Youtube share url si parameter remover.

Script for removing si parameter from share url.

< Youtube share url si parameter remover. 피드백

리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2024-02-04
수정: 2024-02-04

I've fixed the playlist breaking problem. Instruction below.


url_field.value = split[0] + (split[2] ? '?' + split[2] : '');

this line into

if (split[1].includes("si=")) {
                        url_field.value = split[0] + (split[2] ? '?' + split[2] : '');
                    else if (split[2].includes("si=")) {
                        url_field.value = split[0] + (split[2] ? '?' + split[1] : '');


Then it will work perfectfully for both videos and playlists. I'm not expecting if any other exceptions are needed or there can be a better code, so far.

작성: 2024-04-24

it's fixed now, sorry for not fixing earlier

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