Tampermonkey Config

Simple Tampermonkey script config library

이 스크립트는 직접 설치해서 쓰는 게 아닙니다. 다른 스크립트가 메타 명령 // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/470224/1449525/Tampermonkey%20Config.js(으)로 포함하여 쓰는 라이브러리입니다.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.


🪄 Function

Simple config lib for Tampermonkey scripts. (Greasy Fork) (GitHub)

🎉 Features

  • Automatically update the menu when config is modified (by either user or script)
  • Support listeners for config get/set
  • Support multi-tab synchronization
  • Support either auto or manual menu registration
  • Highly customizable
    • Customizable config value input method (prop.input)
    • Customizable processors for user inputs (prop.processor)
    • Customizable menu command display (prop.formatter)
  • Automatically delete user config that is equal to default value, in order to save storage space

🤔 Permission

This library needs the following permissions to work:

// @grant        GM_setValue // Save your config
// @grant        GM_getValue // Get your config
// @grant        GM_deleteValue // Automatically delete your config (Optional. If granted, this lib will delete user config that is equal to default value)
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand // Register menu
// @grant        GM_unregisterMenuCommand // Update menu
// @grant        GM_addValueChangeListener // Listen for config changes

Delete the comment if you copied and pasted the code, or there might be errors. You may want to delete @grant none (if present). If you used window object in your script, try @grant unsafeWindow and then let window = unsafeWindow.

📖 Usage

Determine version

console.log(GM_config.version); // *Print version*

Config description

The first step is to define your config description, which is a dictionary and each of its key (apart from possible $default) represents the id of a config item.


By using $default, you can easily create a lot of config items of the same type. If $default is not specified in config description, following values will be used to fill unspecified fields in a config item:

    input: "prompt",
    processor: "same",
    formatter: "normal"

If you'd like to modify the default value, you may provide $default in your config description to override the above default values. e.g.:

const configDesc = {
    "$default": {
        value: true,
        input: "current",
        processor: "not",
        formatter: "boolean"
    switch_true: {
        name: "Switch true"
    switch_false: {
        name: "Switch false",
        value: false


The display name of the config item. Expected type: string.


The default value of the config item, can be of any type. Note that you should consider its validity, because this lib will not check default value's validity for you.


(prop, orig) => input

How to get user input. Expected a string (built-in input method) or a function (invoked when user clicks the menu item). It accepts the name of config item and returns user input. If not specified by both prop.input and $default.input, prompt will be used, i.e. ask for user input using prompt(). Note that "user input value" does not necessarily have to be actually input by user, it can be provided by script. (e.g. built-in input method current).

Built-in input methods:

  • prompt: Ask for user input using prompt() (default value)
  • current: Current value will be used as user input (Usually used with prop.processor=not so as to create a switch, or with custom processor to create a generator)


(input) => stored

How to process user input. Expected a string (built-in processor) or a function. It accepts user input and returns value to be stored. Throw error if user input is invalid. If not specified by both prop.formatter and $default.formatter, same will be used, i.e. return user input directly. A common use case is to convert user input to integers or floats.

Built-in processors:

  • same: Return user input directly
  • not: Invert boolean value (Usually used with prop.input=current so as to create a switch)
  • int: Convert to integer
  • int_range-min-max: Convert to integer in range [min, max]
    • It is not advisable to omit -, because there might be errors.
    • <min> and <max> can be any integer. Not provided inferred as no limit on that side.
  • float: Convert to float
  • float_range-min-max: Convert to float in range [min, max]
    • It is not advisable to omit -, because there might be errors.
    • <min> and <max> can be any float. Not provided inferred as no limit on that side.


(name, value) => string

How to display the menu item. Expected a string (built-in formatter) or a function. It accepts the name of config item and its current value, and returns the text to be displayed on the menu. If not specified by both prop.formatter and $default.formatter, normal will be used.

Built-in formatters:

  • normal: Display in the format of name: value
  • boolean: Display method aimed for boolean values. true will be displayed as name: ✔, false will be displayed as name: ✘.

Frequently used combinations

const configDesc = {
    // Switch
    enabled: {
        name: "Enabled",
        value: true,
        input: "current",
        processor: "not",
        formatter: "boolean"
    // Integer
    value: {
        name: "Value",
        value: -10,
        processor: "int"
        // Omitted default values: input="prompt", formatter="normal"
    // Natural number
    price: {
        name: "Price",
        value: 114,
        processor: "int_range-1-",
    // Float and positive number is basically the same as above. Use `float` and `float_range-0-`
    // String
    name: {
        name: "Name",
        value: "Crazy Thur."
        // Omitted default values: input="prompt", processor="same", formatter="normal"
    // Just invokes a function when clicked
    action: {
        name: "Some action",
        value: "",
        input: () => {
            // Do something
            return "";
        formatter: (name) => name

Other Tampermonkey provided properties

Supports prop.accessKey, prop.autoClose, prop.title (Require TM >=4.20.0). See Tampermonkey docs for details.

Register menu

After defining your config description, you can register the menu item by constructing a GM_config instance. The constructor accepts the following two arguments:

  • configDesc: Your config description
  • options: Options (optional)
    • immediate: Whether to register the menu items immediately.
      • If set to true, the menu item will be registered immediately. (default value)
      • If set to false, the user need to click "Show configuration" to register it.
    • debug: Whether to enable debug mode. If set to true, debug information will be printed to console. Default value is false. (Can be modified by config.debug at any time)
const config = new GM_config(configDesc, { immediate: false }); // *Register menu*
console.log(config.get("price")); // *You may now start using the config 🎉*

Get/set config

After registering the menu, you can get/set config by accessing the GM_config instance. e.g:

console.log(config.get("price")); // *Get config*
config.set("price", 100); // *Modify config* (The menu will be updated automatically)

Alternatively, operate on config.proxy to get/set config. e.g:

console.log(config.proxy.price); // *Get config*
config.proxy.price = 100; // *Modify config* (The menu will be updated automatically)

Listen for config get/set

You can listen for config get/set by calling config.addEventListener(type, listener, options?):

config.addEventListener("set", (e) => {
    console.log(e.detail); // *Config is modified*
config.addEventListener("get", (e) => {
    console.log(e.detail); // *Config is accessed*

It should be noted that get event is only triggered when the config is accessed by the script in the current window, while set event is triggered when the config is modified by the script in any window. This feature of set makes multi-tab synchronization possible.

As you might have expected, you can remove the listener by calling config.removeEventListener(type, listener, options?). These two methods are identical to EventTarget.addEventListener and EventTarget.removeEventListener.

e.detail is a dictionary with the following properties:

  • prop: The id of the config item accessed/modified.
  • before: The value of the config item before the operation.
  • after: The value of the config item after the operation.
  • remote: Indicating whether this modification is caused by the script instance in another tab. Always false for get event.

This feature is often used to update your script dynamically when config is modified. In this lib, auto-updating menu is implemented by this feature.

To sum up: the process of modifying config

  1. User clicks the menu command
  2. Pass prop.name and current value to prop.input to get user input
  3. Pass user input to prop.processor to get processed value
  4. Save processed value
  5. Dispatch event with corresponding detail
  6. Update menu command (triggered by the event)

👀 Working example

Install below code as a script, and see how does it work:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Test Config
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.0.0
// @description  This is an example to demostrate the usage of greasyfork.org/scripts/470224.
// @author       PRO
// @match        https://greasyfork.org/*
// @icon         https://greasyfork.org/vite/assets/blacklogo16-bc64b9f7.png
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_addValueChangeListener
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/470224/1448594/Tampermonkey%20Config.js
// @license      gpl-3.0
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    const configDesc = { // Config description
        password: {
            name: "Password", // Display name
            value: "tmp", // Default value
            input: "prompt", // How to get user input (Invoked when user clicks the menu command)
            // Built-in values:
            // "current": Current value will be passed to `processor` as user input (generator-like)
            // "prompt": Use `prompt` to get user input (default value)
            // <function>: Custom function to get user input, should return certain value to be processed by `processor`
            //     (prop, orig) => input
            processor: (v) => {
                if (v.length < 3) throw "Too short!";
                return v;
        enabled: {
            name: "Enabled",
            value: true,
            input: "current",
            processor: "not", // Process user inputs, throw error if invalid
            // Built-in processors:
            // "same": Return user input directly (default value)
            // "not": Invert boolean value
            // "int": Convert to integer
            // "int_range-min-max": Convert to integer in range [min, max], raise error if invalid ("" for no limit)
            // "float": Convert to float
            // "float_range-min-max": Convert to float in range [min, max], raise error if invalid ("" for no limit)
            // <function>: Custom function to process value
            //     (input) => stored
            formatter: "boolean", // Format value to be displayed in menu command
            // Built-in formatters:
            // "normal": `${name}: ${value}`
            // "boolean": `${name}: ${value ? "✔" : "✘"}`
            // <function>: Custom function to format value
            //     (name, value) => string
        val: {
            name: "Float",
            value: 11.4,
            processor: "float_range-0-" // Convert to float in range [0, +∞)
    const config = new GM_config(configDesc, { immediate: false, debug: true }); // Register menu commands
    config.addEventListener("set", (e) => { // Listen to config changes
    window.setTimeout(() => { // Change config values, and menu commands will be updated automatically
        config.proxy.val += 1; // Remember to validate the value before setting it
    }, 5000);

Alternatively, you can try out this lib in action with Greasy Fork Enhance.

⚠️ Note

This project is in early development, and the API may change in the future. If you have any suggestions or find any bugs, please feel free to open an issue or pull request.