BC: do free downloads

adds a link that triggers buy for $0; set format to FLAC and click download. multiple purchases get a "download all" link (wait for them to process before using). Set your email at the top of the script if you want it autofilled.

< BC: do free downloads 피드백


작성: 2023-12-08

Been using this for a week and noticed it breaks on pages with both a free download and a paid physical purchase option. Example. I fixed this by changing the li.buyItem selector to li.buyItem.digital and the button.buy-link to button.buy-link.download-link.

Combined, these move the "Start free download" text to the correct position and put the click onto the correct button. I've not extensively tested these changes, so they may cause other issues, but so far so good.

작성: 2023-12-22
수정: 2023-12-22

thankyou, I'll look into making those changes soon

this tool is also very useful: https://github.com/daot/bcdl

작성: 2023-12-23

Thanks for the suggestion!

작성: 2024-01-08


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