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리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2024-10-19

does not work on this link for a long time (here already several times about it wrote).
But I'll write a little more detail in what the problem

Redirects here nullrefer.me/?https://fitdynamos.com/?page_id=76357606
Then it redirects here google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&q=full+body+slant+board&url=https://fitdynamos.com/&ved=2ahUKEwjG6r_7zPOIAxXtSfEDHUdIGYYQFnoECAkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw32xcC3FJbHnSYYiu1HvujT

And then the bypass breaks the link and redirects to this google.com/full%20body%20slant%20board
and as a result we get 404 from Google.

Please fix the script so that it correctly processes links and does not break them.
And just in case, adding that with the script disabled, all redirects occur correctly.

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