Instagram 다운로더

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< Instagram 다운로더 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2024-05-05

I'd recommend to make the following changes to work on "/reel/" urls:

const postIdPattern = /^\/(p|reel)\/([^/]+)\//;
const postUrlPattern = /instagram\.com\/(p|reel)\/[\w-]+\//;

작성: 2024-05-05

I'd recommend to make the following changes to work on "/reel/" urls:

const postIdPattern = /^\/(p|reel)\/([^/]+)\//;
const postUrlPattern = /instagram\.com\/(p|reel)\/[\w-]+\//;

Correction, only:
const postUrlPattern = /instagram\.com\/(p|reel)\/[\w-]+\//;

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