Tabview Youtube

YouTube 동영상의 댓글 및 목록을 탭으로 만듭니다

< Tabview Youtube 피드백

리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2022-10-30

Please add a way to disable this :(
I would love this script if it wasnt for it, i really think it looks ugly, specially the the buttons!

작성: 2022-10-30

This is how i would like it to look, way nicer :(

작성: 2022-11-06

This feature is now removed in 2.10.1

You screenshot layout is legacy version of Youtube Layout. This will be soon changed to new layout.

In my browser, it is already the new layout, so I cannot do testing for the old layout.
Please let me know if the update works for you or not.

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