Better Youtube Shorts

Provide more control functions for YouTube Shorts, including automatic/manual redirection to corresponding video pages, volume control, progress bar, auto scrolling, shortcut keys, and more.

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리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2024-08-27

same as before, when commenting, ctrl+arrow key, or arrow key (left/right), scroll bar should not be active

backward and forward should be change to alt+left, alt+right, scroll change to alt+up, alt+down

Meriel Varen개발자
작성: 2024-08-27

same as before, when commenting, ctrl+arrow key, or arrow key (left/right), scroll bar should not be active

backward and forward should be change to alt+left, alt+right, scroll change to alt+up, alt+down

well, this is kinda difficult to achieve, since the original logic of youtube shorts is that you can scroll up and down while you comment, i cannot forbid it, sorry for this

작성: 2024-08-27

i dont think so, original youtube short, using PageUp & PageDown to scroll, not arrow up & down, when typing in the comments column

but when mouse click outside video, yes arrowkey down & up for scrolling

Meriel Varen개발자
작성: 2024-08-28
수정: 2024-08-28

Hmmm, am I using the YouTube Special Edition? Cause when I turned off all browser plugins and opened YouTube Shorts in browser privacy mode, it was true that using arrow up or arrow down on the comment screen would make the shorts scroll, or maybe it's related to the location?

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