// ==UserScript==
// @name MH Region Quick Travel
// @author Warden Slayer
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/227259-wardenslayer
// @version 1.6.8
// @description Adds a travel toolbar to the HUD to make traveling between areas in the same region quicker and easier
// @icon https://www.mousehuntgame.com/images/items/weapons/974151e440f297f1b6d55385310ac63c.jpg?cv=2
// @include https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js
// @include http://www.mousehuntgame.com/*
// @include https://www.mousehuntgame.com/*
// ==/UserScript==
$(document).ready(function () {
const debug = localStorage.getItem('ws.debug');
if (debug == true) {
console.log('Region Quick Travel Started');
$(document).ajaxComplete(function (event, xhr, options) {
let properties = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('ws.mh.travel.props'));
if (
options.url ==
) {
properties.previousLocation = properties.currentLocation;
localStorage.setItem('ws.mh.travel.props', JSON.stringify(properties));
function loadFunction() {
setTimeout(buildTravelBar, 700);
function getData() {
const debug = localStorage.getItem('ws.debug');
let properties = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('ws.mh.travel.props'));
if (properties) {
} else {
properties = {};
const userID = user.sn_user_id;
const dataItemOfInterest = ['region_name', 'not_a_real_field'];
hg.utils.User.getUserData([userID], dataItemOfInterest, function (data) {
properties.currentRegion = data[0].region_name;
properties.currentLocation = user.environment_type;
localStorage.setItem('ws.mh.travel.props', JSON.stringify(properties));
if (debug == true) {
console.log('props', properties);
function buildTravelBar() {
if ($('.travelBarContainer').length > 0) {
const mousehuntHud = $('#hudLocationContent');
const travelBarContainer = document.createElement('div');
float: 'left',
'text-align': 'left',
width: '97%',
height: '25px',
margin: '5px',
padding: '2px',
'linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(215,215,215,1) 2%, rgba(213,213,215,1) 71%, rgba(228,228,228,1) 100%)',
border: '2px solid black',
let properties = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('ws.mh.travel.props'));
const regionAreas = getRegionLocations(
regionAreas.forEach(function (array) {
let thisTag = Object.keys(array)[0];
let thisName = array[thisTag];
if (thisTag == properties.currentLocation) {
} else {
const thisButton = document.createElement('button');
thisButton.id = 'regionTravelButton';
$(thisButton).attr('destination', thisTag);
$(thisButton).addClass('mousehuntActionButton small');
const title = 'Travel to ' + thisName;
$(thisButton).attr('title', title);
const travelText = document.createElement('span');
'font-size': '12px',
marginRight: '4px',
if (properties.previousLocation) {
const returnButton = document.createElement('button');
returnButton.id = 'returnButton';
if (properties.previousLocation) {
$(returnButton).attr('destination', properties.previousLocation);
$(returnButton).addClass('mousehuntActionButton small');
const title =
'Return to previous location: ' +
$(returnButton).attr('title', title);
const returnText = document.createElement('span');
$(returnText).addClass('travelText').text('Go Back').css({
'font-size': '12px',
marginRight: '4px',
float: 'right',
$(document).on('click', '#regionTravelButton, #returnButton', function () {
const debug = localStorage.getItem('ws.debug');
let properties = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('ws.mh.travel.props'));
properties.previousLocation = user.environment_type;
localStorage.setItem('ws.mh.travel.props', JSON.stringify(properties));
if (debug == true) {
function getRegionLocations(currentRegion) {
let regionAreas = [];
let tags = [];
if (currentRegion == 'Gnawnia') {
tags = ['meadow', 'town_of_gnawnia', 'windmill', 'harbour', 'mountain'];
} else if (currentRegion == 'Valour') {
tags = ['kings_arms', 'tournament_hall', 'kings_gauntlet'];
} else if (currentRegion == 'Whisker Woods') {
tags = ['calm_clearing', 'great_gnarled_tree', 'lagoon'];
} else if (currentRegion == 'Burroughs') {
tags = [
} else if (currentRegion == 'Furoma') {
tags = ['training_grounds', 'dojo', 'meditation_room', 'pinnacle_chamber'];
} else if (currentRegion == 'Bristle Woods') {
tags = ['catacombs', 'forbidden_grove'];
} else if (currentRegion == 'Tribal Isles') {
tags = [
} else if (currentRegion == 'Varmint Valley') {
tags = ['claw_shot_city', 'train_station', 'fort_rox'];
} else if (currentRegion == 'Queso Canyon') {
tags = ['queso_river', 'queso_plains', 'queso_quarry', 'queso_geyser'];
} else if (currentRegion == 'Rodentia') {
tags = [
} else if (currentRegion == 'Sandtail Desert') {
tags = [
} else if (currentRegion == 'Hollow Heights') {
tags = [
} else if (currentRegion == 'Folklore Forest') {
tags = [
} else if (currentRegion == 'Rift Plane') {
tags = [
} else if (currentRegion == 'Great Winter Taiga') {
tags = [
tags.forEach(function (loc) {
const thisLocation = {};
thisLocation[loc] = getLocationNames(loc);
return regionAreas;
function getLocationNames(tag) {
const locNames = {
meadow: 'Meadow',
town_of_gnawnia: 'Town of Gnawnia',
windmill: 'Windmill',
harbour: 'Harbour',
mountain: 'Mountain',
kings_arms: "King's Arms",
tournament_hall: 'Tournament Hall',
kings_gauntlet: "King's Gauntlet",
calm_clearing: 'Calm Clearing',
great_gnarled_tree: 'Great Gnarled Tree',
lagoon: 'Lagoon',
laboratory: 'Laboratory',
mousoleum: 'Mousoleum',
town_of_digby: 'Town of Digby',
bazaar: 'Bazaar',
pollution_outbreak: 'Toxic Spill',
training_grounds: 'Training Grounds',
dojo: 'Dojo',
meditation_room: 'Meditation Room',
pinnacle_chamber: 'Pinnacle Chamber',
catacombs: 'Catacombs',
forbidden_grove: 'Forbidden Grove',
cape_clawed: 'Cape Clawed',
elub_shore: 'Elub Shore',
nerg_plains: 'Nerg Plains',
derr_dunes: 'Derr Dunes',
jungle_of_dread: 'Jungle of Dread',
dracano: 'Dracano',
balacks_cove: "Balack's Cove",
claw_shot_city: 'Claw Shot City',
train_station: 'Gnawnian Express Station',
fort_rox: 'Fort Rox',
queso_river: 'Queso River',
queso_plains: 'Prickly Plains',
queso_quarry: 'Cantera Quarry',
queso_geyser: 'Queso Geyser',
ss_huntington_ii: 'SSH IV',
seasonal_garden: 'Seasonal Garden',
zugzwang_tower: "Zugzwang's Tower",
zugzwang_library: 'Crystal Library',
slushy_shoreline: 'Slushy Shoreline',
iceberg: 'Iceberg',
sunken_city: 'Sunken City',
desert_warpath: 'Fiery Warpath',
desert_city: 'Muridae Market',
desert_oasis: 'Living Garden',
lost_city: 'Lost City',
sand_dunes: 'Sand Dunes',
fungal_cavern: 'Fungal Cavern',
labyrinth: 'Labyrinth',
ancient_city: 'Zokor',
moussu_picchu: 'Moussu Picchu',
floating_islands: 'Floating Islands',
foreword_farm: 'Foreword Farm',
prologue_pond: 'Prologue Pond',
table_of_contents: 'Table of Contents',
bountiful_beanstalk: 'Bountiful Beanstalk',
school_of_sorcery: 'School of Sorcery',
draconic_depths: 'Draconic Depths',
rift_gnawnia: 'Gnawnia Rift',
rift_burroughs: 'Burroughs Rift',
rift_whisker_woods: 'Whisker Woods Rift',
rift_furoma: 'Furoma Rift',
rift_bristle_woods: 'Bristle Woods Rift',
rift_valour: 'Valour Rift',
winter_hunt_grove: 'Cinnamon Hill',
winter_hunt_workshop: 'Golem Workshop',
winter_hunt_fortress: 'Ice Fortress',
halloween_event_location: 'Gloomy Greenwood',
return locNames[tag];