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리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2023-03-07

Thank you for the script. It's working on some linkvertise links. For example, this link is not bypassing the download page. https://linkvertise.com/610272/7in1/1 Maybe the link is wrong?

작성: 2023-03-08

Thank you for the script. It's working on some linkvertise links. For example, this link is not bypassing the download page. https://linkvertise.com/610272/7in1/1 Maybe the link is wrong?

Sometime it error from the sl itself, for example if they (linkvertise owner) update their website than it'll make it error when bypassing.
At another case, there's probability the sl from publisher expired so they need to re-new their token/key from linkvertise.
There's still a lot of thing which can make it error, like extension, connection, etc.

작성: 2023-03-11

Thank you for the script. It's working on some linkvertise links. For example, this link is not bypassing the download page. https://linkvertise.com/610272/7in1/1 Maybe the link is wrong?

Your link is not wrong , but my script not 100% working for all linkvertise types , at this time i don't have idea to fix it
this is your real destination https://mega.nz/folder/CNZAhJAQ#asdrvXSgOJaxbRtepWIakg

작성: 2023-03-16

Hey, Great work with the bypasser. It can't bypass this one, any suggestions? https://link-target.net/96052/ofkey153

It shows this alert box(Sorry... Error Bypassing , Please Solve the Captcha to Continue).

I have installed Nocaptcha: and set the delay limit to 3000 and 4000 but neither seems to be working for me.

Can you take a look?

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