Twitch Raid Referral Remover

A simple script to remove the "?referrer=raid" from the URL after raiding to another streamer

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name           Twitch Raid Referral Remover
    // @name:de        Twitch Raid Referral Entferner
    // @description    A simple script to remove the "?referrer=raid" from the URL after raiding to another streamer
    // @description:de Ein einfaches Userscript, um nach einem Raid von der URL den Tag `?referrer=raid` zu entfernen.
    // @author         Tirre_G
    // @homepage
    // @namespace
    // @version        0.2.1
    // @license         The Unlicense
    // @icon 
    // @match          *://**?referrer=raid
    // @match          *://**
    // @grant          none
    // @run-at         document-start
    // ==/UserScript==

    (function() {
        'use strict';
        // listen for changes
        setInterval(function() {
            if (location.href.match(/\?referrer=raid/gi)){
                location.href = location.href.replace(/\?referrer=raid/gi,"");
        }, 500);