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Twitch Automation

Removes annoyances and automates tasks.

< Twitch Automation 피드백


작성: 2021-01-04

Next update can you do something for channel point gambling? Like auto gamble a percentage of your total channel points! And in 2 updates from now you can set parameters for how it automatically decides what to gamble on! Feel free to dm me on discord if you end up considering this idea. - Zachary#2096

작성: 2021-01-04

I could do that I guess. I first need to make an interface, The message logs will appear on a new browser tab when a trigger is clicked, from that tab I could also add more functions like the one you mention.

작성: 2021-01-05
수정: 2021-01-05

So, I think I've done that by now, gonna upgrade it further, just tell me if it's good for you.
But first of all you need to find your username and oauth token.


This data never leaves your browser and is thus safe but still be careful since the script is experimental, don't let it do too much unsupervised work.

Oh and all values of 1000 represent one second.
5 mins = 5 * 60 * 1000 = 300000

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