Change font - PT Mono

Change font - PT Mono - free from Google Fonts

< Feedback on Change font - PT Mono


Ben PushkaAuthor
Posted: 10.08.2018

Use a user-style to add a font to a website (Can't install font on Android/ FF-mobile isn't caching

Use a user-style to add a font to a website (Can't install font on Android/ FF-mobile isn't caching it)

I would like to add a user-script to FireFox Mobile to change the fonts on some websites.

On Desktop, it works because the font is installed on the computer, and the Google Font is cached in FF.

But on Android, you can't install fonts, and the browser doesn't load the font even if I've visited a website which uses that font...

Is there any way to add to the user-script to download a google font? Or a way to add a font to FireFox mobile?

Ben PushkaAuthor
Posted: 10.08.2018

I've tried these - but the font isn't loading on mobile FF

/* WebFontConfig = { google: { families: 'PT Mono' } };

(function(d) { var wf = d.createElement('script'), s = d.scripts[0]; wf.src = ''; wf.async = true; s.parentNode.insertBefore(wf, s); })(document); */

var meta = document.createElement('link'); meta.href=''; meta.href='stylesheet'; meta.type='text/css';


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