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< 만화 베틀 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2024-09-01

I tried to install it on my Greasemonkey for Pale Moon, but I've got this error:
"Install error
Script processing is impossible:
Expression @match http*://*.mangacopy.com/* is ignored, because of: Error: @match: The scheme provided is incorrect: http*, Expression @match http*://*.copymanga.tv/* is ignored, because of: Error: @match: The scheme provided is incorrect: http*"
I think in both cases it should be "*" and not "http*"
Please help.

작성: 2024-09-01
수정: 2024-09-01

The 'Greasemonkey for Pale Moon' is too old(last update in 2018).

I've tried to make this script compatible, but issues keep arising one after another.

It doesn't support the ES6 standard for Javascript, doesn't support Wasm, doesn't support some common CSS styles, and doesn't support ArrayBuffer(for download).

So this script cannot work on 'Greasemonkey for Pale Moon'.

작성: 2024-09-01

The 'Greasemonkey for Pale Moon' is too old(last update in 2018).

I've tried to make this script compatible, but issues keep arising one after another.

It doesn't support the ES6 standard for Javascript, doesn't support Wasm, doesn't support some common CSS styles, and doesn't support ArrayBuffer(for download).

So this script cannot work on 'Greasemonkey for Pale Moon'.

Well, in that case, I should either use another browser for this script, or there should be another script manager for Pale Moon (and I don't know if there are any other script managers for Pale Moon which still work). As for Firefox Mobile, it works there fine.

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