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Chrome New Webstore make available for all web browsers which support it

Make extensions in the new version of Google Chrome Webstore be available for all web browsers which support it

< Chrome New Webstore make available for all web browsers which support it 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2024-06-21


After discovering your script, it works very well on Google Chrome Portable version 80 (which I use for websites that incredibly no longer work well on the new versions of Google Chrome on my side O_O).
In addition, it allowed me to install extensions before their imminent death by Google and it's very useful :-)

Only, I just would like to know if you think that it's also possible to add directly the name before the id and the number version of crx file please ?
Because sometimes, it happens that I download several extensions then after a moment when storing them in folders on Windows I realize that the names of the extensions are missing...

Besides, I don't always check the name of the file to save due to lack of time for example...

Thank you for your answer.

Google Chrome Browser with Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey

작성: 2024-06-22

Not impossible, but it would be problematic, since it may hinder the extension installation in the first place.

작성: 2024-06-24

Okay, I understand and thanks a lot for your very awesome script :-)

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