모든 짧은 링크 사이트 우회는 성가신 링크 단축기를 자동으로 건너뛰고 목적지로 직접 이동합니다.
Done , Please update to the latest version .
for Recaptcha Solver is better using Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans extension by Armin Sebastian
and configure the API with Wit.ai service https://github.com/dessant/buster/wiki/Configuring-Wit.ai
Thank you ever so much man. ❤❤❤
will try the captcha and let you know for sure
super duper script. cant thank enough for this script. makes the work so easy.Please add automatic bypass for feyyorafun, dexlink and shfey.
Also Recaptcha Solver script has been taken down by uploader. can someone please share the script if you have it. thanks in advance