Greasy Fork is available in English.


CraftNite cheat client. Credits 99% towelgreen and Jhon Pérgon for external API-request. U cant bann with this cheat.

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CheatNite client describtion by towelgreen.


plenty of WorldEdit commands (set, box, sphere, load from schematics, etc) featuring blazingly fast 500 block/sec build speeds
built-in adblock
custom server join
don't have to wait to respawn
no fog
deadlier bullets (1-shot anyone with anything)
bulletspam feature that unleashes a rain of bullets on your enemies (200 bullets/sec)
coordinate display in bottom-right of screen
infinite jump when flying
no fall when flying - use shift key to go down
further reach for pickaxe (for easier building)
faster rock throws (for easier building)
anti-afk (sometimes works, somethings doesn't)
command search in chat (after typing '/', use the up and down arrow keys to search. You can also search for blocks this way.)
invisible mode


(chatspam (q key) ) -Does not work anymore we will fix it soon
bulletspam (r key, for fast Reloads)
tntspam (t key, for Tnt)
ESP (e key)
go under bedrock floor (Shift key)
game screenshot (p key)
custom item (/item) (c key)
noclip (n key)
invisible (i key)
WorldEdit copy (ctrl-c)
WorldEdit paste (ctrl-v)
WorldEdit build (ctrl-b)

chat commands!
/truecoords - show true/unadjusted coords
/ignore [player ID] - ignore a player in chat by their ID
/unignore [player ID] - unignore a player in chat by their ID
/unstuck - if you get stuck (can turn around but can't move), run this command
/drain - remove the ocean / put it back
/item [ block name/ID] - Place any block. If block name/ID is not provided, the currently looked-at block is used. "random" is accepted as input for [block name].
/invsize [number] - set inventory size (default inventory size is 4)
/tp [player ID] - teleport to a player
/time set [night/day] - set sky to night (only affects client. "/time set night" for dark mode. "/time set day" to reset.)
/bg [ url] set background image for sky

//pos1 [ x y z] - if x, y, and z are not set, the current position is used
//pos2 [ x y z] - if x, y, and z are not set, the current position is used
//p1 [ x y z] - shorthand for //pos1
//p2 [ x y z] - shorthand for //pos2
//stop - stop the current running worldedit command
//positions - show pos1 and pos2 values
//set [block name] - fill the blocks between pos1 and pos2 with a type of block. "random" is accepted as input for [block name].
//box [block name] - create a box between pos1 and pos2 with a certain block. "random" is accepted as input for [block name].
//replace [ block ID start] [block name end] - Replace a certain block with another block. If the block ID start is not provided, the currently looked-at block is used. "random" is accepted as input for [block name end].
//sphere [block name] [radius] - create a filled sphere at pos1 with a certain block and given radius. "random" is accepted as input for [block name].
//hsphere [block name] [radius] - create a hollow sphere at pos1 with a certain block and given radius. "random" is accepted as input for [block name].
//copy - copy volume between pos1 and pos2
//paste - paste clipboard at current position
//clearclipboard - clear clipboard
//load (load .schem, .schematic, or .nbt builds into the client)
//builds (list currently loaded builds)
//build [ buildName] - builds the specified build at the current position. If buildName is not provided, the build loaded most recently is used.

You find different commands using the up and down arrow keys. Same trick works for finding block names if you don't remember the full name.

Added by KeineAhnung4u:

Block Names: