Less Annoying Twitter

Why would I want to follow a topic?

< Less Annoying Twitter 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2020-10-14
수정: 2020-10-14

The script works very well. Thank you very much for this.

Highly recommended for anyone who wants a "less annoying Twitter".

It's really nothing, not important at all, but to be perfect, when the script removes the "who to follow" or "topics to follow" sections, it should remove the separators too.

I hope you can add more features to it in the future, as Twitter has several other "very annoying" things.

For example, to see 15 replies to a tweet, sometimes you have to click three or more times on buttons like "show replies", "show more replies", "show replies with content that may be offensive", etc.

It would be excellent if the script could skip all of that, forcing the page to always show the entire list of replies.

Anyway, you've done an excellent work here, thanks again.

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