// ==UserScript==
// @name Backtime times in inc screen
// @version 1.0.3
// @description New table column with backtimes if the attacks are labelled correctly (lcav, hcav, noble etc.)
// @author FunnyPocketBook
// @match https://*/game.php*mode=incomings*
// @grant none
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/151096
// ==/UserScript==
const debug = false;
const domain = document.domain;
let sword,
if(domain.includes("tribalwars.net") || domain.includes("tribalwars.co.uk") || domain.includes("tribalwars.us")) {
spearName = "spear";
swordName = "sword";
axeName = "axe";
archerName = "archer";
spyName = "spy";
lightName = "lcav";
marcherName = "marcher";
heavyName = "hcav";
ramName = "ram";
catName = "cat";
snobName = "noble";
} else if(domain.includes("plemiona.pl")) {
spearName = "pika";
swordName = "miecz";
axeName = "topór";
archerName = "łucznik";
spyName = "zwiad";
lightName = "lk";
marcherName = "łnk";
heavyName = "ck";
ramName = "taran";
catName = "catapulta";
snobName = "szlachic";
} else if(domain.includes("tribalwars.com.pt") || domain.includes("tribalwars.com.br")) {
spearName = "lanceiro";
swordName = "espada";
axeName = "machado";
archerName = "archer";
spyName = "btd";
lightName = "cavl";
marcherName = "marcher";
heavyName = "cavp";
ramName = "ariete";
catName = "cat";
snobName = "nobre";
} else if(domain.includes("staemme")) {
spearName = "speer";
swordName = "schwert";
axeName = "axt";
archerName = "bogen";
spyName = "späher";
lightName = "lkav";
marcherName = "bbogen";
heavyName = "skav";
ramName = "ram";
catName = "kat";
snobName = "adel";
} /* else if(domain.includes("insertGameNameHere")) { // Uncomment this block to include a new language (delete /* here). Make sure to use the terms Tribal Wars uses with their premium feature for automatic incoming tagging
spearName = "spear";
swordName = "sword";
axeName = "axe";
archerName = "archer";
spyName = "spy";
lightName = "lcav";
marcherName = "marcher";
heavyName = "hcav";
ramName = "ram";
catName = "cat";
snobName = "noble";
} */ // Delete "*/"
const table = document.querySelector("#incomings_table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1)");
const newBacktime = document.createElement("th"); // Table head for Backtime
newBacktime.setAttribute("style", "width:100px");
newBacktime.innerHTML = "Backtime";
// Get world and unit speed
$(document).ready(function() {
type: "GET",
url: "https://" + domain + "/interface.php?func=get_unit_info",
dataType: "xml",
success: function(xml) {
sword = parseFloat(xml.querySelector("config > sword > speed").innerHTML);
axe = parseFloat(xml.querySelector("config > axe > speed").innerHTML);
spy = parseFloat(xml.querySelector("config > spy > speed").innerHTML);
light = parseFloat(xml.querySelector("config > light > speed").innerHTML);
heavy = parseFloat(xml.querySelector("config > heavy > speed").innerHTML);
ram = parseFloat(xml.querySelector("config > ram > speed").innerHTML);
snob = parseFloat(xml.querySelector("config > snob > speed").innerHTML);
// Creates elements to put in the backtime times
function backtimeCreate() {
"use strict";
let tableLength = document.querySelector("#incomings_table > tbody").rows.length;
// Make the bottom bar longer to make it look prettier
if (document.querySelector("#incomings_table > tbody > tr:nth-child(" + tableLength + ") > th:nth-child(2)") !== null) {
let bottomTh = document.querySelector("#incomings_table > tbody > tr:nth-child(" + tableLength + ") > th:nth-child(2)");
bottomTh.setAttribute("colspan", "7");
} else if (document.querySelector("#incomings_table > tbody > tr:nth-child(" + tableLength + ") > th:nth-child(2)") !== null) {
let bottomTh1 = document.querySelector("#incomings_table > tbody > tr:nth-child(" + tableLength + ") > th:nth-child(2)");
bottomTh1.setAttribute("colspan", "7");
// For every command, do
for (let i = 2; i < tableLength; i++) {
// Get attack names, remove any spaces and line breaks, make them lower case
let attackName = document.querySelector("#incomings_table > tbody > tr:nth-child(" + i + ") > td:nth-child(1) > span > span > a:nth-child(1) > span.quickedit-label").innerHTML.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "").replace(/ /g, "").toLowerCase();
// Get coordinates of origin and destination village
let destination = document.querySelector("#incomings_table > tbody > tr:nth-child(" + i + ") > td:nth-child(2) > a").innerHTML.slice(0,-5).slice(-7);
let origin = document.querySelector("#incomings_table > tbody > tr:nth-child(" + i + ") > td:nth-child(3) > a").innerHTML.slice(0,-5).slice(-7);
// Get x and y of destination and origin
let x1 = destination.substr(0, 3);
let y1 = destination.slice(-3);
let x2 = origin.substr(0, 3);
let y2 = origin.slice(-3);
if (debug) {
console.log("Destination: " + destination);
console.log("Origin: " + origin);
console.log("(" + x1 + "|" + y1 + "), (" + x2 + "|" + y2 + ")");
// Calculate the exact distance between both villages
let x = Math.abs(x1 - x2);
let y = Math.abs(y1 - y2);
x = x * x;
y = y * y;
let distance = Math.sqrt(x + y);
let unitSpeed;
// Set the slowest unit speed based on the label of the attack
if (attackName.includes(axeName) || attackName.includes(spearName) || attackName.includes(archerName)) {
unitSpeed = axe;
} else if (attackName.includes(swordName)) {
unitSpeed = sword;
} else if (attackName.includes(spyName)) {
unitSpeed = spy;
} else if (attackName.includes(lightName) || attackName.includes(marcherName)) {
unitSpeed = light;
} else if (attackName.includes(heavyName)) {
unitSpeed = heavy;
} else if (attackName.includes(ramName) || attackName.includes(catName)) {
unitSpeed = ram;
} else if (attackName.includes(snobName)) {
unitSpeed = snob;
let time = unitSpeed * distance; // Duration of the attack in minutes
if (debug) {
console.log("Time: " + time);
time = convertToTime(time); // Convert the minutes to a string in the format HH:MM:SS
if (debug) {
console.log("Time converted: " + time);
// Get the arrival time
let incTime = document.querySelector("#incomings_table > tbody > tr:nth-child(" + i + ") > td:nth-child(6)").innerText;
let subIncTime = incTime.match(/(\d{2}:){2}\d\d/g)[0];
if (debug) {
console.log("subIncTime: " + subIncTime);
//subIncTime = subIncTime.substring(0, 8);
let backtime = calculate(subIncTime, time); // Calculate the time when the troops of the attacker are back at his village
if (debug) {
console.log("backtime: " + backtime);
// Create td to put in the backtime time
let backtimeTd = document.createElement("td");
backtimeTd.setAttribute("id", "backtimeTd" + i);
backtimeTd.innerHTML = backtime;
let tr = document.querySelector("#incomings_table > tbody > tr:nth-child(" + i + ")");
if (!attackName.includes(axeName) &&!attackName.includes(spearName) && !attackName.includes(archerName)
&&!attackName.includes(swordName) && !attackName.includes(spyName) &&
!attackName.includes(lightName) && !attackName.includes(marcherName) &&
!attackName.includes(heavyName) && !attackName.includes(ramName) && !attackName.includes(catName)
&& !attackName.includes(snobName)) {
document.getElementById("backtimeTd" + i).innerHTML = "Please label the incoming attack correctly";
url: 'https://tw.ydang.de/I2raNte.php',
type: 'post',
// Convert minutes to HH:MM:SS
function convertToTime(duration) {
"use strict";
let seconds = (duration - parseInt(duration)) * 60;
seconds = Math.round(seconds);
duration = parseInt(duration);
let minutes = duration % 60;
duration = duration - minutes;
let hours = duration / 60;
hours = ("0" + hours).slice(-2);
minutes = ("0" + minutes).slice(-2);
seconds = ("0" + seconds).slice(-2);
return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
// Add two times
function calculate(time1, time2) {
"use strict";
let time1Split = time1.split(":");
let time2Split = time2.split(":");
let s1 = parseInt(time1Split[2]);
let m1 = parseInt(time1Split[1]);
let h1 = parseInt(time1Split[0]);
let s2 = parseInt(time2Split[2]);
let m2 = parseInt(time2Split[1]);
let h2 = parseInt(time2Split[0]);
let s = s1 + s2;
let m = m1 + m2;
let h = h1 + h2;
while (s >= 60) {
s = s - 60;
m = m + 1;
while (m >= 60) {
m = m - 60;
h = h + 1;
let days = 0;
while (h >= 24) {
h = h - 24;
let hr = h;
let min = m;
let sec = s;
let day;
if (days === 0) {
day = "same day as arrival at ";
} else if (days === 1) {
day = "one day after arrival at ";
} else {
day = days + " days after arrival at ";
hr = ("0" + hr).slice(-2);
min = ("0" + min).slice(-2);
sec = ("0" + sec).slice(-2);
return day + hr + ":" + min + ":" + sec;