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MTurk Worst Case Scenario Calculator

Shows what your approval rate would be in worst case scenario. This version was patched by Austin3600, since the original hasn't been updated since 2012 and is broken with new dashboard.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name        MTurk Worst Case Scenario Calculator
// @author      ThirdClassInternationalMasterTurker
// @description Shows what your approval rate would be in worst case scenario. This version was patched by Austin3600, since the original hasn't been updated since 2012 and is broken with new dashboard.
// @include
// @version     3.2
// @grant       none
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

// 2012-09-07 First public release by ThirdClassInternationalMasterTurker
// 2012-09-09 Added approximate number of rejects that drop you to the
//            edge of RATE_GOOD and RATE_OK
// 2012-10-06 Added GUI for setting RATE_GOOD and RATE_OK
//            (Click 'Pending (Worst Case Scenario)')
// 2012-12-02 3.1: Added @downloadURL and @updateURL
// 2014-04-04 3.2: Austin3600 patched script to work with new dashboard

// --- SETTINGS ------------------------------------------------------- //
var RATE_GOOD = (localStorage['WCS_GOOD']) ? localStorage['WCS_GOOD'] : 99.0;
var RATE_OK   = (localStorage['WCS_OK']) ? localStorage['WCS_OK'] : 95.0;

var COLOUR_GOOD    = 'lightgreen';
var COLOUR_OK      = 'orange';
var COLOUR_BAD     = 'red';

// -------------------------------------------------------------------- //

var rows = document.evaluate('//tr[@class]',
           XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); 

var submitted;
var approved;
var rejected;
var pending;

function config_func()
  return function()
    var t = prompt('MTurk Worst Case Scenario\nSet your RATE_GOOD and RATE_OK.\nFor example: 99.0;95.0',
                    '' + RATE_GOOD + ';' + RATE_OK);
    if (!t)

    var rates = t.split(';', 2);
    rates[0] = parseFloat(rates[0]).toFixed(1);
    rates[1] = parseFloat(rates[1]).toFixed(1);
    if (rates[0] > 0 && rates[0] <= 100)
      localStorage['WCS_GOOD'] = rates[0];
    if (rates[1] > 0 && rates[1] <= 100)
      localStorage['WCS_OK'] = rates[1];

for (var i=0;i<rows.snapshotLength;i++) {
  var row = rows.snapshotItem(i);

  if (row.cells.length != 3)
  if (row.className.match('odd|even') == null) {

  if (row.cells[0].textContent.match('HITs Submitted')) {
    submitted = parseInt(row.cells[1].textContent);

  if (row.cells[0].textContent.match('\\.\\.\\. Approved')) {
    approved = parseInt(row.cells[1].textContent);
    approved_p = parseFloat(row.cells[2].textContent);

    if (approved_p >= RATE_GOOD) {
      row.cells[2].style.backgroundColor = COLOUR_GOOD;
    else if (approved_p >= RATE_OK) {
      row.cells[2].style.backgroundColor = COLOUR_OK;
    else {
      row.cells[2].style.backgroundColor = COLOUR_BAD;

  if (row.cells[0].textContent.match('\\.\\.\\. Rejected')) {
    rejected = parseInt(row.cells[1].textContent);

  if (row.cells[0].textContent.match('\\.\\.\\. Pending')) {
    pending = parseInt(row.cells[1].textContent);

    row.cells[0].innerHTML += " <small>(Worst Case Scenario)</small>";

    if (RATE_GOOD < approved_p) {
      var p = 1.0 - RATE_GOOD/100;
      var x = (rejected-(p*submitted))/(p-1);
      row.cells[0].innerHTML += "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style=\"color:" + COLOUR_OK + "\">(~" + Math.round(x) + " rejects => " + RATE_GOOD + "%)</span>";
    if (RATE_OK < approved_p) {
      var p = 1.0 - RATE_OK/100;
      var x = (rejected-(p*submitted))/(p-1);
      row.cells[0].innerHTML += "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style=\"color:" + COLOUR_BAD + "\">(~" + Math.round(x) + " rejects => " + RATE_OK + "%)</span>";

    WCS = Math.round((approved/(approved+rejected+pending) * 1000))/10;
    row.cells[2].innerHTML = '(' + WCS + '%)';

    if (WCS >= RATE_GOOD) {
      row.cells[2].style.backgroundColor = COLOUR_GOOD;
    else if (WCS >= RATE_OK) {
      row.cells[2].style.backgroundColor = COLOUR_OK;
    else {
      row.cells[2].style.backgroundColor = COLOUR_BAD;

    row.cells[0].addEventListener("click", config_func(), false);
    row.cells[2].addEventListener("click", config_func(), false);