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To Jason! (About library to do intercations with GF)

Posted: 11.05.2022
Edited: 11.05.2022

Hey Jason Barbane! I'm currently working on a library to make easy interaction with GF (greasy fork), so I was looking for terms of use or terms of service, something like this, but I didn't find anything. Just need to be sure if I didn't break any rules, now let me describe functional of my library, so you can say if it's ok:

  • Listing scripts, libraries, browsed scripts
  • Searching for content such as scripts, libraries, users (Using fetch)
  • Getting content from scripts, users, libraries (Using fetch)
  • Do actions: log-in, sign-out, post {script, style, library} (This item of list is only plans for future)

Yeah, this is an API-like library.

Thanks in advance!

Posted: 11.05.2022

I've fine with read access as long as you're not too crazy with the number of requests. Many pages on the site have JSON versions you can use.

I'd be a little more cautious with write stuff.

Posted: 11.05.2022
Edited: 11.05.2022

I've fine with read access as long as you're not too crazy with the number of requests. Many pages on the site have JSON versions you can use.

I'd be a little more cautious with write stuff.

Thanks for answer! I see before this post, but I don't really know how to get anything from them, if you are not too busy can you describe how to get content from JSON pages? I mean not how to parse JSON, I mean what pages I need to fetch to get content (for example: https://greasyfork.org/user.json?id=1).

Posted: 11.05.2022

https://greasyfork.org/en/users.json seems to currently throwing an error. I'll look into that.

https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts.json works.

In general, look for <link rel="alternate"> (or just add .json to the URL).

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