Greasy Fork is available in English. Add 'Next screenshot' and 'Previous screenshot' buttons

Adds 'Next screenshot' and 'Previous screenshot' buttons to screenshots uploaded to (Lightshot) so the user can cycle through the screenshots uploaded to the website.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Add 'Next screenshot' and 'Previous screenshot' buttons
// @namespace
// @version      0.1.3
// @description  Adds 'Next screenshot' and 'Previous screenshot' buttons to screenshots uploaded to (Lightshot) so the user can cycle through the screenshots uploaded to the website.
// @author       SUM1
// @icon
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    if (/^https?:\/\/\/\w{1,9}\/?$/.test(document.URL)) { //                                           Check if we're on a screenshot URL. If we are,
        let style = 'padding:5px 10px;border:1px solid #000;border-radius:5px;margin:3px;cursor:pointer;'; // declare a variable for the style of the buttons;
        let styleHover = style + 'border-color:#545;color:#545;'; //                                          declare a variable for the style of the buttons while hovering over them;
        let styleMouseDown = style + 'background-color:#ccc;'; //                                             declare a variable for the style of the buttons while clicking them.

        let prevButton = document.createElement('button'); //                                                 Create the 'Previous screenshot' button.
        prevButton.innerHTML = '← Previous screenshot'; //                                                    Create its text.
        prevButton.setAttribute('onclick', 'window.location.href = (parseInt(window.location.href.substring(\\//) + 4), 36) - 1).toString(36)'); // Set its function for when clicking it. The function takes the URL's alphanumerical string (which is in base 36; all digits and letters), subtracts 1 from it then takes the user to the new URL. = style; //                                                                          Set its style to the previously declared style.
        prevButton.onmouseenter = function(){ = styleHover;}; //                              Set its style to change to the previously declared hover style when the mouse hovers over it.
        prevButton.onmouseleave = function(){ = style;}; //                                   Set its style to change back when the user moves the mouse away.
        prevButton.onmousedown = function(){ = styleMouseDown;}; //                           Set its style to change to the previously declared mousedown style when the user clicks the button.
        prevButton.onmouseup = function(){ = style;}; //                                      Set its style to change back when the user releases the mouse button.
        document.body.insertBefore(prevButton, document.querySelector('div.image-constrain')); //             Add the button to the webpage, above the screenshot.

        let nextButton = document.createElement('button'); //                                                 Create the 'Next screenshot' button.
        nextButton.innerHTML = 'Next screenshot →'; //                                                        Create its text.
        nextButton.setAttribute('onclick', 'window.location.href = (parseInt(window.location.href.substring(\\//) + 4), 36) + 1).toString(36)'); // Set its function for when clicking it. The function takes the URL's alphanumerical string (which is in base 36; all digits and letters), adds 1 to it then takes the user to the new URL. = style; //                                                                          Set its style to the previously declared style.
        nextButton.onmouseenter = function(){ = styleHover;}; //                              Set its style to change to the previously declared hover style when the mouse hovers over it.
        nextButton.onmouseleave = function(){ = style;}; //                                   Set its style to change back when the user releases the mouse button.
        nextButton.onmousedown = function(){ = styleMouseDown;}; //                           Set its style to change to the previously declared mousedown style when the user clicks the button.
        nextButton.onmouseup = function(){ = style;}; //                                      Set its style to change back when the user releases the mouse button.
        document.body.insertBefore(nextButton, document.querySelector('div.image-constrain')); //             Add the button to the webpage, above the screenshot.