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Turkmaster (Mturk)

A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.

< Turkmaster (Mturk) 피드백


작성: 2017-12-30

watch hit that you accept

when i accept a hit and the hit is not available there is no watch that hit like before.

작성: 2018-01-01

With the way the new site works it's not as easy to provide "watch this hit" as it used to be. I'm going to work on a workaround for that as soon as I get a few bugs fixed.

작성: 2018-01-03

Be a pain in the but, but is there a quick way to add a manual entry for that missed hit for now?

작성: 2018-01-03

Not sure if this helps, but what I do is before trying to accept the hit I just hit watch hit first thing because I know there is not much hope of getting the hit on the first try. So I watch hit first then it's there in case I'm too late accepting it.

작성: 2018-01-04

devin i try that watch hit option myself but if that hit comes available it will say not qualified in the corner of the window and never take the hit.if you have figured out any way around that i would love to hear.i myself miss the watch hit on the page when the hit is not available,my earnings have taken a major blow since i have not been able to do that anymore...i have tried to use hit forker with panda crazy running in a separate window but it just is not near as effective as tm use to be on the old site.

작성: 2018-01-04

Sorry, I am not sure. I have seen it say not qualified in the box on the bottom right hand corner of the screen, but I have still been able to auto accept hits and get to them from my watched hits on the left side of the screen. I think maybe there has been a time or two when I saw the not qualified thing on the bottom right when my page watcher saw it but my auto accept hit watcher missed it. Sorry, not sure what the problem is. I have also been having trouble getting hits lately, but I think my auto accept is working.

작성: 2018-05-03

I don't know if this helps, but i use panda crazy. i grab the panda link from hit scraper, add it to the jobs and toggle to only collect once. its the painfully long way to do it, but it has helped me grabbed several missed hits. hope it helps.

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