Custom Native HTML5 Player with Shortcuts

Custom html5 player with shortcuts and videos with audio

< Custom Native HTML5 Player with Shortcuts 피드백


작성: 2022-03-01

How can I completely disable this functionality? - "Plus Remembering Per-Site Volume Settings and Previously Watched Video Times (Continuing Where You Stopped Watching). - IT Does Keep Track Of Yt Video Times, So Any Previously Watched Video Pick Up Where You Left Off."
I am completely unnecessary, and I do not want to accumulate the log file of these settings for hundreds of viewed by me over the week.
Is it possible to achieve this - Commmming some rows in the script code?

작성: 2022-03-03

Commenting out lines 1226 - 1232 should do the trick for YT. Imagus times are not remembered anyway. Other random videos watched in the native replacement player will still be remembered though.

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