Features: Automatically score 5000 Points | Score randomly between 4500 and 5000 points | Open in Google Maps
< Geoguessr Location Resolver (Works in all modes) 피드백
You can replace the numbers with an appropriate number for each key, e.g. changing 49 to 70 will change the key from 1 to F.
You can use this site to find the numbers for the keys: https://www.toptal.com/developers/keycode
The relevant code with the numbers you need to change is below
let h = (e) => {
if(e.keyCode === 49){km(true)}
if(e.keyCode === 50){km(false)}
if(e.keyCode === 51){qq()}
if(e.keyCode === 52){vn()}
if(e.keyCode === 53){hr()}
if(e.keyCode === 54){ed()}
pls how to change binds