Facebook Timeline Cleaner

delete you facebook timeline

< Facebook Timeline Cleaner 피드백

리뷰: 나쁨 - 동작하지 않음

작성: 2016-11-06

Grease Monkey FB Timeline Cleaner and

I installed Grease Monkey, then scripts FB Cleaner and Absterge. Tried Absterge first: I had to scroll and hit "More Activity" for a very long time, and then it did nothing. FB Cleaner didn't ask me to scroll, but it did seem to be working very hard...only to freeze up eventually, and nothing had been removed at all. I tried it again; again it worked very hard, but nothing was removed (the screen appeared to be emptying one year at a time, but when I reloaded, it was all still there, but this time I got a message saying that the content I was attempting to access was no longer available. I saw it with my own eyes; it's there!

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