under a focused tweet
  • v100 04.04.2023
    • Replaced the doge logo with the Twitter logo
    • Fixed Flash of Unmodified Twitter on initial load
  • v99 18.03.2023

    Fixed replacement of Twitter Blue verified checks

  • v98 23.02.2023

    Fixed hiding Views under the focused tweet after a Twitter markup change

  • v97 14.02.2023
    • Added a new option to make "Latest" the default tab for search results
    • Added an option for hiding the "Home" heading on the main timeline so it can be turned off if Twitter ever improve it or remove it themselves
    • Fixed the entire Search page being reprocessed when search terms are changed
    • Fixed missing localization when viewing muted Quote Tweets in the options
  • v96 07.02.2023

    Renamed to Control Panel for Twitter

  • v95 01.02.2023


    • Replaced the extension icon with an ibis, better known in Australia as a "bin chicken" - sticking stuff on top of the Twitter icon (or something non-official which looks very, very like it) is against the Twitter Brand Guidelines
    • New "Home timeline" and 'Reduce "engagement"' sections in the options page - relevant options have been moved into these, including "Full-width timeline" and "Reduced interaction mode", which have been moved out of the Experiments section
    • Expanded support for Blue check replacement to more sections of the app:
      • Following/follower lists
      • Communities
      • Twitter Circle
      • Bookmarks
      • User typeahead dropdowns when composing a Tweet
    • Community pages can now go full-width
    • Automatically switch from Verified to All in Notification if Twitter forced you back onto it


    • When you mute a Quote Tweet, emoji and linebreaks will now be preserved in the "Muted tweets" section in the options
    • Moved options for hiding algorithmic timeline content into the Experiments section, as they can cause performance issues by hiding large numbers of tweets


    • Fixed Views not being hidden under tweets on the largest device widths supported by Twitter's mobile view
    • Fixed user profile page detection to be independent of display language - it wasn't working for many non-English display languages
    • Fixed Blue check replacement in various places:
      • on "user liked/retweeted" notifications (again)
      • in the user profile header and verified badge popup on mobile
      • in search result dropdowns in Search/Explore on mobile
    • Fixed some cases where hiding Blue checks would hide more than it should, e.g. the entire user name in "like" notifications
    • Fixed Blue subscribers with locked accounts having the locked account icon replaced too
    • Fixed "What's happening" appearing in the sidebar on the Suggested Communities page
    • Fixed tabs on other pages setting the title to "Home" on mobile if you navigate from Home to another tabbed page when the Retweets tab is being displayed
    • Fixed the sticky hover state on the Retweets tab on mobile
    • Fixed the Retweets tab showing tweets from the last tab you had open, instead of from Following


    • Removed all code related to the old "Sparkle button" timeline, which was continuing to cause problems for some people
  • v94 28.01.2023

    Fixed Tweets in the main timeline not rendering on lower-performance devices when using the desktop version

  • v93 26.01.2023
    • Lists, Bookmarks and Twitter Circle navigation items are no longer hidden by default
    • Fixed retweet and like metrics not being hidden on tweets you've retweeted or liked
    • Fixed the increasing count animation still being visible on hidden reply, retweet and like metrics
  • v92 26.01.2023
    • Added support for Lists
      • Display of Retweets in Lists can be toggled using a new "Turn off/on Retweets" item added to the List's menu
      • Other timeline features like hiding QTs of blocked/muted accounts and hiding QTs of specific tweets now also work on Lists
  • v91 26.01.2023

    - Added support for observing the tweet timeline in desktop media modals, so other features will work there, e.g. replacing Twitter Blue checks
    - Fixed hiding Views on the main tweet in desktop media modals
    - Fixed hiding the Like button instead of Views when the Buffer extension is also being used
    - Newsletters and Moments have been removed from the "More"/slide-out menu - disable their options for now so the "Creator Studio" section gets hidden when expected

  • v90 23.01.2023

    Fixed algorithmic tweets not being identified if "Following" is being used by default but "For you" isn't being hidden

  • v89 21.01.2023

    Fixed Tweak New Twitter not working if you open Twitter in a background tab then switch to it some time later

  • v88 20.01.2023
    • Changed how the version of Twitter being used (desktop or mobile) is detected
      • Tweak New Twitter should now work on any platform and version (e.g. requesting the desktop site on a mobile device, using device/responsive dev tools on desktop)
    • Added an option to show the "For you" tab while still keeping "Following" as the default [#196]
    • Fixed an issue where also using other Twitter extensions could stop Tweak New Twitter from running [#185]
  • v87 19.01.2023

    Added iPhone and iPad to the user agents check in the script

  • v86 19.01.2023

    Menu fixes after a Twitter markup change

    • Fixed hover style on custom menu items
    • Fixed closing the menu after "Mute this conversation" is used to mute a specific QT
  • v85 19.01.2023

    Fixed the Retweets tab not being styled as active when selected when "For you" is not being hidden

  • v84 18.01.2023

    Misc mobile version fixes:

    • Fixed the Retweets tab persisting when it should be removed
    • Fixed the Retweets tab retaining focus styling after it's been pressed
    • Fixed hiding tabs when hiding Explore page content
    • Removed logged-out/login pages from the hide "Open App" nags feature
  • v83 18.01.2023

    Fixed re-clicking the Following tab when it's already active on the Home timeline

  • v82 17.01.2023
    • Fix for Twitter moving where the the Views counter is under tweets
    • Tightened up the Sparkle button selector so it only looks in the top heading element
  • v81 16.01.2023
    • Fixed the Retweets tab being removed if there are lists pinned to the Home timeline
    • Fixed replacing Twitter Blue checks in ${user} followed/liked/retweeted Notifications
    • Fixed accidentally hiding the delete image button in the Tweet modal when hiding share tweet buttons
  • v80 14.01.2023

    Added support for the new tabbed timeline

    • Automatically keeps you on "Following"
    • Hides the "For you" tab
    • Hides the now-functionless "Home" heading on desktop
    • Adds a new "Retweets" tab
  • v79 12.01.2023
    • Fixed hiding view counts in their new location under individual tweets
    • Fixed hiding the share tweet button
  • v78 11.01.2023

    "Latest Tweets" was renamed to "Following"

  • v77 28.12.2022

    Fixed hiding views and share buttons on mobile

  • v76 23.12.2022
    • Added a new "Hide views / analytics links under tweets" option (enabled by default)
    • Fixed hiding Reply/Retweet/Like metrics
    • Fixed hiding the Share button under tweets
  • v75 14.12.2022

    - Hide the new Twitter Blue main navigation item
    - Hide "Discover more" algorithmic tweets when viewing an individual tweet

  • v74 29.11.2022

    Fixed quote tweet detection, main nav and menu item font tweaks, and hiding the total tweet count after a Twitter markup change

  • v73 23.11.2022
    • Added an option to use normal font weight in dropdown menus (enabled by default)
    • Fixed the width of the "What's happening?" input when using full-width timeline
    • Fixed the "Full-width media & cards" setting when using full-width timeline
  • v72 20.11.2022

    Fixed retweeted quote tweets not being hidden/separated based on Quote Tweets config

  • v71 18.11.2022
    • Handle the hashtag-specific variant of the search page
    • Added @icon
  • v70 16.11.2022

    - Twitter Blue checkmarks are now handled on the Notifications page
    - When hiding Explore page contents, the search input is now automatically focused
    - Algorithmic tweets are no longer hidden by default in the Home timeline - you now have to opt-in to hiding each category

  • v69 15.11.2022
    • Twitter Blue checks are now replaced with a Twitter Blue logo instead of being dimmed
    • The check in the verified account type popup on user profiles is now handled
    • Fix hiding total tweet metrics in desktop user profile headings
  • v68 15.11.2022
    • Twitter Blue checks are now handled on Quote Tweet pages
    • Removed Tor network URL (as it disabled Tweak New Twitter for extension version users)
  • v67 13.11.2022
    • Search result timelines are now handled, e.g. to dim Twitter Blue checks
    • Fixed tweets with a social context label being hidden in non-main timelines
    • Twitter's Tor URL is now supported
  • v66 12.11.2022
    • Restyled the main timline switcher controls as timeline tabs
    • Started hiding… more stuff in profile and individual tweet timelines
  • v65 11.11.2022

    Make getting React props work when run as a userscript in Firefox

  • v64 11.11.2022

    Hide the "Verified" tab on the Notifications page

    (Other features in this release such as dimming or hiding Twitter Blue checks unfortunately won't work when run as a userscript - a workaround will be coming in the future)

  • v63 09.11.2022

    Fixed detection of verified accounts for the Verified Accounts experiment

  • v62 08.11.2022
    • Fixed adding "Add muted word" to the redesigned "More" menu
    • "Twitter Circle" and "Monetization" can now be hidden in the "More" menu
    • Hide "Creator Studio" and "Professional Tools" dropdowns in the "More" menu when all their contents are hidden
    • Fixed algorithmic tweet type detection in the "Home" timeline
  • v61 27.08.2022

    Twitter reverted a recent header layout change - support both versions until we know which one is going to stick

  • v60 19.08.2022

    More mobile fixes after recent Twitter changes

    • Fixed hiding the mobile "App is best!" nag on the login screen
    • Fixed hiding the "Open app" nag on mobile when viewing a tweet
    • Fixed hiding a user's total tweet count on mobile when hiding metrics
    • Fixed skipping the Explore page on mobile when using the back button on the Search page while hiding Explore page contents
  • v59 15.08.2022
    • Fixed adding the Add Muted Word menu item on desktop
    • Enabled hiding Explore page contents on desktop (enabled by default as it's algorithmic)
  • v58 11.08.2022
    • Fixed the shared tweets timeline toggle not being displayed due to Twitter layout changes
    • Fixed Explore page contents not being hidden on mobile
    • Fixed automatically switching from Home to Latest Tweets on mobile
  • v57 25.03.2022

    Added hiding the new Communities nav item (left nav on desktop, bottom nav on mobile)

  • v56 14.02.2022
    • Fixed hiding metrics and the share button in the tweeted media modal
    • Fixed uninverted Follow/Following buttons being unreadable when using one of the dark themes

Show all script versions