Hide Amazon's Checkout flyout sidebar

Hide Amazon's weird ugly Checkout flyout sidebar.

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리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2021-08-13

Thanks! I don't know about you, but I actually used to like the flyout until the recent change, since it was actually useful. It showed item information, price, etc., so I used it a lot for comparing products. With the redesign, though, it can be difficult to even tell 2 very similar products apart on the side--and comparing them is obviously completely impossible.

I really don't know why they changed it...but no sidebar is better than a useless one!

작성: 2021-08-20

Glad you like it.

Yeah the half page checkout was miles better than this newer one. But I kinda wish they'd just do a popup one that shows when you cover the basket. So that it's not there until you want it.
I don't get why we have to lose a giant chunk of sceenspace the entire time

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