Force Join

A userscript that bypasses initial data timeout error

< Force Join 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2023-02-02

I get the "unable to load" error as soon as I launch the game
(It's not an incompatibility since I tried it with only this and the injector enabled)

작성: 2023-02-19

Update 1.0.2 should now fix this

작성: 2023-02-19

I just tried the latest version with only Force Join and the Code Injector enabled, but get the same problem

작성: 2023-02-19

That's strange. Are you able to look at the browser's devtool console and see any error occurring? Errors will only appear after pressing OK on the alert.

작성: 2023-02-19

The only error I get is The 30:67 mentioned is the line
let callbackFunction = newSrc.match(/\(\)=>\{([\w$]{3})\([^\)]/)[1];

I tried changing that line to the following:

let match = newSrc.match(/\(\)=>\{([\w$]{3})\([^\)]/)
let callbackFunction = match[1];

With this, match is printed as just (null):
(Not sure if that is helpful but just in case)

작성: 2023-02-19

Yeah that is helpful debugging, thank you. That regex line was actually changed in the 1.0.2 update, so it seems like you haven't properly updated the mod. When updated, the regex should instead read as /\(\)=>\{[^=]{0,20}?([\w$]{3})\([^\)]/ and shouldn't error out.

작성: 2023-02-19

Oh, you're right; I now see the 1.0.1 version at the top of my installation of the userscript. Sorry, I didn't check because I reinstalled it from the Greasyfork website, using Tampermonkey, on which I never had it installed previously (16 days ago, that was me on Violentmonkey). I'm not sure why that gave me the previous version.

When I replace the regex, the error is gone, and the script works! Sorry again for the confusion, and thank you for the assistance

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