Mobile browser Gestures Extended (MbGE)

Add touch gesture functions to mobile browsers, such as ↓↑back to top, ↑↓back to bottom, →←back, ←→forward, →↓close tab, →↑restore the page just closed, etc. There are text gestures, image gestures, video gestures and more. You can also customize your gestures. Kiwi browser, Yandex browser and Lemur browser are recommended.

필터: 지난 30일 지난 365일 모두

일일 설치 수

주간 설치수

일일 업데이트 확인 수

비가공 데이터

날짜 설치 수 업데이트 확인 수
2025-01-08 2 6
2025-01-09 0 9
2025-01-10 0 3
2025-01-11 2 4
2025-01-12 1 6
2025-01-13 0 2
2025-01-14 0 6
2025-01-15 0 7
2025-01-16 0 1
2025-01-17 0 4
2025-01-18 0 7
2025-01-19 0 3
2025-01-20 0 7
2025-01-21 0 3
2025-01-22 0 3
2025-01-23 1 5
2025-01-24 0 3
2025-01-25 0 2
2025-01-26 2 4
2025-01-27 1 6
2025-01-28 0 4
2025-01-29 0 6
2025-01-30 0 4
2025-01-31 1 7
2025-02-01 1 5
2025-02-02 2 6
2025-02-03 1 7
2025-02-04 1 5
2025-02-05 0 5
2025-02-06 0 4
모든 데이터 다운로드: JSON CSV