
Adds a bunch of customization options to V3

< StarTube 피드백


작성: 2024-05-23
수정: 2024-05-23

The settings are meant to be in the footer, but I cannot see them. Tampermonkey (script is also loaded in it) and V3 are installed already. Also, no extensions are stopping StarTube from working as I have checked already.

작성: 2024-05-23

They have not been in the footer for a while now. They are now in the same place as the regular V3 settings.

작성: 2024-05-23
수정: 2024-05-23

Alright thank you. But if you don't mind answering I have one more questi. I used to use your CustomTube extension and it had a setting to make the side panel stay on the 2015 layout (I wouldn't have to open it up everytime). I couldn't see it when I looked so most likely not but still. Does the setting also exist on StarTube or no?

작성: 2024-05-23

Nevermind, I have found the setting. Thanks again for the previous problem I had.

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