Remove Anything Related To Manga On MAL And On Anime.Plus

Removes Anything Related To Manga On MAL And On Anime.Plus

이 스크립트의 모든 버전입니다. 코드가 바뀐 버전만 보기

  • v19 2024-06-06
  • v19 2023-06-13

    Updated to work better with the Better Mal Favs script.

  • v18 2023-06-11
  • v18 2023-06-06

    Now the script removes the "buy manga on amazon" button if it exists.

  • v17 2022-08-15
  • v17 2022-07-23

    Minor code bug fixes and improvements

  • v16 2022-05-21

    Fixed bug that was making the script run on any anime entry related pages, instead of running only on the anime entry main page.

  • v15 2022-05-20

    Fixed bug that was making the script run on any profile related page, instead of running only on the profile main page.

  • v14 2022-05-06

    Update to work properly with the script "Better MAL Favs"

  • v13 2022-04-28

    Version number updated

  • v2.1 2021-12-22

    Fixed script icon.

  • v2.0 2021-12-04

    Fixed bug that wasn't removing the Manga Stats and the Last Manga Updates on profiles.

  • v1.9 2021-11-20

    Fixed bug that wasn't removing the RSS Manga related links on profiles.

  • v1.8 2021-11-19

    Fixed bug that wasn't removing the Manga Stats, Last Manga Updates, and RSS Manga related links on profiles.

  • v1.7 2021-10-16

    Now the script also removes on forum topics: The manga store suggestions on the bottom of the page. The manga store button on the right side top on the page.

  • v1.6 2021-08-31

    Now the script removes the manga store volume suggestions on

  • v1.5 2021-08-25

    Now the script will also remove the: Buy manga btn below the anime image Buy manga btn above the anime stats Manga store suggestions in the middle of the page

  • v1.4 2021-05-14

    Fixed "bug" that was making the script not highlight manga links on animes/mangas on the related animes/mangas section, because of the script

  • v1.3 2021-05-05
  • v1.3 2021-03-27
  • v1.3 2021-01-13
  • v1.3 2020-12-29 Fixed bug that wasn't removing the Manga Stats and Last Updates on profiles
  • v1.2 2020-12-28 Fixed bugs. Code Improvements and Beautified.Now instead of disabling manga links, they will have a yellow background. When searching on the quick Add page the script will now also remove the Manga Results.
  • v1.1 2020-11-23 Updated to work with this script "MyAnimeList(MAL) - Hover List, Notifications and Profile dropdown"
  • v1.0 2020-10-07
  • v1.0 2020-10-07
  • v1.0 2020-08-18
  • v1.0 2020-07-25