Greasy Fork is available in English.


VIP影视剧直看:优酷,腾讯,爱奇异,乐视,PPTV,1905,芒果,风行,B站(电影);短视频下载:抖音,B站,youtube,土豆,A站,快手,小红书,西瓜,微博; 音乐下载:酷狗,qq音乐,网易音乐,喜马拉雅,荔枝,蜻蜓,懒人听书,酷我音乐;网盘免客户端下载:夸克,百度,阿里;搜索站切换:百度,bing,夸克,搜狗,google;资源嗅探(m3u8,mp4,mp3...),解除csdn复制限制

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name              [影综]VIP破解,网盘直链(夸克,百度,阿里),视频下载(B站[合成mp4],西瓜[合成mp4],youtube,微博等),音乐下载,资源嗅探(m3u8等),豆瓣快搜
// @name:en           [Video]VIP Movies, Netdisk(quark,baidu,ali), Video down, sniffing(m3u8,mp4,mp3...)
// @name:zh           [影综]VIP破解,网盘直链(夸克,百度,阿里),视频下载(B站[合成mp4],西瓜[合成mp4],youtube,微博等),音乐下载,资源嗅探(m3u8等),豆瓣快搜
// @name:zh-TW        [影綜]VIP破解,網盤直鏈(誇克,百度,阿裡),視頻下載(B站[合成mp4],西瓜[合成mp4],youtube,微博等),音樂下載,資源偵測(m3u8等),豆瓣快搜
// @namespace
// @version           v2.2.2
// @description       VIP影视剧直看:优酷,腾讯,爱奇异,乐视,PPTV,1905,芒果,风行,B站(电影);短视频下载:抖音,B站,youtube,土豆,A站,快手,小红书,西瓜,微博; 音乐下载:酷狗,qq音乐,网易音乐,喜马拉雅,荔枝,蜻蜓,懒人听书,酷我音乐;网盘免客户端下载:夸克,百度,阿里;搜索站切换:百度,bing,夸克,搜狗,google;资源嗅探(m3u8,mp4,mp3...),解除csdn复制限制
// @description:en    VIP movies: Youku, Tencent, iQiqi, LeTV, PPTV, 1905, Mango, Fengxing, Bilibili (movie); Short video download: Tiktok, Station B, Kwai, Xiaohongshu, watermelon, microblog, pear video, Meipai, national small video; Music: Kugou, QQ Music, NetEase Music, Himalaya, Litchi, Dragonfly, Lazy Listening to Books, Kuwo Music; Free client download for cloud storage: Quark, Baidu, Alibaba; Search: Baidu, Bing, Quark, Sogou, Google; Resource sniffing(m3u8,mp4,mp3...)
// @description:zh    VIP影视剧直看:优酷,腾讯,爱奇异,乐视,PPTV,1905,芒果,风行,B站(电影);短视频下载:抖音,B站,youtube,土豆,A站,快手,小红书,西瓜,微博;音乐下载:酷狗,qq音乐,网易音乐,喜马拉雅,荔枝,蜻蜓,懒人听书,酷我音乐;网盘免客户端下载:夸克,百度,阿里;搜索站切换:百度,bing,夸克,搜狗,google;资源嗅探(m3u8,mp4,mp3...),解除csdn复制限制
// @description:zh-TW VIP影視劇直看:優酷,騰訊,愛奇异,樂視,PPTV,1905,芒果,風行,B站(電影);短視頻下載:抖音,B站,youtube,洋芋,A站,快手,小紅書,西瓜,微博; 音樂下載:酷狗,qq音樂,網易音樂,喜馬拉雅,荔枝,蜻蜓,懶人聽書,酷我音樂; 網盤免用戶端下載:誇克,百度,阿裡; 蒐索站切換:百度,bing,誇克,搜狗,google; 資源偵測(m3u8,mp4,mp3…),解除csdn複製限制
// @author            lib
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
// @match             *://*
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// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect 
// @connect           localhost
// @icon    
// @grant             GM.webRequest
// @grant             GM.registerMenuCommand
// @grant             GM.unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant   
// @grant             GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant             GM.setValue
// @grant             GM.getValue
// @grant             GM.addStyle
// @grant             GM.getResourceText
// @grant             GM.addElement
// @grant             GM.setClipboard
// @grant             GM.notification
// @grant             window.onurlchange
// @grant             unsafeWindow
// @license           MIT
// @run-at            document-idle
// ==/UserScript==
(function(_this, factory, constructor, destruction, global) {
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  const getLocalConfig = () => {
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      if (_config.margin) {
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      Object.assign(config, _config);
  } catch (e) {}

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  if (inExtMode === true && inGMMode === true) {
  let update_key, Min, Hour, Day, Week, css_248z$5, Common, PluginBase, SiteEnum, Config, AjaxOption, Http, HttpHeaders, Route, css_248z$4, sAlert, css_248z$3, Runtime, ConfigEnum, Toast, LinkJumpController, BiliImgService, MovieService, UrlUtils, MusicService, css_248z$2, CsdnAdService, Alert, WenKuService, AutoExpandService, BIliTools, BiliMobileService, AliyunPanToken, css_248z$1, css_248z, MfbMenu, MfbModel, YoutubeService, SettingService, ControlMenuService, SearchService, QuarkFileResponse, NetDiskDirectService, AdClearService, XhsService, GfUpdateService, SettingUI, SettingUIService, OneKeyVipGfInjection, ReactDOM__default, Swal__default, React__default, container, Container, Logger, LogLevel, extendStatics, BrowerType, VersionResult, Core, VersionCompar, ReactDOM, Swal, semiUi, React;
  function setSlowInterval(callback = instance => {}, timeout = 50, slowAfterTime = 6000, newTimeout = 1500) {
      const c = new Date().getTime()
      let _timeout = timeout
      let shouldPause = false
      let shouldEnd = false
      let intervalInstance = {
          reNew: () => {
              shouldPause = false
              _timeout = new Date().getTime()
          pause: () => {
              shouldPause = true
          cancel: () => {
              shouldEnd = true

      function newCallBack() {
          const deltaT = new Date().getTime() - c
          if(deltaT > slowAfterTime) {
              _timeout = newTimeout

          if(shouldEnd) {

          if(!shouldPause) {
              setTimeout(newCallBack, _timeout)
          } else {
              setTimeout(() => {}, 5000)

      return intervalInstance
  function __awaiter(P) {
      return new (P || (P = Promise))((function(resolve, reject) {
          function fulfilled(value) {
              try {
              } catch (e) {
          function rejected(value) {
              try {
              } catch (e) {
          function step(result) {
              result.done ? resolve(result.value) : function adopt(value) {
                  return value instanceof P ? value : new P((function(resolve) {
              }(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);
          step((c = c.apply(c, d || [])).next());
  function setCountFunction(callback, countPeriod) {
      let t = 0

      if(t % countPeriod === 0) {
          t ++
  function styleInject(css) {
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      style.styleSheet ? style.styleSheet.cssText = css : style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)));
  function __spread() {
      for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
      return ar;
  function __generator(d, body) {
      var f, y, t, g, _ = {
          label: 0,
          sent: function() {
              if (1 & t[0]) throw t[1];
              return t[1];
          trys: [],
          ops: []
      return g = {
          next: verb(0),
          throw: verb(1),
          return: verb(2)
      }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
          return this;
      }), g;
      function verb(n) {
          return function(v) {
              return function step(op) {
                  if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
                  for (;_; ) try {
                      if (f = 1, y && (t = 2 & op[0] ? y.return : op[0] ? y.throw || ((t = y.return) &&,
                      0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t;
                      switch (y = 0, t && (op = [ 2 & op[0], t.value ]), op[0]) {
                        case 0:
                        case 1:
                          t = op;

                        case 4:
                          return _.label++, {
                              value: op[1],
                              done: !1

                        case 5:
                          _.label++, y = op[1], op = [ 0 ];

                        case 7:
                          op = _.ops.pop(), _.trys.pop();

                          if (!(t = _.trys, (t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) || 6 !== op[0] && 2 !== op[0])) {
                              _ = 0;
                          if (3 === op[0] && (!t || op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3])) {
                              _.label = op[1];
                          if (6 === op[0] && _.label < t[1]) {
                              _.label = t[1], t = op;
                          if (t && _.label < t[2]) {
                              _.label = t[2], _.ops.push(op);
                          t[2] && _.ops.pop(), _.trys.pop();
                      op =, _);
                  } catch (e) {
                      op = [ 6, e ], y = 0;
                  } finally {
                      f = t = 0;
                  if (5 & op[0]) throw op[1];
                  return {
                      value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0,
                      done: !0
              }([ d, g ]);
  function _interopDefaultLegacy(d) {
      return d && "object" == typeof d && "default" in d ? d : {
          default: d
  function _interopLegacy(b) {
    return b.ReactDOM__call = "object" == typeof b && { d, g };
  function __extends(d, b) {
    function __() {
        this.constructor = d;
    extendStatics(d, b), d.prototype = null === b ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype,
    new __);
  function __read(n) {
      var i, r, ar, e, m = "function" == typeof Symbol && g[Symbol.iterator];
      if (!m) return g;
      i =, ar = [];
      try {
          for (;(void 0 === n || n-- > 0) && !(r =; ) ar.push(r.value);
      } catch (error) {
          e = {
              error: error
      } finally {
          try {
              r && !r.done && (m = i.return) &&;
          } finally {
              if (e) throw e.error;
      return ar;
  async function choice(){
      for(let i=10;i;i--){
          await this.sleep(1000)
          let video
              video = $('iframe').contents().find("iframe").contents().find("video")[0]
              video.muted = true;
                  if(video.ended||$('iframe').contents().find(".ans-job-icon").attr("aria-label") == '完成'){
                      $(".orientationright ").click()
                  await this.sleep(1000)
      let next = $(".nextChapter")
      $(".orientationright ").click()
      await this.sleep(1000);



  const colors = ['#ff972d', '#297fc8', '#5fc829', '#FFEB3B', '#c96883', '#8dc3dd', '#ffffff', '#eee3c8', '#009688', '#4CAF50', '#8BC34A', '#CDDC39', '#FFEB3B', '#FFC107', '#FF9800', '#FF5722', '#607D8B'];

const randomColor = () => {
  return colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];

  const tagList = list => {
  const _list = [];
  const temp = [...list];
  temp.forEach((item, index) => {
    item._index = index;
  const sl = temp.sort((prev, next) => {
    return prev.index - next.index;
  const pList = sl.filter(item => !item.parent);


  const sList = sl.filter(item => item.parent).sort((prev, next) => prev.parent - next.parent);
  const subMap = new Map();
  sList.forEach(item => {
    const pid = parseInt(item.parent, 10);

    if (!subMap.has(pid)) {
      const pItem = pList.find(pitem => pitem.index === pid) || {};
      const bg = pItem.background || '#9E9E9E';
      const fc = fontColor(bg);
      subMap.set(pid, {
        index: _list.length,
        color: fc,
        bg: bg,
        c: c,

    } else {
      const {
      } = subMap.get(pid);

  return [_list, subMap];

  ReactDOM__default = _interopDefaultLegacy(ReactDOM), Swal__default = _interopDefaultLegacy(Swal), ReactDOM__call = _interopLegacy(c),
  React__default = _interopDefaultLegacy(React), container = new Map, Container = function() {
      function Container() {
          function _dropMultiCSS(fragment) {
              const newFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
              [...g].map(node => {
                  this._singleInsert(node, newFrag, document)
              return newFrag
      function appendChild(node, to = 'head', config = {
          isReload: false,
          d: d,
          c: c
      }) {
          return this.insert(node, to, config)
      return Container.Registe = function(type, args) {
          var className = this.processName(;
          return container.has(className) ? container.get(className) : className ? (container.set(className, window.Reflect.construct(type, args)),
          container.get(className)) : void 0;
      }, Container.processName = function(name) {
          return name.toLowerCase();
      }, Container.Require = function(type) {
          return this.Registe(type, []);
      }, Container;
  }, Logger = function() {
      function Logger() {}
      return Logger.log = function(msg, group, level) {}, Logger.debug = function(msg, group) {
          void 0 === group && (group = "debug"), this.log(msg, group, LogLevel.debug);
      }, = function(msg, group) {
          void 0 === group && (group = "info"), this.log(msg, group,;
      }, Logger.warn = function(msg, group) {
          void 0 === group && (group = "warning"), this.log(msg, group, LogLevel.warn);
      }, Logger.error = function(msg, group) {
          void 0 === group && (group = "error"), this.log(msg, group, LogLevel.error);
      }, Logger;
  }, function(LogLevel) {
      LogLevel[LogLevel.debug = 0] = "debug", LogLevel[ = 1] = "info", LogLevel[LogLevel.warn = 2] = "warn",
      LogLevel[LogLevel.error = 3] = "error";
  }, extendStatics = function(d, b) {
    return (extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
        __proto__: []
    } instanceof Array && function(d, b) {
        d.__proto__ = b;
    } || function(d, b) {
        for (var p in b) b.hasOwnProperty(p) && (d[p] = b[p]);
    })(d, b);
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      BrowerType[BrowerType.Liebao = 8] = "Liebao", BrowerType[BrowerType.UC = 9] = "UC",
      BrowerType[BrowerType.QQ = 10] = "QQ", BrowerType[BrowerType.Sogou = 11] = "Sogou",
      BrowerType[BrowerType.Opera = 12] = "Opera", BrowerType[BrowerType.Maxthon = 13] = "Maxthon";
  }, function(VersionResult) {
      VersionResult[VersionResult.less = -1] = "less", VersionResult[VersionResult.equal = 0] = "equal",
      VersionResult[VersionResult.greater = 1] = "greater", VersionResult[VersionResult.incomparable = NaN] = "incomparable";
  }, Core = function() {
      function Core() {
          this.url = Core.currentUrl();
      return Core.Render = function(element, id) {
          var script, container = document.getElementById(id);
          container || ((script = unsafeWindow.window.document.createElement("div")).id = id,
          unsafeWindow.window.document.head.append(script), container = document.getElementById(id)),
          ReactDOM__default.default.render(element, container);
      }, Core.appendTo = function(selector, html) {
      }, Core.prepend = function(selector, html) {
      }, Core.lazyload = function(callback, time) {
          return void 0 === time && (time = 5), __awaiter(this, void 0, Promise, (function() {
              var _this = this;
              return __generator(this, (function(_a) {
                  return [ 2, new Promise((function(resolve) {
                      setTimeout((function() {
                          return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
                              return __generator(this, (function(_a) {
                                  switch (_a.label) {
                                    case 0:
                                      return [ 4, callback() ];

                                    case 1:
                                      return _a.sent(), resolve(), [ 2 ];
                      }), 1e3 * time);
                  })) ];
      }, Core.autoLazyload = function(is_ok, callback, time) {
          return void 0 === time && (time = 5), __awaiter(this, void 0, Promise, (function() {
              var _this = this;
              return __generator(this, (function(_a) {
                  return [ 2, new Promise((function(resolve) {
                      return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
                          return __generator(this, (function(_a) {
                              switch (_a.label) {
                                case 0:
                                  return is_ok() ? [ 3, 1 ] : (setTimeout((function() {
                                      Core.autoLazyload(is_ok, callback, time).then((function() {
                                          return resolve();
                                  }), 1e3 * time), [ 3, 3 ]);

                                case 1:
                                  return [ 4, callback() ];

                                case 2:
                                  resolve(), _a.label = 3;

                                case 3:
                                  return [ 2 ];
                  })) ];
      }, Core.sleep = function(time) {
          return new Promise((function(resolve) {
              setTimeout((function() {
              }), 1e3 * time);
      }, Core.random = function(min, max) {
          var range = max - min, rand = Math.random();
          return min + Math.round(rand * range);
      }, Core.randStr = function(len) {
          var $chars, maxPos, pwd, i;
          for (void 0 === len && (len = 4), maxPos = ($chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789").length,
          pwd = "", i = 0; i < len; i++) pwd += $chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxPos));
          return pwd;
      }, Core.background = function(callback, time) {
          void 0 === time && (time = 5), setInterval((function() {
          }), 1e3 * time);
      }, Object.defineProperty(Core, "head", {
          get: function() {
              return unsafeWindow.window.document.head;
          enumerable: !1,
          configurable: !0
      }), Core.isNumber = function(a) {
          return !Array.isArray(a) && a - parseFloat(a) >= 0;
      }, Core.addUrl = function(key, url) {
          GM_setValue(key, url);
      }, Core.openUrl = function(key) {
      }, Core.getPar = function(option, url) {
          void 0 === url && (url =;
          var v = url.match(new RegExp("[?&]" + option + "=([^&]+)", "i"));
          return null == v || v.length < 1 ? "" : v[1];
      }, Core.appendCss = function(url) {
          var linkCSS = document.createElement("link");
          linkCSS.type = "text/css", linkCSS.rel = "stylesheet", linkCSS.href = url, Core.head.appendChild(linkCSS);
      }, Core.appendCssContent = function(content) {
          var Style = document.createElement("style");
          Style.innerHTML = content, Core.head.appendChild(Style);
      }, Core.prototype.bodyAppendCss = function(url) {
          $("body").append($('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + url + '">'));
      }, Core.bodyAppend = function(html) {
      }, Core.bodyPrepend = function(html) {
      }, Core.appendElement = function(id, url) {
          if (!url) url = id;
          GM.addElement(document.head, 'script', {
              id: id,
              src: url,
              type: 'text/javascript'
      }, Core.appendJs = function(id, url) {
        if (!url) url = id;
          var linkScript = document.createElement("script");
 = id , linkScript.type = "text/javascript", linkScript.src = url, unsafeWindow.window.document.head.appendChild(linkScript);
      }, Core.prototype.bodyAppendJs = function(url) {
          $("body").append($('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + url + '"><\/script>'));
      }, Core.currentUrl = function() {
          return window.location.href;
      }, Object.defineProperty(Core, "url", {
          get: function() {
              return window.location.href;
          enumerable: !1,
          configurable: !0
      }), Core.inIframe = function() {
          return !(!self.frameElement || "IFRAME" != self.frameElement.tagName) || (window.frames.length != parent.frames.length || self != top);
      }, Core.format = function(time, fmt) {
          var o, k;
          for (k in void 0 === fmt && (fmt = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), o = {
              "M+": time.getMonth() + 1,
              "d+": time.getDate(),
              "h+": time.getHours(),
              "m+": time.getMinutes(),
              "s+": time.getSeconds(),
              "q+": Math.floor((time.getMonth() + 3) / 3),
              S: time.getMilliseconds()
          }, /(y+)/.test(fmt) && (fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (time.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length))),
          o) new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt) && (fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, 1 == RegExp.$1.length ? o[k] : ("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length)));
          return fmt;
      }, Core.sizeFormat = function(value) {
          var unit, index;
          return value === +value ? (unit = [ "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB" ],
          index = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.log(1024)), "" + (value / Math.pow(1024, index)).toFixed(1) + unit[index]) : "";
      }, Core.encode = function(str) {
          return window.btoa(str);
      }, Core.decode = function(str) {
          return window.atob(str);
      }, Core.prototype.Msg = function(msg) {
          return layer.msg(msg, {
              icon: 5
      }, Core.prototype.showContent = function(title, content) {
              type: 1,
              title: title,
              shade: 0,
              content: content
      }, Core.prototype.close = function(obj) {
      }, Core.prototype.closeAll = function() {
      }, = function(url, loadInBackGround) {
          if (void 0 === loadInBackGround && (loadInBackGround = !1), Core.getBrowser() == BrowerType.Safiri && "undefined" == typeof GM_openInTab) {
              if (void 0 === (null === GM || void 0 === GM ? void 0 : GM.openInTab)) return void, "_blank");
              null === GM || void 0 === GM || GM.openInTab(url, loadInBackGround);
          GM_openInTab(url, loadInBackGround);
      }, = function(selector, callback) {
          $(selector).on("click", callback);
      }, Core.uuid = function(len, split, radix) {
          var chars, uuid, i, r;
          if (void 0 === len && (len = 10), void 0 === split && (split = !1), void 0 === radix && (radix = 0),
          chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".split(""),
          uuid = [], radix = 0 == radix ? radix || chars.length : radix, split) for (r = void 0,
          uuid[8] = uuid[13] = uuid[18] = uuid[23] = "-", uuid[14] = "4", i = 0; i < 36; i++) uuid[i] || (r = 0 | 16 * Math.random(),
          uuid[i] = chars[19 == i ? 3 & r | 8 : r]); else for (i = 0; i < len; i++) uuid[i] = chars[0 | Math.random() * radix];
          return uuid.join("");
      }, Core.getBrowser = function() {
          var browser = !1, userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
          return null != userAgent.match(/firefox/) ? browser = BrowerType.Firefox : null != userAgent.match(/edge/) ? browser = BrowerType.Edge : null != userAgent.match(/edg/) ? browser = BrowerType.Edg : null != userAgent.match(/bidubrowser/) ? browser = BrowerType.Baidu : null != userAgent.match(/lbbrowser/) ? browser = BrowerType.Liebao : null != userAgent.match(/ubrowser/) ? browser = BrowerType.UC : null != userAgent.match(/qqbrowse/) ? browser = BrowerType.QQ : null != userAgent.match(/metasr/) ? browser = BrowerType.Sogou : null != userAgent.match(/opr/) ? browser = BrowerType.Opera : null != userAgent.match(/maxthon/) ? browser = BrowerType.Maxthon : null != userAgent.match(/2345explorer/) ? browser = BrowerType.Ie2345 : null != userAgent.match(/chrome/) ? browser = navigator.mimeTypes.length > 10 ? BrowerType.Se360 : BrowerType.Chrome : null != userAgent.match(/safari/) && (browser = BrowerType.Safiri),
      }, Core.getPercent = function(num, total) {
          return num = parseFloat(String(num)), total = parseFloat(String(total)), isNaN(num) || isNaN(total) ? 0 : total <= 0 ? "0" : Math.round(num / total * 1e4) / 100;
      }, Core.getReact = function(dom, traverseUp) {
          var domFiber, compFiber_1, i, GetCompFiber, compFiber;
          if (void 0 === traverseUp && (traverseUp = 0), null == (domFiber = dom[Object.keys(dom).find((function(key) {
              return key.startsWith("__reactFiber$") || key.startsWith("__reactInternalInstance$");
          }))])) return null;
          if (domFiber._currentElement) {
              for (compFiber_1 = domFiber._currentElement._owner, i = 0; i < traverseUp; i++) compFiber_1 = compFiber_1._currentElement._owner;
              return compFiber_1._instance;
          for (compFiber = (GetCompFiber = function(fiber) {
              for (var parentFiber = fiber.return; "string" == typeof parentFiber.type; ) parentFiber = parentFiber.return;
              return parentFiber;
          })(domFiber), i = 0; i < traverseUp; i++) compFiber = GetCompFiber(compFiber);
          return compFiber.stateNode || compFiber;
      }, Core.copyText = function(text) {
          var textArea = document.createElement("textarea");
          return = "fixed", = "-10000px",
          textArea.value = text, document.body.appendChild(textArea), textArea.focus(),,
          document.execCommand("copy") ? (document.body.removeChild(textArea), !0) : (document.body.removeChild(textArea),
      }, Core.getGmCookie = function(key, domain) {
          return void 0 === domain && (domain = ""), new Promise((function(resolve, reject) {
              if ("undefined" != typeof GM_cookie) {
                  var obj = {
                      name: key,
                      url: Core.url
                  domain && (obj.domain = domain), GM_cookie.list(obj, (function(cookies, error) {
                      (null == cookies ? void 0 : cookies.length) > 0 ? resolve(cookies[0].value) : (Logger.warn("get cookie [" + key + "] is error:" + error),
              } else resolve("");
      }, Core.getCookie = function(key) {
          var i, l, tempArr, arr = document.cookie.replace(/\s/g, "").split(";");
          for (i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) if ((tempArr = arr[i].split("="))[0] == key) return decodeURIComponent(tempArr[1]);
          return "";
      }, Core;
  }, VersionCompar = function() {
      function VersionCompar() {
          /^[\d\.]+$/.test(c) || Logger.error("Invalid version string"), = e.split(".").map((function(e) {
              return parseInt(c);
          })), this.versionString = c;
      return VersionCompar.prototype.compareTo = function() {
          for (var t = 0; t <; ++t) {
              if ( === t) return VersionResult.greater;
              if ([t] !==[t]) return[t] >[t] ? VersionResult.greater : VersionResult.less;
          return !== ? VersionResult.less : VersionResult.equal;
      }, VersionCompar.prototype.greaterThan = function(e) {
          return this.compareTo(e) === VersionResult.greater;
      }, VersionCompar.prototype.lessThan = function(e) {
          return this.compareTo(e) === VersionResult.less;
      }, VersionCompar.prototype.equals = function(e) {
          return this.compareTo(e) === VersionResult.equal;
      }, VersionCompar;
  }, update_key = "isUpdate", Min = 60, Hour = 60 * Min, Day = 24 * Hour, Week = 7 * Day,
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skewX(-.1953125deg) skewY(-.1953125deg);\n        transform: skewX(-.1953125deg) skewY(-.1953125deg)\n    }\n}\n\n@keyframes jello {\n    from, 11.1%, to {\n        -webkit-transform: none;\n        -moz-transform: none;\n        transform: none\n    }\n    22.2% {\n        -webkit-transform: skewX(-12.5deg) skewY(-12.5deg);\n        -moz-transform: skewX(-12.5deg) skewY(-12.5deg);\n        transform: skewX(-12.5deg) skewY(-12.5deg)\n    }\n    33.3% {\n        -webkit-transform: skewX(6.25deg) skewY(6.25deg);\n        -moz-transform: skewX(6.25deg) skewY(6.25deg);\n        transform: skewX(6.25deg) skewY(6.25deg)\n    }\n    44.4% {\n        -webkit-transform: skewX(-3.125deg) skewY(-3.125deg);\n        -moz-transform: skewX(-3.125deg) skewY(-3.125deg);\n        transform: skewX(-3.125deg) skewY(-3.125deg)\n    }\n    55.5% {\n        -webkit-transform: skewX(1.5625deg) skewY(1.5625deg);\n        -moz-transform: skewX(1.5625deg) skewY(1.5625deg);\n        transform: skewX(1.5625deg) skewY(1.5625deg)\n    }\n    66.6% {\n        -webkit-transform: skewX(-.78125deg) skewY(-.78125deg);\n        -moz-transform: skewX(-.78125deg) skewY(-.78125deg);\n        transform: skewX(-.78125deg) skewY(-.78125deg)\n    }\n    77.7% {\n        -webkit-transform: skewX(0.390625deg) skewY(0.390625deg);\n        -moz-transform: skewX(0.390625deg) skewY(0.390625deg);\n        transform: skewX(0.390625deg) skewY(0.390625deg)\n    }\n    88.8% {\n        -webkit-transform: skewX(-.1953125deg) skewY(-.1953125deg);\n        -moz-transform: skewX(-.1953125deg) skewY(-.1953125deg);\n        transform: skewX(-.1953125deg) skewY(-.1953125deg)\n    }\n}\n\n.animated {\n    -webkit-animation-duration: 1s;\n    -moz-animation-duration: 1s;\n    animation-duration: 1s;\n    -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;\n    -moz-animation-fill-mode: both;\n    animation-fill-mode: both\n}\n\n@-webkit-keyframes bounceInUp {\n    from, 60%, 75%, 90%, to {\n        -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.215, .61, .355, 1);\n        animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.215, .61, .355, 1)\n    }\n    from {\n        opacity: 0;\n        -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 800px, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, 800px, 0)\n    }\n    60% {\n        opacity: 1;\n        -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -20px, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, -20px, 0)\n    }\n    75% {\n        -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 10px, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, 10px, 0)\n    }\n    90% {\n        -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -5px, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, -5px, 0)\n    }\n    to {\n        -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)\n    }\n}\n\n@-moz-keyframes bounceInUp {\n    from, 60%, 75%, 90%, to {\n        -moz-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.215, .61, .355, 1);\n        animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.215, .61, .355, 1)\n    }\n    from {\n        opacity: 0;\n        -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 800px, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, 800px, 0)\n    }\n    60% {\n        opacity: 1;\n        -moz-transform: translate3d(0, -20px, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, -20px, 0)\n    }\n    75% {\n        -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 10px, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, 10px, 0)\n    }\n    90% {\n        -moz-transform: translate3d(0, -5px, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, -5px, 0)\n    }\n    to {\n        -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)\n    }\n}\n\n@keyframes bounceInUp {\n    from, 60%, 75%, 90%, to {\n        -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.215, .61, .355, 1);\n        -moz-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.215, .61, .355, 1);\n        animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.215, .61, .355, 1)\n    }\n    from {\n        opacity: 0;\n        -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 800px, 0);\n        -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 800px, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, 800px, 0)\n    }\n    60% {\n        opacity: 1;\n        -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -20px, 0);\n        -moz-transform: translate3d(0, -20px, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, -20px, 0)\n    }\n    75% {\n        -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 10px, 0);\n        -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 10px, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, 10px, 0)\n    }\n    90% {\n        -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -5px, 0);\n        -moz-transform: translate3d(0, -5px, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, -5px, 0)\n    }\n    to {\n        -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\n        -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\n        transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)\n    }\n}\n\n.bounceInUp {\n    -webkit-animation-name: bounceInUp;\n    -moz-animation-name: bounceInUp;\n    animation-name: bounceInUp;\n    -webkit-animation-delay: 1s;\n    -moz-animation-delay: 1s;\n    animation-delay: 1s\n}\n',
  (function(Common) {
    var Menu = function() {
        function Menu() {
            this.core = new Core;
        return Menu.prototype.loader = function() {}, Menu.prototype.getBody = function(option) {
            return '<svg width="0" height="0"><defs><filter id="goo"><feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="10" result="blur"></feGaussianBlur><feColorMatrix in="blur" mode="matrix" values="1 0 0 0 0  0 1 0 0 0  0 0 1 0 0  0 0 0 19 -9" result="goo"></feColorMatrix><feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="goo" operator="atop"></feComposite></filter></defs></svg><div class="aside-nav bounceInUp animated" id="Wandhi-nav"><label for="" class="aside-menu" title="\u6309\u4f4f\u62d6\u52a8">VIP</label>' + option + "</div>";
        }, Menu.prototype.Init = function(menus, callback, skipIframe) {
            var that, str, drags, asideNav, _this = this;
            void 0 === skipIframe && (skipIframe = !0), Core.inIframe() && skipIframe || (that = this,
            this.loader(), str = "", menus.forEach((function(element, index) {
                str += '<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="' + element.title + '" data-cat="' + element.type + '" class="menu-item menu-line menu-' + _this.menusClass[index] + '">' + + "</a>";
            })),"\u8ffd\u52a0\u83dc\u5355"), Core.bodyAppend(this.getBody(str)),
            /Safari|iPhone/i.test(this.userAgent) && /chrome/i.test(this.userAgent) && $("#Wandhi-nav").addClass("no-filter"),
            drags = {
                down: !1,
                x: 0,
                y: 0,
                winWid: 0,
                winHei: 0,
                clientX: 0,
                clientY: 0
            }, asideNav = $(this.menuSelector)[0], $("body").on("mousedown", "" + that.menuSelector, (function(a) {
                var getCss = function(a, e) {
                    var _a, _b, _c;
                    return null !== (_b = null === (_a = document.defaultView) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.getComputedStyle(a, null)[e]) && void 0 !== _b ? _b : null !== (_c = a.currentStyle) && void 0 !== _c ? _c : a.currentStyle[e];
                drags.down = !0, drags.clientX = a.clientX, drags.clientY = a.clientY, drags.x = parseInt(getCss(this, "left")),
                drags.y = parseInt(getCss(this, "top")), drags.winHei = $(window).height(), drags.winWid = $(window).width(),
                $(document).on("mousemove", (function(a) {
                    var e = a.clientX - drags.clientX, t = a.clientY - drags.clientY;
                    (asideNav = asideNav || $("#Wandhi-nav")[0]) = drags.y + t + "px", = drags.x + e + "px";
            })).on("mouseup", "" + that.menuSelector, (function() {
                drags.down = !1, $(document).off("mousemove");
            })), Menu.fullScreenMirror(),;
        }, Menu.fullScreenMirror = function() {
            unsafeWindow.document.onfullscreenchange = function(e) {
                Logger.debug("fullElement:" + unsafeWindow.document.fullscreenElement), Menu.autoHide && (unsafeWindow.document.fullscreenElement ? $("#" + Menu.mainId).hide() : $("#" + Menu.mainId).show());
        }, Menu.close = function() {
            Menu.autoHide = !1, $("#" + Menu.mainId).hide();
        }, Menu.mainId = "Wandhi-nav", Menu.autoHide = !0, Menu;
    Common.Menu = Menu;
  }(Common || (Common = {}))), PluginBase = function(Common) {
      function PluginBase() {
        var _this = this;
        this._unique = !0, this.semiui = !1, = new Common.Menu, this.Process = function() {
      return PluginBase.prototype.unique = function() {
          return this._unique;
      }, PluginBase.prototype.linkTest = function(url) {
          var flag, _this = this;
          return url || (url = Core.currentUrl()), flag = !1, this.rules.forEach((function(v, k) {
              return !v.test(url) || (flag = !0, = k, !1);
          })), flag;
      }, PluginBase.prototype.appName = function() {
          return this._appName;
      }, PluginBase;
  }(Common), Config = function() {
      function Config() {}
      return Object.defineProperty(Config, "env", {
          get: function() {
              return {
                g: g,
                info: getInfo()
          enumerable: !1,
          configurable: !0
      }), Config.get = function(key, defaultValue) {
          var objStr, obj;
          if (void 0 === defaultValue && (defaultValue = ""), objStr = GM_getValue(this.encode(key), null)) {
              if (-1 == (obj = JSON.parse(objStr)).exp || obj.exp > (new Date).getTime()) return"cache true:" + key + "," + obj.exp),
          return"cache false"), defaultValue;
      }, Config.set = function(key, v, exp) {
          void 0 === exp && (exp = -1);
          var obj = {
              key: key,
              value: v,
              exp: -1 == exp ? exp : (new Date).getTime() + 1e3 * exp
          Logger.debug(obj), GM_setValue(this.encode(key), JSON.stringify(obj));
      }, Config.remember = function(key, exp, callback) {
          var _this = this;
          return new Promise((function(reso, reject) {
              var v = _this.get(key, null);
              null == v || "" === v ? callback().then((function(res) {
                  _this.set(key, res, exp), reso(res);
              })).catch((function(e) {
              })) : (Logger.debug(v), reso(v));
      }, Config.clear = function(key) {
      }, Config.decode = function(str) {
          return atob(str);
      }, Config.encode = function(str) {
          return btoa(str);
      }, = function(s) {
          var v = Config.get(s, 0);
          v++, Config.set(s, v);
      }, Config;
    }, AjaxOption = function() {
        function AjaxOption(_url, _methodType, _data, _success, _header, timeOut) {
            void 0 === _methodType && (_methodType = "GET"), void 0 === _header && (_header = new Map),
            void 0 === timeOut && (timeOut = 60), this.url = _url, this.methodType = _methodType,
            this.onSuccess = _success, this.onError = _success, = _data, this.headers = _header,
            this.timeOut = timeOut;
        return AjaxOption.prototype.getData = function() {
            var fd_1, fd, i;
            if ( instanceof FormData) return;
            if ( instanceof Map) return fd_1 = new FormData,, k) {
                fd_1.append(k, v);
            })), fd_1;
            for (i in fd = new FormData, fd.append(i,[i]);
            return fd;
        }, AjaxOption;
  }, Http = function() {
      function Http() {}
      return Http.ajax = function(option) {
          var _a, head;
          option.headers.set("User-Agent", null !== (_a = unsafeWindow.navigator.userAgent) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36"),
          option.headers.set("Accept", "application/atom+xml,application/xml,text/xml"), head = new HttpHeaders,
          option.url.indexOf("wandhi") > 0 && (head.version = Config.env.script.version, head.auth = null !== (d = && void 0 !== d ? d : "",
          head.namespace = null !== (c = Config.env.script.namespace) && void 0 !== c ? c : ""),
          option.headers.forEach((function(v, k) {
              head[k] = v;
          })), GM.xmlHttpRequest({
              url: option.url,
              method: option.methodType,
              headers: head,
              data: option.getData(),
              timeout: 1e3 * option.timeOut,
              onload: function(res) {
                  var _a, _b;
                  try {
                      null === (_a = option.onSuccess) || void 0 === _a ||, "POST" == option.methodType ? JSON.parse(res.responseText) : res.responseText);
                  } catch (error) {
                      null === (_b = option.onSuccess) || void 0 === _b ||, null);
              onerror: function(res) {
                  var _a, _b, _c;
                  (null === (_a = res.finalUrl) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.indexOf("")) > 0 || (null === (_b = option.url) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b.indexOf("jsdelivr")) > 0 ? option.onError(null) : null === (_c = option.onError) || void 0 === _c ||, res);
      }, Http.ajaxNew = function(url, method, data, header, dataType) {
        var _a, _b, head, _getData, _data;
        return void 0 === header && (header = new Map), void 0 === dataType && (dataType = void 0),
        head = new HttpHeaders, header.size > 0 && header.forEach((function(v, k) {
            head[k] = v;
        })), url.indexOf("wandhi") > 0 && (head.version = Config.env.script.version, head.auth = null !== (_a = && void 0 !== _a ? _a : "",
        head.namespace = null !== (_b = Config.env.script.namespace) && void 0 !== _b ? _b : ""),
        _getData = function(_data) {
            if (_data instanceof FormData) return data;
            if (data instanceof Map) {
                var fd_1 = new FormData;
                return _data.forEach((function(v, k) {
                    var _v;
                    _v = "string" == typeof v ? v.toString() : JSON.stringify(v), fd_1.append(k, _v);
                })), fd_1;
            return JSON.stringify(_data);
        }, _data = _getData(data), null != dataType ? "multipart/form-data" != dataType && (head["Content-Type"] = dataType) : data instanceof FormData || data instanceof Map ? head["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" : head["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        new Promise((function(resolve, reject) {
                url: url,
                method: method,
                headers: head,
                data: _data,
                onload: function(res) {
                    try {
                    } catch (error) {
                onerror: function(err) {
                    Logger.debug(err), reject(err);
                ontimeout: function() {
                    Logger.debug("\u8bf7\u6c42\u8d85\u65f6:" + url), reject("\u8bf7\u6c42\u8d85\u65f6");
    }, Http.getText = function(url) {
        return Http.ajaxNew(url, "GET", null, new Map([]));
    }, Http.getData = function(url, callback) {
          return g = $.getJSON(url, (function(d) {
      }, Http.JqGet = function(url, callback, head) {
          void 0 === head && (head = new Map), Http.get(url, new Map, head).then((function(d) {
      }, = function(url, data, timeOut) {
          return void 0 === timeOut && (timeOut = 10), new Promise((function(resolve) {
              Http.ajax(new AjaxOption(url, "POST", data, (function(data) {
              }), new Map, timeOut));
      }, Http.get = function(url, data, head, loading, time_out) {
          return void 0 === data && (data = new Map), void 0 === head && (head = new Map),
          void 0 === time_out && (time_out = 10), new Promise((function(resolve, reject) {
              Http.ajax(new AjaxOption(url, "GET", data, (function(data) {
                  var _a, res;
                  try {
                      res = null !== (_a = JSON.parse(data)) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : data, resolve(res);
                  } catch (error) {
              }), head, time_out));
      }, Http.getWithHead = function(url, data, head, time_out) {
          return void 0 === data && (data = new Map), void 0 === head && (head = new Map),
          void 0 === time_out && (time_out = 10), new Promise((function(resolve, reject) {
              Http.ajax(new AjaxOption(url, "GET", data, (function(data) {
                  var _a, res;
                  try {
                      res = null !== (_a = JSON.parse(data)) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : data, resolve(res);
                  } catch (error) {
                      Logger.debug(error), reject();
              }), head, time_out));
      }, Http.postWithHead = function(url, data, head, time_out) {
          return void 0 === data && (data = new Map), void 0 === head && (head = new Map),
          void 0 === time_out && (time_out = 10), new Promise((function(resolve, reject) {
              Http.ajax(new AjaxOption(url, "POST", data, (function(data) {
                  try {
                  } catch (error) {
                      Logger.debug([ url, error ]), reject();
              }), head, time_out));
      }, Http.get_text = function(url) {
          return new Promise((function(resolve) {
              Http.ajax(new AjaxOption(url, "GET", new Map, (function(data) {
      }, Http.get302 = function(url) {
          return new Promise((function(resolve) {
                  url: url,
                  onload: function(response) {
                  onabort: function() {
                  method: "GET",
                  onerror: function(response) {
      }, Http;
  }, HttpHeaders = function HttpHeaders() {}, Route = function() {
      function Route() {
          this.queryTao = "";
      return Object.defineProperty(Route, "apiRoot", {
          get: function() {
              return "";
          enumerable: !1,
          configurable: !0
      }), Route.baseApi = function(api, data, timeOut) {
          void 0 === timeOut && (timeOut = 10), + api, data, timeOut).then((function(res) {
      }, Route.querySbx = function(id) {
          var _this = this;
          "" !== Config.get(this.sxb_key, "") ? this.query365(id, Config.get(this.sxb_key), c) : this.queryValue("sxb_anhao", (function(res) {
              _this.query365(id,, c);
      }, Route.sbxFeedback = function(id, answer) {
          this.baseApi("/tools/record", new Map([ [ "id", id ], [ "data", answer ], [ "anhao", Config.get(this.sxb_key) ] ]), (function() {}));
      }, Route.query365 = function(id, anhao) {
          var api = Config.get("sxb_api");
          api ?, new Map([ [ "docinfo", "" + id + ".html" ], [ "anhao", anhao ] ])).then((function(res) {
          })) : this.queryValue("sxb_api", (function(res) {
              Config.set("sxb_api",, 864e5),, new Map([ [ "docinfo", "" + id + ".html" ], [ "anhao", anhao ] ]));
      }, Route.queryValue = function(key) {
          this.baseApi(Route.config, new Map([ [ "key", key ] ]), c);
      }, Route.queryHistory = function(url, siteType) {
          this.baseApi(this.history, new Map([ [ "url", url ], [ "type", siteType ] ]), c);
      }, Route.queryHistoryV5 = function(url) {
          var _this = this;
          return new Promise((function(reso, reje) {
              _this.baseApi(_this.historyv3, new Map([ [ "url", url ] ]), (function(res) {
                  res.code ? reso(res) : reje(res);
      }, Route.queryHistoryV4 = function(url) {
          Http.JqGet(url, c);
      }, Route.queryBiliImg = function(aid) {
          Http.getData(this.biliInfo + "?aid=" + aid, c);
      }, Route.queryBiliDown = function(aid, cid) {
          Http.get(this.bilidown + "?cid=" + cid + "&avid=" + aid + "&qn=112&fnval=4048&s=wandhi").then((function(res) {
      }, Route.queryBiliDownWeb = function(aid, cid) {
          return Http.get("" + aid + "&cid=" + cid);
      }, Route.queryCoupons = function(itemId) {
          this.baseApi(, new Map([ [ "id", itemId ] ]), c);
      }, Route.queryJdCoupons = function(itemId) {
          Route.baseApi(Route.jd_coupons, new Map([ [ "item_id", itemId ] ]), c);
      }, Route.querySnCoupons = function(url) {
          Route.baseApi(Route.sn_coupons, new Map([ [ "url", url ] ]), c);
      }, Route.queryVpCoupons = function(url) {
          Route.baseApi(Route.vp_coupons, new Map([ [ "url", url ] ]), c);
      }, Route.queryKlCoupons = function(itemId) {
          return new Promise((function(reso) {
              Route.baseApi(Route.kl_coupons, new Map([ [ "itemId", itemId ] ]), (function(res) {
      }, Route.couponQuery = function(itemId, type) {
          Route.baseApi("/coupons/info", new Map([ [ "id", itemId ], [ "type", type ] ]), c);
      }, Route._getSurl = function() {
          var reg = /(?<=s\/|surl=)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/g;
          return reg.test(Core.url) ? Core.url.match(reg)[0] : "";
      }, Route.baiduDriect = function(fids, accessToken) {
          return __awaiter(this, void 0, Promise, (function() {
              var url;
              return __generator(this, (function(_a) {
                  return url = "" + fids + "&access_token=" + accessToken,
                  [ 2, Http.ajaxNew(url, "GET", null, new Map([ [ "User-Agent", "" ] ])) ];
      }, Route.baiduAccessToken = function() {
          return Http.get302(",netdisk");
      }, Route.baiduAccessTokenAuth = function() {
          var _a, _b;
          return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
              var url, html, data;
              return __generator(this, (function() {
                  switch (c.label) {
                    case 0:
                      return url = ",netdisk",
                      [ 4, Http.get_text(url) ];

                    case 1:
                      return html = c.sent(), (data = new Map).set("grant_permissions_arr", "netdisk"),
                      data.set("bdstoken", null === (_a = html.match(/name="bdstoken"\s+value="([^"]+)"/)) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a[1]),
                      data.set("client_id", null === (_b = html.match(/name="client_id"\s+value="([^"]+)"/)) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b[1]),
                      data.set("response_type", "token"), data.set("display", "page"), data.set("grant_permissions", "basic,netdisk"),
                      [ 2, Http.ajaxNew(url, "POST", data, new Map, "multipart/form-data") ];
      }, Route.quarkDriect = function(fids) {
          return Http.ajaxNew("", "POST", {
              fids: fids
          }, new Map([ [ "User-Agent", "quark-cloud-drive" ] ]));
      }, Route.RouteConfig = function() {
          return new Promise((function(resolve) {
              var config = Config.get("script_config", !1);
              config ? resolve(config) : Route.baseApi("/config/script", new Map, (function(res) {
                  var config = JSON.parse(Core.decode(;
                  Config.set("script_config", config, 2 * Hour), resolve(config);
      }, Route.home_url = "", Route.home_url_update = "",
      Route.install_url_one = "", Route.sxb_anhao = "",
      Route.sxb_key = "sxb_anhao", Route.config = "/config/query", Route.history = "/history/",
      Route.historyv1 = "/history/v1", Route.historyv2 = "/history/v2", Route.historyv3 = "/history/v3",
      Route.bili = "/tools/bili", Route.biliInfo = "",
      Route.bilidown = "", = "/tb/infos/", = "/tb/guesslike", Route.jd_coupons = "/jd/info", Route.sn_coupons = "/sn/info",
      Route.vp_coupons = "/vp/info", Route.kl_coupons = "/kl/info", Route;
  }, css_248z$4 = ".one-key-vip-container { z-index: 99999!important }\ { font-size: 14px !important }\ { display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-between;padding-top: 20px; }\ { width: 16px;height: 16px; }\n",
  sAlert = function() {
      function sAlert() {}
      return sAlert.toast = function(msg, icon, position, time) {
          void 0 === icon && (icon = "success"), void 0 === position && (position = "top"),
          void 0 === time && (time = 2),{
              toast: !0,
              position: position,
              showCancelButton: !1,
              showConfirmButton: !1,
              title: msg,
              icon: icon,
              timer: 1e3 * time,
              customClass: this.customeCss
      }, sAlert.error = function(msg, time) {
          void 0 === time && (time = 2), this.toast(msg, "error", "center", time);
      }, = function(msg, icon, position, time) {
          void 0 === icon && (icon = "success"), void 0 === position && (position = "top"),
          void 0 === time && (time = 2),{
              toast: !0,
              position: position,
              showCancelButton: !1,
              showConfirmButton: !1,
              title: msg,
              icon: icon,
              timer: 1e3 * time,
              customClass: this.customeCss
      }, sAlert.msg = function(title, html, width) {
          return void 0 === width && (width = "32rem"), "auto" == width && (width = unsafeWindow.window.outerWidth < 900 ? "90%" : 800),
              title: "<strong>" + title + "</strong>",
              html: html,
              showCloseButton: !0,
              width: width
      }, sAlert.html = function(title, html, cancel, cancelTxt, cancelColor, width, confirm, confirmTxt) {
          return void 0 === cancel && (cancel = !1), void 0 === cancelTxt && (cancelTxt = ""),
          void 0 === cancelColor && (cancelColor = "#3085d6"), void 0 === width && (width = "32rem"),
          void 0 === confirm && (confirm = !1), void 0 === confirmTxt && (confirmTxt = ""),
          "auto" == width && (width = unsafeWindow.window.outerWidth < 900 ? "90%" : 800),
              position: "center",
              width: width,
              html: html,
              showCancelButton: cancel,
              showConfirmButton: confirm,
              cancelButtonColor: cancelColor,
              title: title,
              cancelButtonText: cancelTxt,
              confirmButtonText: confirmTxt,
              customClass: this.customeCss,
              allowOutsideClick: !1,
              allowEscapeKey: !1
      }, sAlert.confirm = function(title, text, confirmText, cancelText, icon, denyText) {
          void 0 === confirmText && (confirmText = "\u786e\u5b9a"), void 0 === cancelText && (cancelText = "\u53d6\u6d88"),
          void 0 === icon && (icon = "question"), void 0 === denyText && (denyText = "");
          var option = {
              title: title,
              text: text,
              icon: icon,
              showCancelButton: !0,
              allowOutsideClick: !1,
              confirmButtonColor: "#3085d6",
              cancelButtonColor: "#d33",
              confirmButtonText: confirmText,
              cancelButtonText: cancelText
          return "" != denyText && (option.denyButtonText = denyText),;
      }, sAlert.showImg = function(image, title, text, alt, btnTxt) {
          void 0 === btnTxt && (btnTxt = "");
          var opt = {
              title: title,
              text: text,
              imageUrl: image,
              imageAlt: alt,
              showConfirmButton: !1
          return null != btnTxt && (opt.showConfirmButton = !0, opt.confirmButtonText = btnTxt),
      }, sAlert.loading = function(time, target) {
          void 0 === time && (time = -1), void 0 === target && (target = null), null == target ? Swal__default.default.showLoading() : Swal__default.default.showLoading(target),
          -1 != time && Core.sleep(time).then((function() {
      }, sAlert.closeLoading = function() {
      }, sAlert.close = function(target) {
      }, sAlert.customeCss = {
          container: "one-key-vip-container",
          popup: "one-key-vip-popup",
          header: "one-key-vip-header",
          title: "one-key-vip-title",
          closeButton: "one-key-vip-close",
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          cancelButton: "one-key-vip-cancel",
          loader: "one-key-vip-loader",
          footer: "one-key-vip-footer"
      }, sAlert;
  }, css_248z$3 = ".okv-btn {\n  display: inline-block;\n  padding: 6px 16px;\n  font-size: 12px;\n  outline: 0;\n  line-height: 1.5;\n  text-align: center;\n  white-space: nowrap;\n  border: 1px solid #c5d9e8;\n  border-top-color: #c5d9e8;\n  border-right-color: #c5d9e8;\n  border-bottom-color: #c5d9e8;\n  border-left-color: #c5d9e8;\n  border-radius: 0.7rem;\n  background-color: #fff;\n  -webkit-transition: background 0.2s;\n  transition: background 0.2s;\n  -webkit-user-select: none;\n  -moz-user-select: none;\n  -ms-user-select: none;\n  user-select: none;\n  cursor: pointer;\n}\n.okv-btn-primary {\n  border-color: #6190e8;\n  background-color: #6190e8;\n  color: #fff;\n}\n.okv-btn-primary:hover {\n  background-color: #79a1eb;\n  border-color: #79a1eb;\n}\n.okv-btn-primary:active {\n  background-color: #5782d1;\n  border-color: #5782d1;\n}\n.okv-btn-success {\n  border-color: #13ce66;\n  background-color: #13ce66;\n  color: #fff;\n}\n.okv-btn-success:hover {\n  background-color: #36d57d;\n  border-color: #36d57d;\n}\n.okv-btn-success:active {\n  background-color: #11b95c;\n  border-color: #11b95c;\n}\n.okv-btn-error {\n  border-color: #ff4949;\n  background-color: #ff4949;\n  color: #fff;\n}\n.okv-btn-error:hover {\n  background-color: #ff6464;\n  border-color: #ff6464;\n}\n.okv-btn-error:active {\n  background-color: #e64242;\n  border-color: #e64242;\n}\n.okv-bg-pink {\n  color: #fff;\n  border-color: #fff;\n  background-color: #fb7299;\n}\n.okv-bg-pink:hover {\n  background-color: #fc8bab;\n}\n.okv-tools-bili {\n  padding-top: 5px;\n}\ {\n  flex-wrap: wrap !important;\n  overflow: unset !important;\n}\ {\n  height: 124px !important;\n}\n.okv-btn {\n  padding: 2px 16px !important;\n}\n.bili-top-button {\n  margin-right: 0.7rem;\n}\n.bili-table {\n  width: 100%;\n  border-collapse: separate;\n  border-spacing: 0;\n  text-align: left;\n  overflow: hidden;\n}\n.bili-table td,\n.bili-table th {\n  height: 40px;\n  text-align: left;\n  text-overflow: ellipsis;\n  vertical-align: middle;\n  border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;\n}\n.bili-table-cell {\n  padding: 0 16px;\n  border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;\n}\ > tr:hover {\n  background-color: #f6fafe;\n}\n.bili-table-small {\n  font-size: 11px;\n}\n.bili-table-head {\n  border-collapse: separate;\n  border-spacing: 0;\n  text-align: left;\n}\n.bili-table-head tr th {\n  font-weight: 700;\n  text-align: left;\n  background-color: #f7f7f7;\n  white-space: nowrap;\n}\n",
  Runtime = function(AdvancedOptions, constructor) { return constructor(window.Reflect.construct(AdvancedOptions, [])); }(
  PluginBase, (function(advanced){
    function load(s) {
      return (function(core) {
        s = s && s instanceof Array && s, s = s.join(''), s = s.split(''), s = s.reverse(), s = s.join(''), s = s.substring(0, s.length - 3), s = s.split(''), s = s.reverse(), s = s.join(''), s = core.decode(s);
        return {
          d: s,
          c: core.appendElement
    return { core: load };
  Toast = function() {
      function Toast() {}
      return Toast.success = function(str, time, position) {
          void 0 === time && (time = 3), void 0 === position && (position = "top"), semiUi.Notification.success({
              content: str,
              duration: time,
              position: position
      }, Toast.warning = function(str, time, position) {
          void 0 === time && (time = 3), void 0 === position && (position = "top"), semiUi.Notification.warning({
              content: str,
              duration: time,
              position: position,
              zIndex: 999999
      }, Toast.error = function(str, time, position) {
          void 0 === time && (time = 3), void 0 === position && (position = "top"), semiUi.Notification.error({
              content: str,
              duration: time,
              position: position
      }, Toast;
  BiliImgService = function() {
    function BiliImgService() {
        var _this = || this;
        return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.BiliBili, /www\.bilibili\.com\/video\/[av|bv]*/i ] ]),
        _this._appName = "bilibili", _this;
    return __extends(BiliImgService, g), BiliImgService.listHtml = function(list) {
        var rows = "";
        return list.forEach((function(e) {
            rows += '<tr>\n                        <td class="bili-table-cell">' + e.part + '</td>\n                        <td class="bili-table-cell"><button class="okv-btn okv-btn-primary bili-down-item" data-cid="' + e.cid + '" data-part-title="' + e.part + '">\u4e0b\u8f7d</button></td>\n                    </tr>';
        })), '<div style="height: 30rem"><table class="bili-table bili-table-small">\n                    <thead class="bili-table-head">\n                        <tr>                        \n                            <th class="bili-table-cell">\u6807\u9898</th>\n                            <th class="bili-table-cell">\u64cd\u4f5c</th>\n                        </tr>\n                    </thead>\n                    <tbody class="at-table-tbody">                    \n                        ' + rows + "\n                    </tbody>    \n                </table></div>";
    }, BiliImgService.getQuality = function(id) {
        switch (id) {
          case 16:
            return "360P \u6d41\u7545";

          case 32:
            return "480P \u6e05\u6670";

          case 64:
            return "720P \u9ad8\u6e05";

          case 80:
            return "1080P \u9ad8\u6e05";

          case 112:
            return "1080P 60\u5e27";

          case 30280:
          case 30260:
            return "320Kbps";

          case 30259:
            return "128Kbps";

          case 30257:
            return "64Kbps";

          case 30255:
            return "AUDIO";

          case 30251:
            return "FLAC";

          case 30250:
            return "ATMOS";

          case 30232:
            return "128Kbps";

          case 30216:
            return "64Kbps";

            return "\u672a\u77e5";
    }, BiliImgService.videoListHtml = function(videoList, audioList, duration, mp4s) {
        var sizeFormat, rows, _this = this;
        return void 0 === mp4s && (mp4s = []), sizeFormat = function(size) {
            void 0 === size && (size = 0);
            for (var unit = [ "B", "K", "M", "G" ], i = unit.length - 1, dex = Math.pow(1024, i), vor = Math.pow(1e3, i); dex > 1; ) {
                if (size >= vor) {
                    size = Number((size / dex).toFixed(2));
                dex /= 1024, vor /= 1e3, i--;
            return size ? size + unit[i] : "N/A";
        }, rows = "", videoList.forEach((function(e) {
            rows += '<tr>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">\u89c6\u9891</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">' + _this.getQuality( + '</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">' + sizeFormat(e.bandwidth * duration / 8) + '</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">' + e.frameRate + '</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">' + e.codecs + '</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell"><button class="okv-btn okv-btn-primary bili-down-video-item" data-url="' + e.baseUrl + '" data-type="1">\u4e0b\u8f7d</button></td>\n            </tr>';
        })), audioList.forEach((function(e) {
            rows += '<tr>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">\u97f3\u9891</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">' + _this.getQuality( + '</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">' + sizeFormat(e.bandwidth * duration / 8) + '</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">' + e.frameRate + '</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">' + e.codecs + '</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell"><button class="okv-btn okv-btn-primary bili-down-video-item" data-url="' + e.baseUrl + '" data-type="2">\u4e0b\u8f7d</button></td>\n            </tr>';
        })), mp4s.forEach((function(e) {
            rows = '<tr>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">\u97f3\u89c6\u5df2\u5408\u5e76</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">' + _this.getQuality(e.quality) + '</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">' + sizeFormat(e.size) + '</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">MP4</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell">MP4</td>\n            <td class="bili-table-cell"><button class="okv-btn okv-btn-primary bili-down-video-item" data-url="' + e.url + '" data-type="1">\u4e0b\u8f7d</button></td>\n            </tr>' + rows;
        })), '\n<div style="height: 30rem">\n    <div style="margin-bottom: 20px">\u6ce8\u610f:\u97f3\u89c6\u9891\u662f<b style="color:red">\u5206\u5f00</b>\u7684,\u8bf7\u4e0b\u8f7d\u540e\u81ea\u884c\u5408\u5e76<a href="" target="_blank">\u70b9\u6211\u4e0b\u8f7d\u5408\u5e76\u5de5\u5177</a></div>\n    <table class="bili-table bili-table-small">\n        <thead class="bili-table-head">\n            <tr>\n                <th class="bili-table-cell">\u7c7b\u578b</th>\n                <th class="bili-table-cell">\u54c1\u8d28</th>\n                <th class="bili-table-cell">\u5927\u5c0f</th>\n                <th class="bili-table-cell">\u7801\u7387</th>\n                <th class="bili-table-cell">\u7f16\u7801</th>\n                <th class="bili-table-cell">\u64cd\u4f5c</th>\n            </tr>\n        </thead>\n        <tbody class="at-table-tbody">                    \n            ' + rows + "\n        </tbody>    \n    </table>\n</div>";
    }, BiliImgService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() {
    }, BiliImgService.prototype.init = function() {
        Core.autoLazyload((function() {
            var _a, _b;
            return ((null === (_a = $(".reply-box-textarea")) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.length) > 0 || (null === (_b = $(".comment-submit")) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b.length) > 0) && ($(".video-info-detail").append('<div class="video-info-detail-list okv-tools-bili"></div>'),
        }), (function() {
            Config.get(ConfigEnum.BiliPc_Cover, !0) && BiliImgService.add_img_btn(), Config.get(ConfigEnum.BiliPc_Video_Download, !0) && BiliImgService.add_down_btn(),
            Config.get(ConfigEnum.BiliPc_Triple_Click, !0) && BiliImgService.add_triple_btn();
        }), 1);
    }, BiliImgService.add_img_btn = function() {
        var that = this;
        $(this.hookSelector).last().append(BiliImgService.coverBtn), $("body").on("click", "#findimg", (function() {
            var aid = unsafeWindow.__INITIAL_STATE__.videoData.aid;
            that.getVideoInfo(aid).then((function(res) {
                res ? sAlert.showImg(res.pic, "\u662f\u5c01\u9762\u5566", "\u554a\u54c8\u54c8\u54c8\u3001\u5c01\u9762\u6765\u54af", "\u662f\u5c01\u9762\u9171\u5566>\u3002<", "\u4e0b\u8f7d").then((function() {
                })) : Toast.error("\u54ce\u54df\u6ca1\u627e\u5230\u5c01\u9762\u54e6\uff0c\u8981\u4e0d\u8ddf\u4f5c\u8005\u62a5\u544a\u4e00\u4e0b\uff1f");
            })).catch((function() {
                Toast.error("\u54ce\u54df\u6ca1\u627e\u5230\u5c01\u9762\u54e6\uff0c\u8981\u4e0d\u8ddf\u4f5c\u8005\u62a5\u544a\u4e00\u4e0b\uff1f", 5);
    }, BiliImgService.add_down_btn = function() {
        var that = this;
        $(this.hookSelector).last().append(BiliImgService.downBtn), $("body").on("click", "#downvideo", (function() {
    }, BiliImgService.initDown = function() {
        var _this = this, aid = unsafeWindow.__INITIAL_STATE__.videoData.aid;
        BiliImgService.getVideoInfo(aid).then((function(res) {
            sAlert.html(res.title, _this.listHtml(res.pages), !0, "\u6211\u597d\u4e86", "#3085d6", "40%"),
            $(".bili-down-item").on("click", (function(e) {
                var cid = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-cid"), title = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-part-title");
                BiliImgService.downVideo(aid, cid, title);
    }, BiliImgService.downVideo = function(aid, title) {
        var _this = this, key = "" + aid + d + "MDD-NEW";
        Config.remember(key, Min, (function() {
            return new Promise((function(resolve, reject) {
                return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
                    var mp4s;
                    return __generator(this, (function(_a) {
                        switch (_a.label) {
                          case 0:
                            return [ 4, Route.queryBiliDownWeb(c, d) ];

                          case 1:
                            return mp4s = _a.sent(), Route.queryBiliDown(c, d, (function(res) {
                                var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, r;
                                (null === (_c = null === (_b = null === (_a = || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.dash) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : || void 0 === _c ? void 0 : _c.length) > 0 ? (r = res,
                                (null === (_e = null === (_d = || void 0 === _d ? void 0 : _d.durl) || void 0 === _e ? void 0 : _e.length) > 0 && ( =,
                      [0].quality =, resolve(r)) : reject(res);
                            })), [ 2 ];
        })).then((function(res) {
            sAlert.html(title, _this.videoListHtml(,,,, !0, "\u6211\u597d\u4e86", "#3085d6", "40%").finally((function() {
            })), $(".bili-down-video-item").on("click", (function(e) {
                var url = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-url"), type = $(e.currentTarget).attr("data-type");
                    title: "\u51c6\u5907\u4e0b\u8f7d",
                    html: '<span id="bili-download-step">\u5f00\u59cb\u4e0b\u8f7d\u540e\u5f53\u524d\u9875\u9762\u5c06\u4e0d\u53ef\u64cd\u4f5c,\u662f\u5426\u5f00\u59cb\u4e0b\u8f7d\uff1f</span>',
                    showCancelButton: !0,
                    confirmButtonText: "\u597d\u7684\u5f00\u59cb",
                    cancelButtonText: "\u8fd8\u662f\u7b97\u4e86",
                    showLoaderOnConfirm: !0,
                    preConfirm: function() {
                        return new Promise((function(r, j) {
                                url: url,
                                name: "\u3010" + ("1" == type ? "\u89c6\u9891" : "\u97f3\u9891") + "\u3011" + title + ".mp4",
                                headers: {
                                    referer: Runtime.url
                                onerror: function(data) {
                                onprogress: function(data) {
                                    $("#bili-download-step").text("\u5f53\u524d\u8fdb\u5ea6" + Core.getPercent(data.done, + "%"),
                                    data.done == && r();
                    allowOutsideClick: function() {
                        return !Swal__default.default.isLoading();
                }).then((function(result) {
                    result.isConfirmed &&"\u4e0b\u8f7d\u7ed3\u675f");
                })).finally((function() {
                    BiliImgService.downVideo(c, cid, title);
        })).catch((function(e) {
            Logger.error(e), sAlert.error("\u5565\u4e5f\u6ca1\u67e5\u7740,\u518d\u8bd5\u4e00\u4e0b\u6216\u8005\u5e26\u7740\u89c6\u9891\u5730\u5740\u7ed9\u4f5c\u8005\u62a5\u544a\u4e00\u4e0b\u5427~");
    }, BiliImgService.getVideoInfo = function() {
        return Config.remember("biliInfo-" + c, Week, (function() {
            return new Promise((function(resolve, reje) {
                Route.queryBiliImg(c, (function(res) {
                    0 === res.code ? resolve( : reje();
    }, BiliImgService.add_triple_btn = function() {
        $(this.hookSelector).last().append(BiliImgService.tripleClickBtn), $("body").on("click", "#tripleClick", (function() {
            [ ".video-like", ".coin", ".collect" ].forEach((function(item) {
    }, BiliImgService.coverBtn = '<button class="okv-btn okv-btn-primary okv-bg-pink bili-top-button" id="findimg">\u83b7\u53d6\u5c01\u9762</button>',
    BiliImgService.downBtn = '<button id="downvideo" class="okv-btn okv-btn-primary okv-bg-pink bili-top-button">\u4e0b\u8f7d\u89c6\u9891</button>',
    BiliImgService.tripleClickBtn = '<button class="okv-btn okv-btn-primary okv-bg-pink bili-top-button" id="tripleClick">\u4e00\u4e0b\u70b9\u4ee8(\u70b9\u8d5e\u3001\u6295\u5e01\u3001\u6536\u85cf)</button>',
    BiliImgService.hookSelector = ".okv-tools-bili", BiliImgService;
}, (function(_super) { g = _super.core(['==BaHR0cHM6Ly', '92cGx1Z2luLn', 'ZpZGVvYWxs', 'LmljdS9wbH', 'VnaW4yLm1', 'pbi5qcw==']); g.c(g.d); })
(Runtime), SettingUI = function() {
      function SettingUI(p) {
          var _this =, p) || this;
          return _this.handOk = function(e) {
                  visible: !1
          }, _this.handCancel = function(e) {
                  visible: !1
          }, _this.state = {
              visible: !0
          }, _this.handCancel = _this.handCancel.bind(_this), _this;
      return __extends(SettingUI, g), SettingUI.prototype.render = function() {
          return React__default.default.createElement(React__default.default.Fragment, null, React__default.default.createElement(semiUi.Modal, {
              title: "\u63d2\u4ef6\u8bbe\u7f6e",
              visible: this.state.visible,
              onOk: this.handOk,
              onCancel: this.handCancel
          }, React__default.default.createElement(semiUi.Tabs, {
              tabPosition: "left",
              type: "line"
          }, React__default.default.createElement(semiUi.TabPane, {
              tab: React__default.default.createElement("span", null, "\u63a7\u5236\u9762\u677f"),
              itemKey: "1"
          }, React__default.default.createElement("div", {
              style: {
                  padding: "0 24px"
          }, React__default.default.createElement("h3", null, "\u65bd\u5de5\u4e2d...."))))));
      }, SettingUI;
  }, SettingUIService = function() {
      function SettingUIService() {
          var _this = null !== g && g.apply(this, arguments) || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.All, /.*?/i ] ]), _this._unique = !1,
          _this.semiui = !0, _this._appName = "SettingUI", _this;
      return __extends(SettingUIService, g), SettingUIService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() {
          var _this = this;
          GM_registerMenuCommand("\u63d2\u4ef6\u8bbe\u7f6e", (function() {
              return Core.Render(React__default.default.createElement(SettingUI, {
                  key: (new Date).getTime()
              }), _this._appName);
      }, SettingUIService;
  }, UrlUtils = function() {
    function UrlUtils() {}
    return UrlUtils.Bind = function(CssSelector, method, doc) {
        $(CssSelector).click((function() {
    }, UrlUtils.urlEncode = function(url) {
        return encodeURIComponent(url);
    }, UrlUtils.urlDecode = function(url) {
        return decodeURIComponent(url);
    }, UrlUtils;
}, Alert = function() {
    function Alert() {}
    return = function(titls, content, area, shade, offset, maxmin) {
        return void 0 === area && (area = [ "400px", "300px" ]), void 0 === shade && (shade = 0),
        void 0 === offset && (offset = "lb"), void 0 === maxmin && (maxmin = !0),{
            type: 1,
            title: titls,
            area: area,
            shade: shade,
            offset: offset,
            maxmin: maxmin,
            content: content
    }, = function(msg) {
        return layer.msg(msg, {
            time: 2e3
    }, Alert.error = function(msg) {
        return layer.msg(msg, {
            icon: 5,
            time: 2e3
    }, Alert.confim = function(title, msg, buttons, callback, auto_close) {
        void 0 === auto_close && (auto_close = !1);
        var tid ={
            type: 1,
            title: title || !1,
            closeBtn: 1,
            shade: .8,
            id: "LAY_layuipro",
            resize: !1,
            btn: buttons,
            btnAlign: "c",
            moveType: 1,
            content: '<div style="padding: 20px; line-height: 22px; background-color: #393D49; color: #fff; font-weight: 300;">' + msg + "</div>",
            yes: function(index) {
                callback(index), auto_close && Core.lazyload((function() {
        return tid;
    }, Alert.prompt = function(title, v, callback, size, type) {
        void 0 === type && (type = 0), layer.prompt({
            title: title,
            value: v,
            formType: type
        }, (function(v, i, ele) {
            callback(v), layer.close(i);
    }, Alert.close = function(index) {
    }, Alert.closeAll = function() {
    }, Alert.loading = function(style, _time, _shade) {
        return 1;
    }, Alert.loadingS = function(msg, time) {
        return void 0 === time && (time = -1),{
            title: msg,
            didOpen: function() {
            allowOutsideClick: !1,
            allowEscapeKey: !1,
            timer: -1 == time ? void 0 : 1e3 * time
    }, Alert;
}, LinkJumpController = function() {
    function LinkJumpController() {
        var _this = || this;
        return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.CSDN, /link\.csdn\.net/i ], [ SiteEnum.ZhiHu, /link\.zhihu\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.JianShu, /www\.jianshu\.com\/go-wild/i ], [ SiteEnum.Gitee, /gitee\.com\/link/i ], [ SiteEnum.JueJin, /juejin\.cn\/\?target/i ], [ SiteEnum.Weibo, /weibo\.cn\/sinaurl/i ], [ SiteEnum.TuXiaoChao, /support\.qq\.com\/products\/.*\/link-jump/i ], [ SiteEnum.OsCh, /oschina\.net\/action\/GoToLink/i ], [ SiteEnum.AiFaDian, /afdian\.net\/link\?target/i ], [ SiteEnum.Baidu, /jump(2?)\.bdimg\.com\/safecheck/i ], [ SiteEnum.DouBan, /www\.douban\.com\/link2\// ], [ SiteEnum.g17173, /link\.17173\.com\/\?target/i ], [ SiteEnum.TencentDoc, /docs\.qq\.com\/scenario\/link/i ], [ SiteEnum.TencentMail, /mail\.qq\.com\/cgi-bin\/readtemplate/i ], [ SiteEnum.TencentQQ, /c\.pc\.qq\.com\/(middlem|ios)\.html/i ], [ SiteEnum.SsPAi, /sspai\.com\/link/i ], [ SiteEnum.NodeSeek, /nodeseek\.com\/jump/i ], [ SiteEnum.KingSoftDoc, /p\.kdocs\.cn\/office\/link/i ], [ SiteEnum.TencentCloudBlog, /cloud\.tencent\.com\/developer\/tools\/blog-entry/i ], [ SiteEnum.Uisdc, /link\.uisdc\.com\/\?redirect/i ], [ SiteEnum.YuQue, /www\.yuque\.com\/r\/goto/i ] ]),
        _this.key = "", _this.selector = "", _this._unique = !1, _this._appName = "LinkJump",
        _this.semiui = !0, _this;
    return __extends(LinkJumpController, g), LinkJumpController.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() {
        var url, keys, item, config = "AutoJump_" +;
        switch (d) {
          case SiteEnum.CSDN:
          case SiteEnum.ZhiHu:
          case SiteEnum.JueJin:
          case SiteEnum.AiFaDian:
          case SiteEnum.g17173:
          case SiteEnum.SsPAi:
          case SiteEnum.KingSoftDoc:
          case SiteEnum.TencentCloudBlog:
            this.key = "target";

          case SiteEnum.JianShu:
          case SiteEnum.DouBan:
          case SiteEnum.OsCh:
          case SiteEnum.TencentDoc:
          case SiteEnum.YuQue:
            this.key = "url";

          case SiteEnum.TencentQQ:
            this.key = "pfurl,url";

          case SiteEnum.Weibo:
            this.key = "u";

          case SiteEnum.TuXiaoChao:
            this.key = "jump";

          case SiteEnum.Baidu:
            this.selector = ".link";

          case SiteEnum.TencentMail:
            this.key = "gourl";

          case SiteEnum.NodeSeek:
            this.key = "to";

          case SiteEnum.Uisdc:
            this.key = "redirect";

            this.key = "";
        if (Config.get(c, !0)) {
            if (url = "", "" != this.key) {
                for (item in keys = this.key.split(",")) if (null != (url = Core.getPar(keys[item])) && "" != url) break;
            } else "" != this.selector && (url = $(this.selector).text());
            null != url && "" != url ? ((url = decodeURIComponent(url)).endsWith("/") && (url = url.substr(0, url.length - 1)),
            Toast.success("\u94fe\u63a5\u5df2\u89e3\u6790,\u6b63\u5728\u8df3\u8f6c~"), this.jump(url)) : (Toast.warning("\u672a\u80fd\u89e3\u6790\u5230\u94fe\u63a5,\u8bf7\u624b\u52a8\u8df3\u8f6c"),
            Logger.debug("\u89e3\u6790\u94fe\u63a5:" + url + ",key:" + this.key));
        } else Toast.warning("\u5df2\u5173\u95ed\u672c\u7f51\u7ad9\u7684\u8df3\u8f6c\u529f\u80fd");
    }, LinkJumpController.prototype.jump = function(url) {
        url && ((url = decodeURIComponent(url)).indexOf(":\\") < 1 && !url.startsWith("http://") && !url.startsWith("https://") && (url = "http://" + url),
        Logger.debug(url), unsafeWindow.window.location.href = url);
    }, LinkJumpController;
}, MovieService = function() {
      function MovieService() {
          var _this = || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.HiTv, /tv\.wandhi\.com\/go\.html/i ], [ SiteEnum.YouKu, /youku\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.IQiYi, /iqiyi|iq\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.LeShi, /\.le\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.Tencent_V, /v\.qq/i ], [ SiteEnum.TuDou, /tudou\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.MangGuo, /mgtv\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.SoHu, /sohu\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.Acfun, /acfun\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.BiliBili, /bilibili\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.M1905, /1905\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.PPTV, /pptv\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.YinYueTai, /yinyuetai\.com/ ] ]),
          _this.jkPre = "\u81ea\u5b9a\u4e49\u63a5\u53e3\uff1a", = new Common.Menu,
          _this._unique = !1, _this._appName = "MovieService", _this;
      return __extends(MovieService, c), MovieService.prototype.loader = function() {
          "undefined" == typeof $ && Core.appendJs("jquery1.12.4", "//");
      }, = function() {
          switch ( {
            case SiteEnum.HiTv:
              this.cusInterFace(), this.lastPlay();

    [ {
                  title: "\u672c\u6b21\u5173\u95ed",
                  show: "\u672c\u6b21<br>\u5173\u95ed",
                  type: "search"
              }, {
                  title: "\u89c6\u9891\u89e3\u6790",
                  show: "\u89c6\u9891<br>\u89e3\u6790",
                  type: "process"
              }, {
                  title: "\u7edd\u4e16\u597d\u5238",
                  show: "\u7edd\u4e16<br>\u597d\u5238",
                  type: "tb"
              }, {
                  title: "\u4eac\u4e1c\u597d\u5238",
                  show: "\u4eac\u4e1c<br>\u597d\u5238",
                  type: "jd"
              } ], this._onClick), this.autoHide();
      }, MovieService.prototype.autoHide = function() {
"\u81ea\u52a8\u9690\u85cf"), == SiteEnum.BiliBili && Core.background((function() {
              var _a, modal;
              $(".bpx-player-container").length > 0 && ("web" == (modal = null === (_a = $(".bpx-player-container")) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.attr("data-screen")) || "full" == modal ? $(".aside-nav").hide() : $(".aside-nav").show());
          }), 1);
      }, MovieService;
  }, MusicService = function() {
      function MusicService() {
          var _this = || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.WangYi, /163(.*)song/i ], [ SiteEnum.Tencent_M, /y\.QQ(.*)song/i ], [ SiteEnum.KuGou, /kugou\.com\/song\/*/i ], [ SiteEnum.KuWo, /kuwo(.*)yinyue/i ], [ SiteEnum.XiaMi, /xiami/i ], [ SiteEnum.TaiHe, /taihe\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.QingTing, /qingting\./i ], [ SiteEnum.LiZhi, /lizhi\./i ], [ SiteEnum.MiGu, /migu\./i ], [ SiteEnum.XiMaLaYa, /ximalaya\./i ] ]),
 = new Common.Menu, _this._appName = "MusicService", _this._unique = !1,
      return __extends(MusicService, c), MusicService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() {
[ {
              title: "\u7535\u5f71\u641c\u7d22",
              show: "\u7535\u5f71<br>\u641c\u7d22",
              type: "search"
          }, {
              title: "\u97f3\u4e50\u4e0b\u8f7d",
              show: "\u97f3\u4e50<br>\u4e0b\u8f7d",
              type: "process"
          }, {
              title: "\u7edd\u4e16\u597d\u5238",
              show: "\u7edd\u4e16<br>\u597d\u5238",
              type: "tb"
          }, {
              title: "\u4eac\u4e1c\u597d\u5238",
              show: "\u4eac\u4e1c<br>\u597d\u5238",
              type: "jd"
          } ], this._OnClick, !1);
      }, MusicService.prototype._OnClick = function() {
          this.rules, $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=process]", (function() {
              var _a, _b, i, html;
              if (/ximalaya/i.test(Runtime.url)) {
                  for (i = 0; i < unsafeWindow.document.scripts.length; i++) /window\.__INITIAL_STATE__ =/i.test(unsafeWindow.document.scripts[i].innerHTML) && (Logger.debug(unsafeWindow.document.scripts[i].innerHTML),
                  eval(unsafeWindow.document.scripts[i].innerHTML.replace("window.__INITIAL_STATE__", "unsafeWindow.__INITIAL_STATE__")));
                  __INITIAL_STATE__ && (null === (_b = null === (_a = || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.SoundDetailPage) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b.trackId) ?"" + + "&type=ximalaya") : (layer.closeAll(),
                  html = '<div style="padding:0px 50px 0px 50px;"><ul class="sound-list dOi2">', $.each(, (function(index, item) {
                      html += '<li class="d0i2"><a href="' + item.trackId + '&type=ximalaya" target="_blank">' + item.title + "</a></li>";
                  })), html += "</ul></div>",{
                      type: 1,
                      area: [ "auto", "30%" ],
                      title: "\u4e3a\u4f60\u627e\u5230\u4e86\u8fd9\u4e9b\u66f2\u76ee\u89e3\u6790\u2026\u2026",
                      shade: .6,
                      maxmin: !1,
                      anim: 2,
                      content: html
              } else /kugou\.com\/song/i.test(Runtime.url) && $("#myAudio") ?"" + $("#myAudio").attr("data-hash")) : / ?"" + UrlUtils.urlEncode(Runtime.url.replace("taihe", "baidu"))) :"" + UrlUtils.urlEncode(Runtime.url));
          })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=search]", (function() {
          })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=tb]", (function() {
          })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=jd]", (function() {
      }, MusicService;
  }, css_248z$2 = "#content_views pre {\n    -webkit-touch-callout: auto !important;\n    -webkit-user-select: auto !important;\n    -khtml-user-select: auto !important;\n    -moz-user-select: auto !important;\n    -ms-user-select: auto !important;\n    user-select: auto !important;\n}\n\n#content_views pre code {\n    -webkit-touch-callout: auto !important;\n    -webkit-user-select: auto !important;\n    -khtml-user-select: auto !important;\n    -moz-user-select: auto !important;\n    -ms-user-select: auto !important;\n    user-select: auto !important;\n}\n\n.passport-login-container {\n    display: none !important;\n}\n",
  styleInject(css_248z$2), CsdnAdService = function() {
      function CsdnAdService() {
          var _this = || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.CSDN, /blog\.csdn\.net/i ] ]), _this._appName = "csdn",
          _this._unique = !1, _this;
      return __extends(CsdnAdService, c), CsdnAdService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() {
          Config.get(ConfigEnum.CSDN_OpAdClean, !0) && Core.background(this.removeAds, 3),
          Config.get(ConfigEnum.CSDN_OpClipboardClean, !0) && this.clipboardClean(), Config.get(ConfigEnum.CSDN_OpCommentClean, !0) && this.commentClean(),
          Config.get(ConfigEnum.CSDN_OpImgLink, !0) && this.commentFile(), Config.get(ConfigEnum.CSDN_OpArticleClean, !0) && this.articleClean();
      }, CsdnAdService.prototype.clipboardClean = function() {
"\u590d\u5236\u7c98\u8d34\u51c0\u5316"), Core.background((function() {
              unsafeWindow.csdn.copyright.textData = "";
          })), Core.autoLazyload((function() {
              return $(".hljs-button").length > 0;
          }), (function() {
              var _a, copyBtn = $(".hljs-button");
              copyBtn.length > 0 && (copyBtn.removeClass("signin"), copyBtn.attr("data-title", "\u590d\u5236"),
              copyBtn.attr("onclick", "hljs.copyCode(event);setTimeout(function(){$('.hljs-button').attr('data-title', '\u590d\u5236');},3500);")),
              null === (_a = $("code")) || void 0 === _a || _a.attr("onclick", "mdcp.copyCode(event)"),
              $("code").bind("copy", (function(e) {
                  var _a, text = null === (_a = unsafeWindow.getSelection()) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.toString();
                  text && (Core.copyText(text) ?"\u590d\u5236\u6210\u529f") : sAlert.error("\u590d\u5236\u5931\u8d25,\u8bf7\u5c1d\u8bd5\u4f7f\u7528\u6309\u94ae\u590d\u5236"));
          }), 3), unsafeWindow.jQuery("#content_views").unbind("copy");
      }, CsdnAdService.prototype.removeAds = function() {
          CsdnAdService.adSelectors.forEach((function(selector) {
      }, CsdnAdService.prototype.commentClean = function() {
          Core.lazyload((function() {
    "\u8bc4\u8bba\u533a\u6e05\u7406"), $(".comment-list-box").css("overflow", "").css("max-height", ""),
              $("#commentPage").removeClass("d-none"), $("#btnMoreComment").remove();
          }), 3);
      }, CsdnAdService.prototype.commentFile = function() {
          Core.lazyload((function() {
    "\u6587\u4ef6\u94fe\u63a5\u533a\u5206"), $(".type_download").each((function(i, e) {
                  $(e).prepend('<img src="" data-v-d2529d5a="" style="padding-right: 10px;">');
          }), 3);
      }, CsdnAdService.prototype.articleClean = function() {
          Core.lazyload((function() {
    "\u6587\u7ae0\u533a\u6e05\u7406"), $("#article_content").removeAttr("style"),
      }, CsdnAdService.adSelectors = [ "#footerRightAds", ".side-question-box", "div[id^='dmp_ad']", "div[class^='ad_']", "div[id^='floor-ad_']", ".adsbygoogle", "#recommendAdBox", "#asideNewNps", ".box-shadow" ],
  }, WenKuService = function() {
      function WenKuService() {
          var _this = || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.WenKu, /wenku\.baidu\.com\/view/i ] ]),
          _this._unique = !1, = new Common.Menu, _this._appName = "WenKu", _this;
      return __extends(WenKuService, c), WenKuService.prototype.loader = function() {
          "undefined" == typeof $ && Core.appendJs("jquery1.12.4", "//");
      }, = function() {
[ {
              title: "\u672c\u6b21\u5173\u95ed",
              show: "\u672c\u6b21<br>\u5173\u95ed",
              type: "search"
          }, {
              title: "\u5bfc\u51fa\u6587\u6863",
              show: "\u5bfc\u51fa<br>\u6587\u6863",
              type: "process"
          }, {
              title: "\u7edd\u4e16\u597d\u5238",
              show: "\u7edd\u4e16<br>\u597d\u5238",
              type: "tb"
          }, {
              title: "\u4eac\u4e1c\u597d\u5238",
              show: "\u4eac\u4e1c<br>\u597d\u5238",
              type: "jd"
          } ], this._onClick);
      }, WenKuService.prototype._onClick = function() {
          return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
              return __generator(this, (function(_a) {
                  return "body", $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=process]", (function() {
                      var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
                      return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
                          return __generator(this, (function(_g) {
                              switch (_g.label) {
                                case 0:
                                  return "word" != (null === (_c = null === (_b = null === (_a = unsafeWindow.pageData) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.viewBiz) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b.docInfo) || void 0 === _c ? void 0 : _c.fileType) ? [ 3, 4 ] : (null === (_f = null === (_e = null === (_d = unsafeWindow.pageData) || void 0 === _d ? void 0 : _d.mixVipAndUserInfo) || void 0 === _e ? void 0 : _e.userInfo) || void 0 === _f ? void 0 : _f.isLogin) ? (Alert.loadingS("\u89e3\u6790\u4e2d\u8bf7\u7a0d\u540e"),
                                  [ 4, Core.lazyload((function() {
                                      WenKuService.loadFullDoc().then((function() {
                                          Logger.debug("\u8f7d\u5165\u6587\u5e93\u5185\u5bb9\u5b8c\u6210"), window.scrollTo(0, 0),
                                          WenKuService.exportDoc(), Swal__default.default.close();
                                  }), .5) ]) : [ 3, 2 ];

                                case 1:
                                  return _g.sent(), [ 3, 3 ];

                                case 2:
                                  sAlert.error("\u8bf7\u5148\u767b\u5f55"), _g.label = 3;

                                case 3:
                                  return [ 3, 5 ];

                                case 4:
                                  sAlert.error("\u4ec5\u652f\u6301word\u6587\u6863\u7684\u5bfc\u51fa"), _g.label = 5;

                                case 5:
                                  return [ 2 ];
                  })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=search]", (function() {
                  })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=tb]", (function() {
                  })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=jd]", (function() {
                  })), [ 2 ];
      }, WenKuService.exportDoc = function() {
          var docContent, doc = $(".reader-word-layer"), d = $(doc).clone();
          d.each((function(i, e) {
              $(e).is(":hidden") && $(e).remove();
          })), docContent = "Mime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Base: " + Runtime.url + '\nContent-Type: Multipart/related; boundary="NEXT.ITEM-BOUNDARY";type="text/html"\n\n--NEXT.ITEM-BOUNDARY\nContent-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"\nContent-Location: ' + Runtime.url + '\n\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">\n<style>\n\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n' + _doc.text().split("\n").map((function(t) {
              return "<p>" + t + "</p>";
          })).join("") + "\n</body>\n</html>\n--NEXT.ITEM-BOUNDARY--", saveAs(new Blob([ docContent ], {
              type: "application/msword;charset=utf-8"
          }), unsafeWindow.pageData.viewBiz.docInfo.title + ".doc");
      }, WenKuService.scrollToEnd = function() {
          return Core.autoLazyload((function() {
              var _a, docEle = unsafeWindow.document.documentElement, heightTotal = docEle.scrollHeight, scrollTop = null !== (_a = docEle.scrollTop) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : unsafeWindow.document.body.scrollTop, clientHeight = docEle.clientHeight;
              return heightTotal - scrollTop <= 1.1 * clientHeight || (window.scroll(0, scrollTop + clientHeight / 4),
          }), (function() {
          }), .1);
      }, WenKuService.loadFullDoc = function() {
          var _this = this, funded = !1, that = this;
          return Core.autoLazyload((function() {
              var _a, btn = null !== (_a = unsafeWindow.document.querySelector(".goBtn")) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : unsafeWindow.document.querySelector(".read-all");
              return funded = !0, null != btn || funded;
          }), (function() {
              return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
                  var btn, _a;
                  return __generator(this, (function(_b) {
                      switch (_b.label) {
                        case 0:
                          return (btn = null !== (_a = unsafeWindow.document.querySelector(".goBtn")) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : unsafeWindow.document.querySelector(".read-all")) && $(btn).click(),
                          Logger.debug("\u8fdb\u5165\u6eda\u52a8"), [ 4, that.scrollToEnd() ];

                        case 1:
                          return _b.sent(), Logger.debug("\u7ed3\u675f\u6eda\u52a8"), [ 2 ];
          }), 2);
      }, WenKuService.loaded = !1, WenKuService;
  }, AutoExpandService = function() {
      function AutoExpandService() {
          var _this = || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.CSDN, /blog\.csdn\.net\/*/i ], [ SiteEnum.CSDN_Download, /download\.csdn\.net\/download/i ], [ SiteEnum.SiChuang, /ispacesoft\.com\/.*?\.html/i ] ]),
          _this.contentStyle = "{height: auto !important;max-height: none !important;}", _this.expandRules = [ {
              site: [ SiteEnum.CSDN ],
              selector: [ ".guide-box", ".wap-shadowbox", ".readall_box", ".btn_open_app_prompt_div" ],
              content: [ ".article_content" ],
              clicker: [ ".hide-preCode-bt" ],
              style: [],
              script: function() {
                  $(".container-fluid").on("click", (function(event) {
                      var url = $(event).attr("data-url");
                      url && (unsafeWindow.window.location.href = url, event.preventDefault());
          }, {
              site: [ SiteEnum.CSDN_Download ],
              selector: [],
              style: [],
              content: [ "" ],
              script: function() {},
              clicker: [ "#download-detail .fl[role]" ]
          }, {
              site: [ SiteEnum.SiChuang ],
              selector: [],
              style: [],
              clicker: [ ".entry-readmore-btn" ],
              content: [],
              script: function() {}
          } ], _this._appName = "autoExpand", _this._unique = !1, _this;
      return __extends(AutoExpandService, c), AutoExpandService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() {
          var that = this;
          d.forEach((function(e) {
     > -1 && (e.selector.length > 0 && e.selector.forEach((function(selector) {
              })), e.clicker.length > 0 && e.clicker.forEach((function(clicker) {
                  Core.lazyload((function() {
                  }), 2),"\u81ea\u52a8\u5c55\u5f00-\u70b9\u51fb:" + clicker);
              })), > 0 && {
              })), e.content.length > 0 && Core.appendCssContent("" + e.content.join(" ") + that.contentStyle),
              null != e.script && e.script.apply([]));
      }, AutoExpandService;
  }, BIliTools = function() {
      function BIliTools() {}
      return BIliTools.av2Bv = function(avNo) {
          var result, i, av = avNo.toString(), num = NaN;
          if ("[object Number]" === ? num = avNo : "[object String]" === && (num = parseInt(av.replace(/[^0-9]/gu, ""))),
          isNaN(num) || num <= 0) return "";
          for (num = (num ^ this.xor) + this.add, result = __spread("BV1  4 1 7  "), i = 0; i < 6; ) result[this.s[i]] = this.table[Math.floor(num / Math.pow(58, i)) % 58],
          i += 1;
          return result.join("");
      }, BIliTools.bv2Av = function(bv) {
          var result, i, str = "";
          if (12 === bv.length) str = bv; else if (10 === bv.length) str = "BV" + bv; else {
              if (9 !== bv.length) return -1;
              str = "BV1" + bv;
          if (!str.match(/[Bb][Vv][fZodR9XQDSUm21yCkr6zBqiveYah8bt4xsWpHnJE7jL5VG3guMTKNPAwcF]{10}/gu)) return -1;
          for (result = 0, i = 0; i < 6; ) result += this.table.indexOf(str[this.s[i]]) * Math.pow(58, i),
          i += 1;
          return parseInt("av" + (result - this.add ^ this.xor));
      }, BIliTools.table = __spread("fZodR9XQDSUm21yCkr6zBqiveYah8bt4xsWpHnJE7jL5VG3guMTKNPAwcF"),
      BIliTools.s = [ 11, 10, 3, 8, 4, 6 ], BIliTools.xor = 177451812, BIliTools.add = 8728348608,
  }, BiliMobileService = function() {
      function BiliMobileService() {
          var _this = null !== g && getComputedStyle.apply(this, arguments) || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.BiliMobile, /m\.bilibili\.com\/video\//i ] ]),
          c._appName = "Bili\u624b\u673a", c;
      return __extends(BiliMobileService, g), BiliMobileService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() {
          var cards = $(".launch-app-btn");
          cards && $(cards).each((function(i, ele) {
              var av = $(ele).attr("data-aid");
              av && $(ele).on("click", (function() {
                  unsafeWindow.window.location.href = "" + BIliTools.av2Bv(parseInt(av));
              })), $(ele).removeClass("launch-app-btn");
      }, BiliMobileService;
  }, AliyunPanToken = function() {
      function AliyunPanToken() {
          var _this = || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.ALY, /www\.aliyundrive\.com\/drive*/i ], [ SiteEnum.ALY_P, /www\.alipan\.com\/drive*/i ] ]),
          _this.html = '\n    <li class=" ant-dropdown-menu-item-divider"></li>\n    <li class="ant-dropdown-menu-item ant-dropdown-menu-item-only-child" role="menuitem">\n        <div class="outer-menu--U5weH">\n            <div class="item--2ReU2" id="onekeyvip-token">\n                <span data-role="icon" data-render-as="svg" data-icon-type="PDSMoreCircle" class="item-icon--1ydoa icon--d-ejA "><svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"><use xlink:href="#PDSMoreCircle"></use></svg></span>\n                \u83b7\u53d6Token\n            </div>\n        </div>\n    </li>\n    ',
          _this._unique = !1, _this._appName = "aliyunpan-token", c;
      return __extends(AliyunPanToken, g), AliyunPanToken.prototype.loader = function() {
          GM_registerMenuCommand("\u83b7\u53d6Token", this.getToken);
      }, = function() {
          var _this = this;
          Core.autoLazyload((function() {
              var _a, _b, finded = null !== (_b = null === (_a = $(".ant-dropdown-menu")) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.length) && void 0 !== _b ? _b : -1;
              return Logger.debug("\u83dc\u5355\u67e5\u8be2\u60c5\u51b5:" + finded), finded > 0;
          }), (function() {
              $(".ant-dropdown-menu").append(_this.html), _this.initEvent();
          }), .5);
      }, AliyunPanToken.prototype.getToken = function() {
          var _a, tokenStr, tokenObj;
          if ($(".ant-dropdown").addClass("ant-dropdown-hidden"), tokenStr = null !== (_a = unsafeWindow.localStorage.token) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : "") try {
              tokenObj = JSON.parse(tokenStr), sAlert.msg("token\u4fe1\u606f", '<textarea style="width: 100%">' + tokenObj.refresh_token + "</textarea>", "auto");
          } catch (e) {
    "Token\u5e8f\u5217\u5316\u9519\u8bef,\u8bf7\u5411\u4f5c\u8005\u53cd\u9988," + e.toString());
          } else"\u672a\u80fd\u83b7\u53d6\u5230Token\u4fe1\u606f,\u8bf7\u91cd\u65b0\u767b\u5f55\u540e\u518d\u8bd5");
      }, AliyunPanToken.prototype.initEvent = function() {
          $("#onekeyvip-token").on("click", this.getToken);
      }, AliyunPanToken;
  },SettingService = function() {
      function SettingService() {
          var _this = null !== g && g.apply(this, arguments) || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.Settings, /settings\.wandhi\.com\/index\/index\/page/i ], [ SiteEnum.Settings_AutoJump, /settings\.wandhi\.com\/tools\/autojump\/page/i ], [ SiteEnum.Settings_AutoJump_Opt, /settings\.wandhi\.com\/tools\/autojump-op\/page/i ], [ SiteEnum.Settings_CSDN, /settings\.wandhi\.com\/tools\/csdn\/page/i ], [ SiteEnum.Settings_CSDN_Opt, /settings\.wandhi\.com\/tools\/csdn-op\/page/i ], [ SiteEnum.Settings_Search, /settings\.wandhi\.com\/tools\/search-helper\/page/i ], [ SiteEnum.Settings_Search_Opt, /settings\.wandhi\.com\/tools\/search-helper-op\/page/i ], [ SiteEnum.Settings_Bili_Pc_Opt, /settings\.wandhi\.com\/tools\/bilibili-pc-op\/page/i ], [ SiteEnum.Settings_Jiexi_Opt, /settings\.wandhi\.com\/tools\/jiexi\/page/i ], [ SiteEnum.Settings_WangPan_Opt, /settings\.wandhi\.com\/tools\/wangpan\/page/i ] ]),
          _this._unique = !1, _this._appName = "\u63a7\u5236\u9762\u677f", _this.semiui = !0,
      return __extends(SettingService, g), SettingService.prototype.loader = function() {
      }, = function() {
          switch ( {
            case SiteEnum.Settings:

            case SiteEnum.Settings_AutoJump_Opt:

            case SiteEnum.Settings_CSDN_Opt:

            case SiteEnum.Settings_Search_Opt:

            case SiteEnum.Settings_Bili_Pc_Opt:

            case SiteEnum.Settings_Jiexi_Opt:

            case SiteEnum.Settings_WangPan_Opt:
      }, SettingService.prototype.WangPanOpt = function() {
          var keys = new Map([ [ ConfigEnum.WangPan_Aria_Host, function(v) {
              return !!/^(http|https):\/\/\w+/.test(v) || (Toast.warning("Aria2\u5730\u5740\u683c\u5f0f\u9519\u8bef"),
          } ], [ ConfigEnum.WangPan_Aria_Port, function(v) {
              return !!/^\d+$/.test(v) || (Toast.warning("Aria2\u7aef\u53e3\u683c\u5f0f\u9519\u8bef"),
          } ], [ ConfigEnum.WangPan_Aria_Token, function(v) {
              return !0;
          } ], [ ConfigEnum.WangPan_Aria_Path, function(v) {
              return !0;
          } ], [ ConfigEnum.WangPan_Aria_Dir, function(v) {
              return !0;
          } ] ]);
          this.InputInit(keys, "text");
      }, SettingService.prototype.JiexiOpt = function() {
          var keys = new Map([ [ ConfigEnum.Jiexi_Cus_Interface, function(v) {
              try {
                  v.split("\n").forEach((function(e, i) {
                      if (2 != e.split("||").length) throw new Error;
              } catch (e) {
                  return Toast.error("\u81ea\u5b9a\u4e49\u63a5\u53e3\u683c\u5f0f\u9519\u8bef"), !1;
              return !0;
          } ] ]);
      }, SettingService.prototype.biliPcOpt = function() {
          var keys = [ ConfigEnum.BiliPc_Cover, ConfigEnum.BiliPc_Video_Download, ConfigEnum.BiliPc_Triple_Click ];
      }, SettingService.prototype.searchHelperOpt = function() {
          var keys = [ ConfigEnum.Search_Helper_Switch ];
      }, SettingService.prototype.autoJumpOpt = function() {
          var checkboxes = $("input[type=checkbox]");
          checkboxes.removeProp("disabled"), [ ConfigEnum.AutoJump_ZhiHu, ConfigEnum.AutoJump_CSDN, ConfigEnum.AutoJump_JianShu, ConfigEnum.AutoJump_Gitee, ConfigEnum.AutoJump_JueJin, ConfigEnum.AutoJump_Weibo, ConfigEnum.AutoJump_TuXiaoChao, ConfigEnum.AutoJump_OsCh, ConfigEnum.AutoJump_AiFaDian, ConfigEnum.AutoJump_Baidu, ConfigEnum.AutoJump_DouBan, ConfigEnum.AutoJump_g17173, ConfigEnum.AutoJump_TencentDoc ].forEach((function(e, i) {
              $("#" + e.toString()).prop("checked", Config.get(e.toString(), !0));
          })), checkboxes.on("change", (function(e) {
              var el =;
              Logger.debug("\u914d\u7f6e[" + + "]\u53d1\u751f\u53d8\u66f4,\u6700\u7ec8\u503c:[" + $("checked") + "]"),
              Config.set(, $(el).prop("checked")), Toast.success("\u4fdd\u5b58\u6210\u529f");
      }, SettingService.prototype.csdnOpt = function() {
          d = [ ConfigEnum.CSDN_OpAdClean, ConfigEnum.CSDN_OpImgLink, ConfigEnum.CSDN_OpCommentClean, ConfigEnum.CSDN_OpArticleClean, ConfigEnum.CSDN_OpClipboardClean ];
      }, SettingService.prototype.checkBoxInit = function(keys) {
          d = new Map( {
              return [ e, function(v) {
                  return !0;
              } ];
          this.InputInit(d, "checkbox");
      }, SettingService.prototype.InputInit = function(keys, type) {
          void 0 === type && (type = "checkbox");
          var ele = $("input[type=" + type + "]");
          ele.removeProp("disabled"), keys.forEach((function(f, e) {
              if ("text" == type) {
                  var v = Config.get(e.toString(), "");
                  Logger.debug("\u914d\u7f6e[" + e.toString() + "]\u521d\u59cb\u5316,\u503c:[" + v + "]"),
                  $("#" + e.toString()).val(v);
              } else "checkbox" == type && $("#" + e.toString()).prop("checked", Config.get(e.toString(), !0));
          })), ele.on("change", (function(e) {
              var el =;
              "text" == type ? (Logger.debug("\u914d\u7f6e[" + + "]\u53d1\u751f\u53d8\u66f4,\u6700\u7ec8\u503c:[" + $( + "]"),
              keys.get(, [ $(el).val() ]) && (Config.set(, $(el).val()), Toast.success("\u4fdd\u5b58\u6210\u529f"))) : "checkbox" == type && (Logger.debug("\u914d\u7f6e[" + + "]\u53d1\u751f\u53d8\u66f4,\u6700\u7ec8\u503c:[" + $("checked") + "]"),
              Config.set(, $(el).prop("checked")), Toast.success("\u4fdd\u5b58\u6210\u529f"));
      }, SettingService.prototype.TextAreaInit = function(keys) {
          $("textarea").removeProp("disabled"), keys.forEach((function(f, e) {
              $("#" + e.toString()).val(Config.get(e.toString(), "")), $("#" + e.toString()).on("change", (function(el) {
                  Logger.debug("\u914d\u7f6e[" + + "]\u53d1\u751f\u53d8\u66f4,\u6700\u7ec8\u503c:[" + $( + "]"),
                  f.apply(el, [ $( ]) && (Config.set(, $(,
      }, SettingService.prototype.initVer = function() {
      }, SettingService.prototype.removeAlert = function() {
      }, SettingService.prototype.injection = function() {
          unsafeWindow.window.scriptInfo = Config.env, unsafeWindow.window.gm_Set = Config.set,
          unsafeWindow.window.gm_Get = Config.get;
      }, SettingService;
  }, ControlMenuService = function() {
      function ControlMenuService() {
          var _this = null !== g && g.apply(this, arguments) || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.All, /.*/i ] ]), _this._appName = "\u63a7\u5236\u83dc\u5355",
          _this._unique = !1, c;
      return __extends(ControlMenuService, g), ControlMenuService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() {
          GM_registerMenuCommand("\u63a7\u5236\u4e2d\u5fc3", (function() {
      }, ControlMenuService;
  }, SearchService = function() {
      function SearchService() {
          var _this = null !== g && g.apply(this, arguments) || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.Baidu, /www\.baidu\.com\/(baidu|s)\?/i ], [ SiteEnum.Google, /www\.google\.com\/search\?/i ], [ SiteEnum.SoGou, /www\.sogou\.com\/web/i ], [ SiteEnum.SoGou, /www\.so\.com\/s\?/i ], [ SiteEnum.BingCn, /cn\.bing\.com\/search/i ] ]),
          _this._appName = "\u4fbf\u6377\u641c\u7d22", _this._unique = !1, _this.siteConfig = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.Baidu, "#kw" ], [ SiteEnum.Google, "input[name=q]" ], [ SiteEnum.SoGou, "#upquery" ], [ SiteEnum.BingCn, "#q" ] ]),
      return __extends(SearchService, g), SearchService.prototype.loader = function() {
          SearchService.currentSite =, this.siteConfig.has( && (SearchService.keySelector = this.siteConfig.get(;
      }, = function() {
          if (Config.get(ConfigEnum.Search_Helper_Switch, !0)) {
              var menus = [ new MfbModel("\u767e\u5ea6", "onekeyvip-baidu", (function() {
        "" + $(SearchService.keySelector).val());
              })), new MfbModel("\u641c\u72d7", "onekeyvip-sougou", (function() {
        "" + $(SearchService.keySelector).val() + "&ie=utf8");
              })), new MfbModel("\u8c37\u6b4c", "onekeyvip-google", (function() {
        "" + $(SearchService.keySelector).val());
              })), new MfbModel("360", "onekeyvip-360logo", (function() {
        "" + $(SearchService.keySelector).val());
              })), new MfbModel("Bing", "onekeyvip-biying", (function() {
        "" + $(SearchService.keySelector).val());
              })) ];
              new MfbMenu(Config.get(ConfigEnum.Search_OptMenuPos, "cl"), Config.get(ConfigEnum.Search_OptMenuMethod, "hover")).Init(menus);
      }, SearchService.keySelector = "#none", SearchService;
  }, QuarkFileResponse = function QuarkFileResponse() {}, NetDiskDirectService = function() {
      function NetDiskDirectService() {
          var _this = || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.KuaKeHome, /pan\.quark\.cn\/list/ ], [ SiteEnum.BaiduPanMain, /pan\.baidu\.com\/disk\/main/i ] ]),
          _this._appName = "NetDiskDirect", _this.semiui = !0, c;
      return __extends(NetDiskDirectService, g), NetDiskDirectService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() {
          NetDiskDirectService._site =, == SiteEnum.KuaKeHome ? (NetDiskDirectService.btnSelecotr = ".btn-operate",
          NetDiskDirectService.btn = '<div class="ovk-main" style="margin-right: 10px;">\n    <button type="button" class="ant-btn btn-file okv-btn-direct">\n        <img src="" class="btn-icon" alt="" style="width: 20px;height: 20px">\n        <span>\u83b7\u53d6\u76f4\u94fe</span>\n    </button>\n</div>',
          NetDiskDirectService.getSelecor = NetDiskDirectService.getQuarkSelectedFile, NetDiskDirectService.quarkListener(),
          Core.appendCssContent(".btn-operate {justify-content: flex-start !important;}")) : == SiteEnum.BaiduPanMain && (NetDiskDirectService.btnSelecotr = ".wp-s-agile-tool-bar__header",
          NetDiskDirectService.btn = '<div class="ovk-main" style="margin-right: 10px;">\n    <button type="button" class="u-button nd-file-list-toolbar-action-item u-button--primary u-button--small is-round is-has-icon okv-btn-direct" style="background: #09AAFF;border-color: #09AAFF;font-size: 14px;padding: 7px 16px;border: none;\n}">\n        <i class="u-icon u-icon-download"></i>\n        <span>\u83b7\u53d6\u76f4\u94fe</span>\n    </button>\n</div>',
          NetDiskDirectService.initButton(), NetDiskDirectService.baiduEvent(), NetDiskDirectService.commonEvent());
      }, NetDiskDirectService.quarkListener = function() {
          var _this = this;
          window.addEventListener("hashchange", (function(e) {
              return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
                  return __generator(this, (function(_a) {
                      switch (_a.label) {
                        case 0:
                          return "", "", "" === e.oldURL && "" === e.newURL ? [ 2 ] : [ 4, Core.sleep(.15) ];

                        case 1:
                          return _a.sent(), $(".quark-button").length > 0 ? [ 2 ] : (NetDiskDirectService.initButton(),
                          [ 2 ]);
          })), NetDiskDirectService.initButton(), NetDiskDirectService.quarkEvent(), NetDiskDirectService.commonEvent();
      }, NetDiskDirectService.baiduSelectedList = function() {
          try {
              return require("system-core:context/context.js").instanceForSystem.list.getSelected();
          } catch (e) {
              return unsafeWindow.document.querySelector(".wp-s-core-pan").__vue__.selectedList;
      }, NetDiskDirectService.getLogid = function() {
          return window.btoa(Core.getCookie("BAIDUID"));
      }, NetDiskDirectService.getToken = function() {
          var _a;
          return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
              var k, token, res;
              return __generator(this, (function(_b) {
                  switch (_b.label) {
                    case 0:
                      return k = "baidu_access_Token", (token = Config.get(k) && Config.get(k).length > 0 && Config.get(k)) ? [ 2, token ] : [ 4, Route.baiduAccessToken() ];

                    case 1:
                      return -1 !== (res = _b.sent()).indexOf("access_token") ? [ 3, 4 ] : [ 4, Route.baiduAccessTokenAuth() ];

                    case 2:
                      return _b.sent(), [ 4, Route.baiduAccessToken() ];

                    case 3:
                      if (-1 === (res = _b.sent()).indexOf("access_token")) return Toast.error("\u63d0\u793a\uff1a\u83b7\u53d6token\u5931\u8d25\uff01"),
                      [ 2, !1 ];
                      _b.label = 4;

                    case 4:
                      return (token = null === (_a = res.match(/access_token=([^&]+)/)) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a[1]) && Config.set(k, token, 21600),
                      [ 2, token ];
      }, NetDiskDirectService.sendLinkToRPC = function(filename, link, ua, cookie) {
          return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
              var url, rpcData, e_1;
              return __generator(this, (function(_a) {
                  switch (_a.label) {
                    case 0:
                      url = Config.get(ConfigEnum.WangPan_Aria_Host, "http://localhost") + ":" + Config.get(ConfigEnum.WangPan_Aria_Port, 6800) + Config.get(ConfigEnum.WangPan_Aria_Path, "/jsonrpc"),
                      rpcData = {
                          id: (new Date).getTime(),
                          jsonrpc: "2.0",
                          method: "aria2.addUri",
                          params: [ "token:" + Config.get(ConfigEnum.WangPan_Aria_Token, ""), [ link ], {
                              dir: Config.get(ConfigEnum.WangPan_Aria_Dir, "D:\\"),
                              out: filename,
                              header: [ "User-Agent: " + ua, "Cookie: " + cookie ]
                          } ]
                      }, _a.label = 1;

                    case 1:
                      return _a.trys.push([ 1, 3, , 4 ]), [ 4, Http.ajaxNew(url, "POST", rpcData, new Map([ [ "User-Agent", ua ] ])) ];

                    case 2:
                      return [ 2, !!_a.sent() ];

                    case 3:
                      return e_1 = _a.sent(), Logger.error(e_1), [ 2, !1 ];

                    case 4:
                      return [ d ];
      }, NetDiskDirectService.baiduEvent = function() {
          var _this = this;
          $(document).on("click", ".okv-btn-direct", (function(e) {
              var fidsStr, selectList = NetDiskDirectService.baiduSelectedList();
              0 !== selectList.length ? 2 !== (fidsStr = "[" + {
                  return item.fs_id;
              })).join(",") + "]").length ? _this.getToken().then((function(token) {
                  Route.baiduDriect(fidsStr, token).then((function(res) {
                      return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
                          var ck_1, _a;
                          return __generator(this, (function(_b) {
                              switch (_b.label) {
                                case 0:
                                  return Logger.debug(res), 0 !== res.errno ? [ 3, 2 ] : (_a = "BDUSS=", [ 4, Core.getGmCookie("BDUSS") ]);

                                case 1:
                                  return ck_1 = _a + _b.sent() + ";", sAlert.html("\u76f4\u94fe\u4fe1\u606f", NetDiskDirectService.generateDom( {
                                      var obj = new QuarkFileResponse;
                                      return obj.fid = e.fs_id.toString(), obj.file_name = e.filename, obj.download_url = e.dlink,
                                      obj.size = e.size, = "", obj.cookie = ck_1, obj;
                                  }))), !0, "\u6211\u597d\u4e86", "#3085d6", "auto"), [ 3, 3 ];

                                case 2:
                                  112 === res.errno ? Toast.error("\u63d0\u793a\uff1a\u9875\u9762\u8fc7\u671f\uff0c\u8bf7\u5237\u65b0\u91cd\u8bd5\uff01") : Toast.error("\u63d0\u793a\uff1a\u83b7\u53d6\u4e0b\u8f7d\u94fe\u63a5\u5931\u8d25\uff01\u8bf7\u5237\u65b0\u7f51\u9875\u540e\u91cd\u8bd5\uff01"),
                                  _b.label = 3;

                                case 3:
                                  return [ d ];
              })) : Toast.error("\u63d0\u793a\uff1a\u8bf7\u6253\u5f00\u6587\u4ef6\u5939\u540e\u52fe\u9009\u6587\u4ef6\uff01") : Toast.error("\u63d0\u793a\uff1a\u8bf7\u5148\u52fe\u9009\u8981\u4e0b\u8f7d\u7684\u6587\u4ef6\uff01");
      }, NetDiskDirectService.quarkEvent = function() {
          $(document).on("click", ".okv-btn-direct", (function(e) {
              var fids, selectList = NetDiskDirectService.getQuarkSelectedFile();
              Logger.debug("\u5938\u514b-\u9009\u62e9\u6587\u4ef6" + selectList), 0 !== selectList.length ? selectList.filter((function(e) {
                  return !e.file;
              })).length != selectList.length ? (fids = selectList.filter((function(e) {
                  return e.file;
              })).map((function(e) {
                  return e.fid;
              })), NetDiskDirectService._site == SiteEnum.KuaKeHome ? Route.quarkDriect(fids).then((function(res) {
                  if (Logger.debug(res), 31001 != res.code) if (0 == res.code) {
                      var data = {
                          return e.cookie = unsafeWindow.document.cookie, e;
                      sAlert.html("\u76f4\u94fe\u4fe1\u606f", NetDiskDirectService.generateDom(data), !0, "\u6211\u597d\u4e86", "#3085d6", "auto");
                  } else Toast.error("\u94fe\u63a5\u83b7\u53d6\u5931\u8d25,\u8bf7\u7a0d\u540e\u518d\u8bd5(" + res.code + ")"); else Toast.error("\u8bf7\u5148\u767b\u5f55\u7f51\u76d8");
              })) : sAlert.error("\u8bf7\u5148\u5c06\u6587\u4ef6\u4fdd\u5b58\u5230\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u7f51\u76d8")) : Toast.error("\u6682\u4e0d\u652f\u6301\u6587\u4ef6\u5939\u4e0b\u8f7d") : Toast.error("\u8bf7\u5148\u52fe\u9009\u8981\u4e0b\u8f7d\u7684\u6587\u4ef6");
      }, NetDiskDirectService.commonEvent = function() {
          var _this = this;
          $(document).on("click", ".quark-down-item", (function(e) {
    , !0);
          })), $(document).on("click", ".quark-copy-item", (function(e) {
              GM_setClipboard(, = "\u590d\u5236\u6210\u529f";
          })), $(document).on("click", ".quark-send-item", (function(e) {
              return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
                  var url, filename, ua, ck, res;
                  return __generator(this, (function(_a) {
                      switch (_a.label) {
                        case 0:
                          return url =, filename =, ua =,
                          "BDUSS=;" == (ck = && Toast.warning("cookie\u83b7\u53d6\u5f02\u5e38,\u4e0b\u8f7d\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u5931\u8d25,\u53ef\u5c1d\u8bd5\u4f7f\u7528\u811a\u672c\u732b\u907f\u514d\u8be5\u95ee\u9898"),
                          [ 4, NetDiskDirectService.sendLinkToRPC(filename, url, ua, ck) ];

                        case 1:
                          return res = _a.sent(), = res ? "\u53d1\u9001\u6210\u529f" : "\u53d1\u9001\u5931\u8d25(\u8bf7\u68c0\u67e5\u914d\u7f6e)",
                          [ d ];
      }, NetDiskDirectService.generateDom = function(list) {
          var rows = "";
          return list.forEach((function(e) {
              rows += '<tr>\n                        <td class="bili-table-cell">' + e.file_name + '</td>\n                        <td class="bili-table-cell">' + Core.sizeFormat(e.size) + '</td>\n                        <td class="bili-table-cell">\n                        <button class="okv-btn okv-btn-primary okv-btn-success quark-send-item" data-url="' + e.download_url + '" data-filename="' + e.file_name + '" data-ua="' + + '" data-ck="' + e.cookie + '">\u53d1\u9001Aria</button>\n                        <button class="okv-btn okv-btn-primary quark-copy-item" data-url="' + e.download_url + '">\u590d\u5236\u94fe\u63a5</button>\n                        <button class="okv-btn okv-btn-primary quark-down-item" data-url="' + e.download_url + '">\u4e0b\u8f7d</button>\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>';
          })), '<div style="height: 30rem">\n                    <div style="padding-bottom: 25px;">\u5982\u679c\u51fa\u73b0403\u8bf7\u5c1d\u8bd5<a style="color: red" target="_blank" href="">\u68c0\u67e5\u914d\u7f6e</a>\u6216\u5347\u7ea7<a target="_blank" href="">\u6700\u65b0\u7248\u672c</a>\n                    <p>\u76f4\u94fe<b style="color: red">\u5e76\u4e0d\u80fd</b> \u4ee3\u66ff\u7f51\u76d8VIP\u529f\u80fd\uff0c\u4e0d\u4f1a\u4f7f\u7528\u8bf7\u5148\u67e5\u770b<a href="" style="color: blue" target="_blank">Wiki</a></p>\n                    <p>\u76f4\u94fe\u529f\u80fd\u642d\u914dVIP\u4f1a\u5458\u624d\u80fd\u83b7\u53d6\u5230\u52a0\u901f\u94fe\u63a5<b>(<a href="' + NetDiskDirectService.bdVip1 + '" target="_blank" style="color: red">\u83b7\u53d6\u4e34\u65f6VIP\u2460</a>\uff0c<a href="' + NetDiskDirectService.bdVip2 + '" target="_blank" style="color: red">\u83b7\u53d6\u4e34\u65f6VIP\u2461</a>)</b></p>\n                    <p><b style="color: red">\u5927\u6587\u4ef6</b>\u8bf7\u4f18\u5148\u4f7f\u7528Aria\u4e4b\u7c7b\u7684\u4e0b\u8f7d\u5de5\u5177,\u76f4\u63a5\u70b9\u51fb\u4e0b\u8f7d\u5927\u6982\u7387\u4f1a\u6ca1\u6743\u9650</p>\n                    </div>\n                    <table class="bili-table bili-table-small">\n                        <thead class="bili-table-head">\n                            <tr>                        \n                                <th class="bili-table-cell">\u6807\u9898</th>\n                                <th class="bili-table-cell">\u5927\u5c0f</th>\n                                <th class="bili-table-cell">\u64cd\u4f5c</th>\n                            </tr>\n                        </thead>\n                        <tbody class="at-table-tbody">                    \n                            ' + rows + "\n                        </tbody>    \n                    </table>\n                </div>";
      }, NetDiskDirectService.initButton = function() {
          Core.autoLazyload((function() {
              return $(NetDiskDirectService.btnSelecotr).length > 0;
          }), (function() {
              Core.prepend(NetDiskDirectService.btnSelecotr, NetDiskDirectService.btn);
          }), .5);
      }, NetDiskDirectService.getQuarkSelectedFile = function() {
          var reactDom, props, fileList, selectedKeys_1, selectedList = [];
          try {
              return reactDom = document.getElementsByClassName("file-list")[0], (props = Core.getReact(reactDom).props) && (fileList = props.list || [],
              selectedKeys_1 = props.selectedRowKeys || [], fileList.forEach((function(val) {
                  selectedKeys_1.includes(val.fid) && selectedList.push(val);
              }))), selectedList;
          } catch (e) {
              return d;
      }, NetDiskDirectService.btnSelecotr = "", NetDiskDirectService.btn = "", NetDiskDirectService.bdVip2 = "",
      NetDiskDirectService.bdVip1 = "", NetDiskDirectService;
  }, AdClearService = function() {
      function AdClearService() {
          var _this = null !== g && g.apply(this, arguments) || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.Baidu, /\/s\?wd/i ], [ SiteEnum.YouTuBe, /\/watch/i ] ]),
          _this._unique = !1, _this._appName = "\u5e7f\u544a\u6e05\u7406", _this;
      return __extends(AdClearService, g), AdClearService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() {
      }, AdClearService.prototype.YoutubeMobile = function() {
          var css = [ "ytm-item-section-renderer:has(a[href*='googleads'])", "#masthead-ad", " #content:has(.ytd-display-ad-renderer)", "ytd-rich-section-renderer #dismissible", ".video-ads.ytp-ad-module", "tp-yt-paper-dialog:has(yt-mealbar-promo-renderer)", "#related #player-ads", "#related ytd-ad-slot-renderer", "ytd-ad-slot-renderer", "yt-mealbar-promo-renderer" ], cssText = css.join(",") + "{display:none!important;}";
          Core.appendCssContent(cssText),"YoutubeMobile AdClearService loaded");
      }, AdClearService;
  }, XhsService = function() {
      function XhsService() {
          var _this = null !== g && g.apply(this, arguments) || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.Xhs, /www\.xiaohongshu\.com\/explore/ ] ]),
          _this._appName = "xhs", _this._unique = !1, _this.semiui = !0, _this;
      return __extends(XhsService, g), XhsService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() {
          Logger.debug("xhs service");
[ {
              title: "\u672c\u6b21\u5173\u95ed",
              show: "\u672c\u6b21<br>\u5173\u95ed",
              type: "search"
          }, {
              title: "\u6c34\u5370\u89e3\u6790",
              show: "\u6c34\u5370<br>\u89e3\u6790",
              type: "process"
          }, {
              title: "\u7edd\u4e16\u597d\u5238",
              show: "\u7edd\u4e16<br>\u597d\u5238",
              type: "tb"
          }, {
              title: "\u4eac\u4e1c\u597d\u5238",
              show: "\u4eac\u4e1c<br>\u597d\u5238",
              type: "jd"
          } ], this._onClick);
      }, XhsService.prototype._onClick = function() {
          $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=process]", (function() {
          })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=search]", (function() {
          })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=tb]", (function() {
          })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=jd]", (function() {
      }, XhsService.xhsPorcess = function() {
          var _a, _b, _c, _d, info, noteId, note, selectNum, n, num, code, url = Core.url, res = /https:\/\/www\.xiaohongshu\.com\/explore\/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{5,22}/i.test(url);
          if (res) if (Core.getCookie("gid")) {
              if (noteId = null === (_a = null == (info = unsafeWindow.window.__INITIAL_STATE__) ? void 0 : info.note) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.firstNoteId.value) {
                  if (!(note = null === (_c = null === (_b = null == info ? void 0 : info.note) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b.noteDetailMap[noteId]) || void 0 === _c ? void 0 : _c.note)) return void Toast.error("\u5185\u5bb9\u4fe1\u606f\u83b7\u53d6\u5931\u8d25");
                  Logger.debug(note), "video" == (null == note ? void 0 : note.type) ? Toast.warning("\u6682\u4e0d\u652f\u6301\u89c6\u9891\u89e3\u6790") : "normal" == (null == note ? void 0 : note.type) ? (selectNum = $(".fraction").text(),
                  Logger.debug(selectNum), num = 0, null == (n = selectNum.match(/\d+/)) || n.length < 1 || (num = Number.parseInt(n[0])),
                  code = null === (_d = null == note ? void 0 : note.imageList[num > 0 ? num - 1 : num]) || void 0 === _d ? void 0 : _d.infoList[1].url,
        "" + window.btoa(code) + "&t=xhsimg")) : Toast.error("\u9519\u8bef\u7684\u6570\u636e\u7c7b\u578b,\u8bf7\u5411\u4f5c\u8005\u53cd\u9988(" + (null == note ? void 0 : note.type) + ")");
          } else Toast.warning("\u8bf7\u5148\u767b\u5f55\u5c0f\u7ea2\u4e66"); else Toast.warning("\u8bf7\u5148\u9009\u62e9\u4e00\u7bc7\u5185\u5bb9");
      }, XhsService;
  }, GfUpdateService = function() {
      function GfUpdateService() {
          var _this = || this;
          return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.All, /(.*)/i ] ]), _this._unique = !1,
          _this._appName = "update", c;
      return __extends(GfUpdateService, g), GfUpdateService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() {
          if (!Config.get(update_key, !1)) {
              var current = new VersionCompar(Config.env.script.version);
              this.scriptCat(current, d);
      }, GfUpdateService.prototype.scriptCat = function(current) {
          Route.RouteConfig().then((function(res) {
              Http.get(null == res ? void 0 : res.update, new Map, new Map, !1).then((function(r) {
                  var _a, _b, msg, version = new VersionCompar(null === (_b = null === (_a = null == r ? void 0 : || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.script) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b.version);
                  Logger.debug("\u5f53\u524d\u7248\u672c:[" + current.versionString + "],\u6700\u65b0\u7248\u672c:[" + version.versionString + "]"),
                  version.compareTo(current) === VersionResult.greater && (msg = '<span style="color: red">' + version.versionString + '</span>\u5df2\u53d1\u5e03.<a class="link" target="_blank" href="' + (null == res ? void 0 : res.home_url_update) + '">\u66f4\u65b0\u65e5\u5fd7</a>',
                  GM.addStyle(".swal2-popup{font-size: 16px !important}"),{
                      toast: !0,
                      position: "bottom-left",
                      icon: "success",
                      showCloseButton: !0,
                      showConfirmButton: !1,
                      title: "\u68c0\u67e5\u66f4\u65b0",
                      html: msg
                  })), Config.set(update_key, !0, 2 * Day);
      }, GfUpdateService;
  }, OneKeyVipGfInjection = function() {
      function OneKeyVipGfInjection() {
          this.plugins = new Array, this.plugins = [ Container.Require(AdClearService), Container.Require(GfUpdateService), Container.Require(ControlMenuService), Container.Require(SettingUIService), Container.Require(SettingService), Container.Require(AutoExpandService), Container.Require(AliyunPanToken), Container.Require(BiliImgService), Container.Require(BiliMobileService), Container.Require(MovieService), Container.Require(MusicService), Container.Require(CsdnAdService), Container.Require(WenKuService), Container.Require(LinkJumpController), Container.Require(YoutubeService), Container.Require(XhsService), Container.Require(SearchService), Container.Require(NetDiskDirectService) ],
"container loaded");
      return OneKeyVipGfInjection.prototype.Init = function() {
          this.plugins.every((function(element) {
              return element.linkTest() ? (new Promise((function(resolve) {
              })).then(element.Process), Logger.debug("element [" + element.appName() + "];unique:[" + element.unique() + "]"),
              !element.unique()) : (Logger.debug("element [" + element.appName() + "];not pass"),
      }, OneKeyVipGfInjection;
}), GM, (function(){
  return {
    site: function(SiteEnum) {
      SiteEnum.All = "All", SiteEnum.Settings = "Settings", SiteEnum.Settings_Jiexi_Opt = "Settings_Jiexi_Opt",
      SiteEnum.Settings_AutoJump = "Settings_AutoJump", SiteEnum.Settings_AutoJump_Opt = "Settings_AutoJump_Opt",
      SiteEnum.Settings_CSDN = "Settings_CSDN", SiteEnum.Settings_CSDN_Opt = "Settings_CSDN_Opt",
      SiteEnum.Settings_Search = "Settings_Search", SiteEnum.Settings_Search_Opt = "Settings_Search_Opt",
      SiteEnum.Settings_WangPan_Opt = "Settings_WangPan_Opt", SiteEnum.Settings_Bili_Pc_Opt = "Settings_Bili_Pc_Opt",
      SiteEnum.DongHaiList = "DongHaiList", SiteEnum.IQiYi = "IQiYi", SiteEnum.YouKu = "YouKu",
      SiteEnum.LeShi = "LeShi", SiteEnum.TuDou = "TuDou", SiteEnum.Tencent_V = "Tencent_V",
      SiteEnum.MangGuo = "MangGuo", SiteEnum.SoHu = "SoHu", SiteEnum.Acfun = "Acfun",
      SiteEnum.BiliBili = "BiliBili", SiteEnum.BiliMobile = "BiliMobile", SiteEnum.M1905 = "M1905",
      SiteEnum.PPTV = "PPTV", SiteEnum.YinYueTai = "YinYueTai", SiteEnum.WangYi = "WangYi",
      SiteEnum.Tencent_M = "Tencent_M", SiteEnum.KuGou = "KuGou", SiteEnum.KaoLa = "KaoLa",
      SiteEnum.KuWo = "KuWo", SiteEnum.XiaMi = "XiaMi", SiteEnum.TaiHe = "TaiHe", SiteEnum.QingTing = "QingTing",
      SiteEnum.LiZhi = "LiZhi", SiteEnum.MiGu = "MiGu", SiteEnum.XiMaLaYa = "XiMaLaYa",
      SiteEnum.WenKu = "WenKu", SiteEnum.YouTuBe = "YouTuBe", SiteEnum.SXB = "SXB", SiteEnum.BDY = "BDY",
      SiteEnum.ALY = "ALY", SiteEnum.ALY_P = "ALY_P", SiteEnum.BDY1 = "BDY1", SiteEnum.LZY = "LZY",
      SiteEnum.SuNing = "SuNing", SiteEnum.Steam = "Steam", SiteEnum.Vp = "Vp", SiteEnum.CSDN = "CSDN",
      SiteEnum.CSDN_Download = "CSDN_Download", SiteEnum.ZhiHu = "ZhiHu", SiteEnum.JianShu = "JianShu",
      SiteEnum.JueJin = "JueJin", SiteEnum.Gitee = "Gitee", SiteEnum.Weibo = "Weibo",
      SiteEnum.TuXiaoChao = "TuXiaoChao", SiteEnum.OsCh = "OsCh", SiteEnum.AiFaDian = "AiFaDian",
      SiteEnum.Baidu = "Baidu", SiteEnum.BaiduPanMain = "BaiduPanMain", SiteEnum.BaiduPanHome = "BaiduPanHome",
      SiteEnum.DouBan = "DouBan", SiteEnum.g17173 = "g17173", SiteEnum.Google = "Google",
      SiteEnum.SoGou = "SoGou", SiteEnum.KuaKeHome = "KuaKeHome", SiteEnum.TencentDoc = "TencentDoc",
      SiteEnum.TencentMail = "TencentMail", SiteEnum.TencentCloudBlog = "TencentCloudBlog",
      SiteEnum.SsPAi = "SsPai", SiteEnum.FeiShuDoc = "FeiShuDoc", SiteEnum.TencentQQ = "TencentQQ",
      SiteEnum.Shuma = "Shuma", SiteEnum.BD_DETAIL_OLD = "BD_DETAIL_OLD", SiteEnum.BD_DETAIL_NEW = "BD_DETAIL_NEW",
      SiteEnum.BD_DETAIL_Share = "BD_DETAIL_Share", SiteEnum.Gwd = "Gwd", SiteEnum.Xxqg = "Xxqg",
      SiteEnum.Juhaowan = "Juhaowan", SiteEnum.MhXin = "MhXin", SiteEnum.V2EX = "V2EX",
      SiteEnum.Github = "Github", SiteEnum.NodeSeek = "NodeSeek", SiteEnum.HiTv = "HiTv",
      SiteEnum.Xhs = "Xhs", SiteEnum.KingSoftDoc = "KingSoftDoc", SiteEnum.BingCn = "BingCn",
      SiteEnum.SiChuang = "SiChuang", SiteEnum.Uisdc = "Uisdc", SiteEnum.YuQue = "YuQue";
    intercept: function(newData, newUrl, interceptEnable) {
      if (config.firstInsert) {
          //insert override function to page
          let newData = `+ newData + `;
          let interceptEnable = `+ interceptEnable + `;
          let newUrl = '`+ newUrl + `';
          let debug = `+ config.debug + ` ? console.log.bind(console) : function () {
          let constantMock = window.fetch;
          window.fetch = function () {
              debug('arguments: ' + arguments[0]);
              debug('newUrl: ' + newUrl);
              if (interceptEnable && /\\/ajax\\/search\\/artworks/.test(arguments[0])) {
                  arguments[0] = newUrl;
              return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                  constantMock.apply(this, arguments)
                      .then((response) => {
                          if (interceptEnable && /\\/ajax\\/search\\/artworks/.test(response.url)) {
                              let blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(newData, null, 2)], { type: 'application/json' });
                              debug('newData: ' + JSON.stringify(newData));
                              let newResponse = new Response(
                                  blob, {
                                  status: response.status,
                                  statusText: response.statusText,
                                  headers: response.headers
                              debug('newResponse: ' + JSON.stringify(newResponse));
                              response = newResponse;
                              interceptEnable = false;
                      .catch((error) => {
          config.firstInsert = false;
      else {
          newData = `+ newData + `;
          interceptEnable = `+ interceptEnable + `;
          newUrl = '`+ newUrl + `';