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MyAnimeList (MAL) Track Missing Relations

Allows to find missing relations and entries with wrong episode/chapter count

< MyAnimeList (MAL) Track Missing Relations 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2015-06-12

Option to exclude "Plan to Watch" entries from the scan

I have an awful lot of entries in my Plan to Watch section, yet I often forget what I have in there.
So, I would prefer for the script to treat them as missing relations too.

Right now I slightly modified the current script to suit my needs:

I really love your script, keep up the good work!

작성: 2015-06-13

It does make sense, I'll exclude plan to watch entries. Thanks for suggestion. It's just that I don't use PTW, that's why it never came to my mind.

작성: 2015-06-13

@XspeedPL, done

작성: 2015-06-13


작성: 2017-08-31
수정: 2017-08-31

Plan to watch entries are showing up on the "Entries in your list" side. Is there any way to get them to not be listed there (and to preferably not have them scanned at all)?

작성: 2017-08-31

Check out these two options in settings:

  • Treat anime entries as missing relations: Plan to Watch
  • Hide anime entries from missing relations: Plan to Watch
작성: 2017-08-31

Thank you, that worked.

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