Connect 4 AI for papergames

Adds an AI player to Connect 4 on

< Connect 4 AI for papergames 피드백


작성: 2024-08-14

I apologize, but the issue you're facing is due to the website implementing a new detection system that stops scripts from interacting with the website. This essentially patches this script and I am actively trying to figure a workaround to the new detection system.

I would recommend using the "Connect 4 Board Evaluation for papergames" script, which provides a visual evaluation of the best moves for both players. This script is designed to work alongside the existing AI script and should provide a better overall experience.

Please note that while this script is designed to work well, the feature that allows the script to click for you won't work due to the pre-mentioned patch the website implemented. If you encounter any problems or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to leave a comment; but in the meantime, I will be trying to update this script to fully work.

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