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작성: 2022-06-02

I comment a lot of this but these two new shortlinks I found didn't get bypassed https://punyamerk.top https://froggyreviews.com/mylead-review-2022-why-this-is-best-affiliate-network/

작성: 2022-06-02

this is the first time you comment about that site ,because you give me wrong example of the shortlink and i never meet that site
or give me the site where you found that site.

i'm not listed new site before i check it working or not for me, when the listed site not working that mean owner of the site has change the code

작성: 2022-06-02

No, no. Sorry. I meant that I just comment too much feel like I am trouble. The shortlinks when posted here it doesn't lead to the shortlink. This is one of them https://solanaborobudur.my.id/yleYeT0F

작성: 2022-06-03

No, no. Sorry. I meant that I just comment too much feel like I am trouble. The shortlinks when posted here it doesn't lead to the shortlink. This is one of them https://solanaborobudur.my.id/yleYeT0F

i don't think like that for user that give much feedback,while the user commented with manners, i will be happy, and this is one of the reasons so I'm still excited to update this Scripts.

Please Update to the latest version , all your requested links has been bypassed. Don't forget to vote up my manual captcha script from openuserjs, Thanks

작성: 2022-07-02

that site is already listed , please always use the latest version

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